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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. F4D-1

    Don't have time to go hunting just now and I'm not at home so can't double check my installs, but I'm pretty sure there are two versions in the D/L's. One if I remember right has a very out of date flight model the other if you can find it should handle much better. Craig
  2. Re Rirestreaks & Redtops, I tend to find they shouldn't be fired at more than 1.5nm from the target. They should be almost as fast as other missiles though they don't seem to be, they also only have about a 2.5nm range so there isn't a lot of time for them to chase down anyone going much above 350 knots... though when they do hit they have one hell of a warhead :) Craig
  3. Target: Invincible

    I already told you, she stayed behind to provide a CAP over the island incase Argentina started getting ideas again. She was then relieved by Illustrious and went home. Craig
  4. Target: Invincible

    Eh? Only if we redefine the word "won". As for the conspiracy of the invincible cover up... I've had arguments with fruit-loops actually suggesting that the ship was lost and rebuilt secretly in the States over a period of 1 to 2 months, hence why she was late back to Portsmouth, nothing at all to do with the fact that she stayed on station to provide a CAP over the Islands until relieved after the war. Others claimed that the crew have been silenced for decades, not possible on such a scale as someone would have spoken out by now, similarly the casualties could not have been covered up as families would have know what ship the deceased were serving on. I've seen all three Invincible class ships in port at the same time and been aboard all three at various times. I have been below decks on Invincible and saw no evidence of massive structural repair. I'm a mechanical engineer, if such repairs had been done I would have known. The attack may have been conducted but Invincible most certainly did NOT take any hits. Craig
  5. Some F-35 things

    To be fair the missiles were being abused by ground crews misshandling them between flights, the way they were treated its a wonder any of them worked... this dosn't happen anymore. Craig
  6. F-15 down in the Pacific

    Glad he got out, quite a few birds gone down in that neck of the woods in the last couple of years. Also strictly speaking he aint in the MB club since they didnt make the seat :P Craig
  7. Thanks guys, got her set up now. Swapped out the F-4 pit for the lightning F1, not ideal when coming aboard but gives it a more Brittish feel. Craig
  8. Quite liking this run off what if Brit birds you two are pumping out Noticed a goof in the airbrakes though, deploying them causees a dramatic roll to the left: [RightAirbrake] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=airbrake_L <---------- should be "airbrake_R" AnimationID=4 DragArea=1.50 Craig ps, think the drop tank might be missing as well?
  9. The "Iron Lady" is gone...

    If she was so capable and trustworthy why was she ousted from her own party? Run another poll say a year or so from now when people arn't looking back with rose tinted glasses. Another poll placed her as being a more popular PM than Winston Churchill, somehow I doubt that would have happened had the poll been conducted a week before her death. Craig
  10. Looking good. Off to watch "13 Days" while we wait :) Craig
  11. The "Iron Lady" is gone...

    Hate is maybey a bit strong for most but there are certainly more who dislliked/distrusted her than otherwise. Craig
  12. Oh s**t!

    Re. load shift, I'm sure I read this was reported by the crew prior to impact. Pretty painfull to watch. Craig
  13. Fj-3/4 Fury

    Demon/Cougar/Skyray/Tiger: http://combatace.com/files/category/276-us-navy-aircraft/ Craig :)
  14. Only got around to installing the New Hornets yesterday and for some reason I've got a hankering to fly a CF-188B, probably due to that fly on the wall Cold Lake show a couple of years back. Saw some skins for the original MF mod however I was wondering if anyone had done any foreign operator skins for the new Mod Mafia Hornets? Don't want it to sound like a request, if they don't exst then so be it, however if I'm stumbling around with my eyes shut could someone direct me to them? Craig
  15. New Hornet skins

    Yeah I remember reading that at the time, wasn't until I put it in game last night I ralised just how much had gone into it. Will have a go at sorting out the rudders and Canadian birds at some point over the next week or so. Also noticed the fan disks on the CF-118B arn't quite right, spinning off centre and undersizesd with white bits. Havn't had time to check if its occuring on any of the other birds yet. Thanks for the heads up on the rail :) Craig
  16. New Hornet skins

    Just double checked, only showing USN and USMC. Think i goofed, I only downloaded the 1.1 packs, entirely American. Went and grabed the 1.0 pack and its showing foreign skins. Craig Installed and flown, some decals missing, no shadows and the rudders are permanently angled inwards. Don't know if anyones planing on working on it anymore. New pit is major improvement
  17. Ark Royal/ Victorious Vs. Essex? CVA-01 Vs. Kittyhawk? Havn't tried any of yours out yet but this is the sort of thing I do in the MB all the time :) Craig
  18. NK in state of war with the South?

    Have I got news for you paraphrased: "News has emerged from Pyongyang regarding their lattest round of nuclear tests.... coincidently "Pyongyang" is the sound made by the rubber bands used to launch their nuclear missiles." Craig
  19. From the USMC Aviation Museum, Havelock NC

    My thoughts as well, the A-6 looks like it just jumped off the flightline. Craig
  20. The "Iron Lady" is gone...

    Like many (most?) in the UK I will not be shedding any tears either. Handled the Falklands well but thats it, at home she was a butcher. Craig
  21. Vampire to Phantom.... one hell of an upgrade there loll Craig
  22. F-22 - Worth It?

    To be fair what cost the RAF in GW1 was flying low with nothing to hide behind, large flat open desert is a very different environment to hilly/mountainous Europe where the low level tactics were developed for. Though as you say, down low sooner or latter you get hit by fluke whereas the same cannot nessisarily be said for high alt. Craig
  23. F-22 - Worth It?

    Right so no piece of military equipment should ever be deployed incase it gives the enemy propaganda points... or alternativly maybey it will live up to the hype and wipe the floor with them just like it has in every excersise to date. The reason the other aircraft arn't so widely talked about is because there simply wern't that many other aircraft shot down, and none of those that were required special measures to bring down. In all probability with better mission planning ie not flying over the same spot at the same time every single night then the Serb 1117 shoot down wouldn't have happened. Stealth only works if you use it right, much the same as any other form of camouflage. For the last time none whose opinions actually matter has ever claimed the F-22 is invulnerable, NOONE. Same goes for the 117 and B-2. How many types have had the capability to fly over Bahgdad night after night and return without a scratch? The terms used are "low observability" and, "high surviability"... these are accurate regardless of your opinion of stealth technology. Stealth aircraft are harder to bring down than conventional types, the precious Serb example proves this very point. Your talking about re-organising an entire IADS network to deal with a single aircraft type (two if we count the B-2) and at the same time saying stealth isnt a game changer. Craig

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