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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. F-22 - Worth It?

    F-16's and 18's WERE shot down in the Gulf... the'yre not SAM proof. Asuming the NK's know how to use their gear then I'd rather not take an F-16 accross the border if a 22 is an option.An F-22 is harder to kill than an F-15/16/18-whatever whether you are on the ground or fighting it in the air... lower probability of detection, faster & higher, harder to hit end of story. The thing with the Serb shoot down noone ever seems to remember is that they knew it was coming... its a whole new game when you don't know when the attack is coming or what the target is going to be. The serbs were workin on that set up for some time before actually managing to pull it off, what makes you so sure the entire NK network is so easilly adaptable to kill stealths at will? As for the Chinese, they think the NK's are just as nutty as we do. In any case I'm out. Craig
  2. F-22 - Worth It?

    Got to disagree with pretty much everything you just said there Gapard. You're advocating deliberatly holding back the asset with the highest proability of survival and sending in those with the least so that the F-22 can defend Japan from a potential attack that the JASDF are more than capable of dealing with themseves. Both things that every single fighter in the NK airforce lacks. You're right in theory a MiG could get into possition to lob an Archer at the 22. If, and its a BIG IF, the MiG can detect and get into a firing position, bear in mind the 22 could be crusing at M1.2+ and 60k', then yes it possible. Now would you rather go in flying an F-16 at <M0.9 at low altitude, bombed up with externals to weigh you down? Noone thinks the 22 is invincible but its a hell of a lot more survivable than ANYTHING else. Send in a strike package of F-4's/15's/16's into NK and you WILL take losses, potentially heavy losses at that, A 22 on the other hand has the POTENTIAL to get in and out undetected and even if it is detected it presents a much harder target to intercept. Craig
  3. What R Ur ROE?

    Usually fly from the ship in real time and dead is dead. As for exploding kittys, I long ago replaced them with the most recent update of te MF Tomcat. Only time I've really gone at it reflying over and over was when tryin to figure out how to kill te Russian fleet, not really too bad once you figure it out, good formation control, lots of SEAD and Walleyes. Initially I kept trying with Harpoons but too many were getting shot down to stand any real chance of sucess. Craig
  4. Kinda want to duel it out with a "Mig-31" now :) Craig
  5. Arcade Flight Sims?

    Can't really argue with that... why would a product sell en masse if you deliberately don't tell anyone about it for years. From where I'm sitting the TW series had the potential to be all sims to all men but stagnated because TK refused the major updates that would have allowed it to flourish, citing cash flow issues at every turn and at the same time keeping the series "underground". Hopefully some day the comunity will gettheir hands on the code in the same manner as has happened with the IL-2 and F.4 comunities. On the original topic:, I've been out of consoles for 10+ years, I did have on the Mega-Drive II: "Mig-29 - something or other" & F-22 "Something or other". On the PS1 I had: "Ace Combat: 1"," Wing Over", "Wing Over -2", T"op Gun - Fire At Wil" and a hand full of others that served me well before I discovered "Janes IAF". Craig
  6. Ian, is that pre-war skin available anywhere? Been on the lookout for a Pre-Falklands Shar skin for ages, all over EDSG gets kinda boring :P Craig
  7. img00067

    From the album SF2NA

    Kill stealing gimp (the 102 that is)
  8. img00064

    From the album SF2NA

  9. img00011

    From the album SF2NA

  10. img00049

    From the album SF2NA

  11. Home On Jam

    Damn, kinda hopped it would be more effective than what I was already seeing. Incidently having altered nothing I had my first ever incidence of a no miss Phoenix volley last night, only took a year Craig
  12. Home On Jam

    Been thinking about this myself recently really sick of launching a volley of 6 Phoenix to get 1 or 2 hits before vampire and then left unable to deal with the incoming missiles., Still havn't got to the point of trying to do anything about it though. Traditionally don't missiles have to be preset to launch in HOJ mode though? ie. you would need two seperate models of Phoenix? Craig
  13. Certainly interested myself, just read the book for the first time a couple of weeks back Going to grab a copy of "688i" and "Dangerous Waters" for some cold war naval action soon, woul be great to have something for the air war to go along with these. Craig
  14. If use of CFT's on Vipers were to become more widespread maybe it would be a more attractive option? Craig
  15. Anyone else feeling nostalgic?

    688 eh? Had that on a Sega Mega Drive when I was a kid... should still be at my dad's place. Been thinking about getting the PC version recently as as far as I can tell its still the most in deapth modern(ish) sub sim around. Craig
  16. Last night flying an A-4G off the Melbourne, I spent about 20 minutes chassing down a Bear, got within range to fire my Aim-9G's... both decoyed. Closed to guns range and landed a burst in his tail, had to pull off to avoid his gunners, repositioned for a beam attack, hits on his wing- one engine out. I made another pass from his other side and managed to set his tanks on fire before running out of ammo. He is now decending, decelerating and on fire so I pull back and watch as he plumments towards the frigid waters off Iceland... It is at this point that I hear a Fox-1 call, were flying little A-4G's though so it isn't my wingman... my prey then blew up rather spectacularly a mile off my left wing... 5 seconds later a pair of glory stealing F-102 B*****ds from keflavick flash past me head on patting each other on the back for a job well done. Custom mission and I hadn't even noticed them in the mission builder, not a pleasent surprise :( Craig
  17. "Black Banana"

    ... Or: "BANA", Blackburn Advanced Naval Aircraft.... Another golden nugget I stumbled accross on a Utube marathon: Enjoy folks. If anyone ever comes accr oss anythnig simmilar to this or the Hunter docu I posted a while back that features Sea Vixens or Scimitars could they please let me know 8) Craig
  18. Hmmm quite fancy a squadron or two of Gripens meself. Maybey something based on a Stags head for insignia Though tbh if we do go independant I'll be surprised if the future Scottish military consists of anything more than fisheries protection an SAR. Craig
  19. Think I prefer these roundels to the Thistles on the Frightnings. We commandeered everything at Leuchars then ? Craig
  20. Political Discussions

    If its not too much trouble, include me please. Craig
  21. She's quite a bit bigger than I'd always imagined. Also looks much better with UK hardware hanging of her, just didn't look right to me having US weapons hanging off such an undisputedly Brittish looking bird. Anyone know if theres a model of the Blue Dolphin/Blue Jay mk V missile kicking about? Craig
  22. HMS Ark Royal Harrier Launch

    Not so much managment regressing as much as the engineers no longer calling the shots, some buisiness/finance major/politician with no idea what he's doing or understanding of what the project is trying to achieve now calls the shots. Craig < disgruntled Mechanical Engineer......
  23. Best war comedy (or romance)

    "1941", "M*A*S*H" (TV & Film) & "Catch 22" Craig
  24. Hmm always thought the Cat could launch with 6 x 54's, just couldn't recover with them at sea? Craig

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