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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. MeanGreen

    From the album SF2NA

  2. cheekyB

    From the album SF2NA

    This cheeky b*****d managed to evade 6 Aim-210C's, then proceeded to fly directly over the Tarrawa with an esscort of 4 now toothless F-35B's and finally evade 6 Sea Sparows from the ship before buggering off home.
  3. Another Sandy story...

    Chalk another one up expecting an A-1 related story :p Craig
  4. Reinstalled (April patch level) and flew SF2NA for the first time in a few months today and tried to set up a mission in the '50s flying the new Panther, went to the options ini first, changed the operational years to: "StartYear=1945 EndYear=2050" Booted up the game and I can only fly in 1976, went through the KB and forums and everything I've read pretty much states to do what I've done. Sorry if I'm being particularly dense here, havn't found any other advise thus far. Craig Edit: Nevermind, can alter to the dates I want within the mission editor, just not from the initial selection screen.
  5. J-15s landing on new Chinese Aircraft Carrier

    I was ignoring bombers on both sides, hence 6:59, bring them into the fold and RN goes up bty 4 as you say whilst PLAN goes up by 7 or 8. Didnt bother including them as their job as far as the UK is concerned is to bugger off and get lost where noone can find 'em. Also my second post reads "SSK/N's". Thus we have 6 they have 59, we barley have enough to maintain a couple of patrols they could potentially dominate an ocean. Craig
  6. J-15s landing on new Chinese Aircraft Carrier

    As already stated above 20:1 was a typo, I intended 10:1, again sorry for the confussiion. However 10:1 is correct, we have 6* they have 59. *Torbay, Trenchant, Tireless, Triumph, Talent & Astute. Craig
  7. J-15s landing on new Chinese Aircraft Carrier

    Sorry my mistake, should read 10:1. Current PLAN attack sub force (both SSK & N) consists of 59 hulls with more under construction/on order, RN consists of 5 T class one A class. Plans being to retire T's as A's come online leaving us with 7 A class in total. Craig
  8. J-15s landing on new Chinese Aircraft Carrier

    Kind of sick of hearing China CAN'T or WON'T be able to do X, Y or Z. Generally they evetually do and then its a case of "well they wont be able to do it as well as insert western power", maybey not on day one, 10-15 years from now? As for operating in rough weather 24/7 that was pioneered by the Canadians, and subsequently practised by the US, UK, Australians and French, the only reason certain members of this group no longer do so is due to a lack of equipment, not some mythical powers posessed only by US Naval aviators. Also worth beating in mind is that Chinese SSN forces outnumber ours by more than 20:1, their airforce is rapidly modernising and like the SSN's massivly out number us, they won't need to be as good on a 1:1 basis to hammer us. Never underestimate a potential adversary, especially one with the resources of the Chinese. Craig
  9. E=Mc2

    Technically there already is another ship bearing the name, though not quite as impressive as the old girl: http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/The-Fleet/Ships/Patrol-and-Minehunters/Ice-Patrol-and-Survey-Ships/HMS-Enterprise Craig
  10. For Remembrance Day...

  11. Glasd to hear it, will be keeping an eye on this one :) Craig
  12. You've got my attention, any chance you might consider the 1154 RN? The original plan was for a single seat hunter replacement for the RAF and a two seat Sea Vixen replacement for the Navy*, rather unique in that it was to be capable of both STOVL carrier operations AND conventional carrier operations. Sadly the Harrier, as great as she is, is a mere shaddow of what this bird would have been. Much of what made it to the Kestral / Harrier program was originally intended / developed for the 1154. * http://gregers.7.for...opic.php?t=9173 *(bottom) http://www.gengriz.co.uk/harrier2.htm *(bottom) http://www.whatifmod...hp?topic=151.30 Craig
  13. Janes Defense Games from back in the day

    Had IAF and loved it, was also a fan of Iron Eagle as a kid. Loved busting Mig-23's to the tune of One Vision. Craig
  14. Trick Helicopter Video

    Either its doctored or the camera is operating at the same frequency as the main rotor :P Craig
  15. Very OT: A nice Coffee Spice

    Hmm, thanks for the tip. Might just make that pack of starbucks in the cupboard palatable :P Craig
  16. Not a bad guess for 1977

    Random factoid gents, the studio wanted to use the Viggen prototype for the flight sequences but SAAB and the Swedish AF wouldn't release it from the test program. Personally I'm glad they didn't get their way as the idea of a mach 5, stealth, supper-Viggen sounds just slightly implausible... that and the "Mig-31" looks Russian, particularly the tails, in a way that the Viggen was never going to pull off. Craig
  17. 2 half-wings

    From a runway I can get how a pilot could overlook part of a checklist but how the hell does a cat crew manage to launch a bird and not notice its wings are up. Craig
  18. The Jump is Today, Watch it Live.

    Looks like Kittinger's time record stands. Got the rest though Craig
  19. English class in spain

    Used to be pretty decent with Spanish though I havn't had to use it at all in 7 years, can still read and listen well enough to get the bulk of what is being said however my spoken Spanish is basically down to a retaurante level. I've also managed to get to restaurante level in French, Greek and Russian however with noone to speak to I can't see me getting much further any time soon. Tried to get a start on Japanese a couple of years back and am still recovering from being mindf****d Craig
  20. Frugals World is BACK!

    hmmm why was this thread* allowed to die? * http://combatace.com/topic/63664-boobies/page__hl__%20asian%20%20babes Craig
  21. Well...there's a turn up

    Continuing to sing while vomiting is an amazing talent Craig
  22. Nice one, looks really good in japanese colours Craig
  23. Identify this Aircraft

    I know what it is but since I've just had a go i'll let someone else field this one. Craig *Edit: beaten by a minute :P
  24. Identify this Aircraft

    Over to Toryu. I kinda figured the German colours would throw some off track Craig
  25. Luckiest SOB alive

    Strictly speaking this man should be dead, freaking unbelievable road accident caught on film : Craig

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