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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Identify this Aircraft

    Asuming I go that last one I guess its my turn: Have at it lads. Craig
  2. IDComp39

    From the album ID Comp

  3. Time to fire it up again I guess, not flown a TW game in months. Looks pretty cool. Craig
  4. Alternativly you can merge the instals at installation, that way you can have all the new avionics of NA in Israel and will be able to fly any bird from either game in each game. Oh and welcome aboard Craig
  5. IRIS: F-14

    I've got their FSX model and its one of the few birds in my hangar that gets regular air time. From what I gather its only the B/D thats being modeled for DCS, hope I'm wrong... Would kill for an A, underpowered and temperamental as they were. Craig
  6. Know the how big it is

    and there are still people who think we are alone in the universe... Craig
  7. Best girl in the world, best film ever

    In the same boat just now mate, screw up with payroll thats been dragging on for a few months and I've just about burned through my savings. Then my little lady bought me a steak dinner last night 8) Craig
  8. First Concert in a decade

    Been a few years for me, went kinda nuts in y late teens/early 20's and saw pretty much every band I ever wanted to see. Only acts left on my list I'm desperate to see probably wont ever happen due to feuds and deaths... ie Pink Floyd, original G'n R line up, The Who and Van Halen. Craig
  9. Shuttle Endeavor just flew over Santa Cruz

    Orbital hotels might not be that far off, was talk of using inflatable modules a few years ago, can't really remember who was planning it though. More of a financial hurdle than a technical one at this point. As for point to point flights I'll be stunned if it ever happens, the cost of going suborbital let alone orbital just isn't economically viable for civil puroses when compared with convetional airliners. Craig
  10. Shuttle Endeavor just flew over Santa Cruz

    Only going to happen if something worth mining is discovered within economical reach. Craig
  11. Identify this Aircraft

    K-12 :P Probably wouldnt have guessed without Gunrunners post Craig
  12. Greetings all (and some photos)

    Thanks, might be able to make some use of it when I takle the antena mast Craig
  13. Greetings all (and some photos)

    Cool, do you have any more shots from the Melbourne? Just started making a model of her and the Boneventure for FSX, would be great if your dad had anything had anything taken in the hangar deck he'd be willing to share. Craig
  14. Prince Harry in Afghanistan :)

    Not much info at the moment, but it seems the prince is a bullet magnet. Camp Bastion was attacked last night resulting in the death of two US Marines. Taliban have stated Cpt. Wales was their target. Fair play to the guy wanting to serve but his deployment should never have been made public knowlege, his last tour was kept quiet and only ended when it became known he was out there. Craig
  15. U.S. Envoy to Libya, Killed in Attack

    It may be the greatest insult they can recieve, they still need to grow up and develop a thicker skin... killing over something this trivial is insane. Craig
  16. U.S. Envoy to Libya, Killed in Attack

    Over a f*****g youtube video.... there really is no hope for these morons. Craig
  17. September 11th - Silent Post

  18. Identify this Aircraft

    someone lopped the nose of an S-51? Craig
  19. C-2 Greyhound looks like the #4 wire

    Pretty much, theres a whole mess of air currents behind the ship that can ruin your day. Craig
  20. Identify this Aircraft

    Finally put out of my misery, thank you lol Craig
  21. Identify this Aircraft

    No idea, thinking Russian though Craig
  22. an Aussi hates the Tiger AHR

    Not necessarily, he dinged some composite skin panels there could be an armoured tub/plate underneath these. Craig
  23. an Aussi hates the Tiger AHR

    Lucky he wasn't shot on site... tossser From YT: "An extraordinary and important achievement Bryan.", so how many hours before that bird was patched up and flight ready? Craig
  24. An unknown plane from the 60's

    Its not unherard of, British Army Apaches had issues firing hellfires after a filter was removed for weight savings, pretty sure early F-11's and F-104's had issues with gun gas ingestion as well. Craig
  25. SA-43 Hammerhead please Craig

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