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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Falklands relic

    Saw this over at SOH and thought some of you may be interested. Looks a tad beat up outside, inside its like the crew just left. http://www.telegraph...#?frame=2248412 Craig
  2. Falklands relic

    Sadly from what I gather she's on her way to the Gillete factory. There was an attempt to get her moored permanently in Portsmouth however it fell through. Craig
  3. Carrier Landing

    Think you've got it. Fly down the left side of the ship in the oposite direction, 10's after the stern passes you're wingtip enter a 180 degree turn and you should be roughly half a mile to a mile behind the ship aiming to be at around 800 feet, then its just a matter of keeping things steady using minor corections until you hit the deck and hopefully stop. Craig
  4. Carrier Landing

    This will vary slightly from one bird to the next however you want to be in the region of 135 knots with a rate of decent no greater than 700fpm , try aproaching from about half a mile astern at 800 ft ASL. If you fly the downwind leg abeam of the port (left) side of the boat then count to 10 from the point that your wingtip passes the stern this should put you at roughly the right distance astearm to begin you baseleg turn. Everything should be down and set on or before the downwind leg. Also you should be aiming to hold a constant AoA on approach, there is an indexer on most aircraft located to the left of the Hud/Sight if the amber ring is lit then your AoA is appropriate for the airspeed. You should also be using throttle to control rate of decent rather than the stick, power up to reduce, back off to increase. As the throttle is governing decent rate pitch is used to gover airspeed, pitch up to slow and down to accelerate. (Sounds a tad complicated but you get used to it) And as for the F-14 (Thirdwire) I'm convinced theres something screwy in the damage tollerance of the gear... it goes boom WAY to easily for a navy bird. Craig *hope that helped
  5. Thanks for the tip Still to apply the last patch, will give it a spin tommorow night Craig
  6. Cool, bought the Razbam FSX version and compleatly forgot it started off as a 3W based project. Craig
  7. CF-100

    Gave up hope of ever seeing anything from the BF site*, projects that were shown as nearly complete in 2009 still havn't arrived. As soon as something seemed to be nearing completion they seemed to loose interest and move onto something else, most of the WIP threads on their own site havn't been updated in years. Craig * BFProductions website for anyone interested: http://blackflyforum.proboards.com/index.cgi/
  8. Turkish F-4 down on the Border with Syria....

    Still getting mixed reports here as to whether the crew have been picked up, anyone able to confirm? Craig
  9. And there was me thinking you had moved into 3D work Craig
  10. Interesting guests

    Didnt think there were any 109's still flying with DB engines As for the 262 theres a guy in America started buidling replicas abut 10 years back, last I heard he was turning his hands to He-162's. Craig
  11. A Right to die?

    The way I see it if someone is living in circumstances they feel are intollerable, is suffering constant debilitating illness and chronic pain then NOONE has the right to force them to continue. What is the point in keeping someone who is brain dead "alive" via artificial means indeffinatly, as said above we treat pets with grreater dignity than people. Craig
  12. New F-5A and Mirage F-1C on the way http://combatace.com/topic/72287-f-5a/ http://combatace.com/topic/73249-mirage-f-1c-200/ Craig
  13. interesting, I dont have xp1 but I do have the meteor pit... If theres some Esse class boats hidden somewhere I'm interseted... Nimitz class is to big and easy to land on. Craig
  14. Anyone?

    I'm somewhat interested, though Scotland is just slightly outside the states... Craig
  15. Is the F-15E SEAD capable?

    I could be wrong but as far as I'm aware it is technically capable of SEAD and theoretically superior to the Viper however is viewed as to valuable to risk as a SAM magnet when the Viper is cheaper and does an adequate job. Craig
  16. Prometheus

    Already arranged to go see it on three seperate nights with different people... been bouncing off the walls waiting on this one for about 5 years Craig
  17. Royal Navy and Royal Airforce

    Joint force Harrier (All RAF and FAA Harriers) was withdrawn after the 2010 SDSR... the repacement hasnt arrived yet, currently the FAA is Helo only. PM Cameron at the time of the withdrawl stated "we cannot forsee a situation requiring the use of carrier based airpower in the next 10 years"... 4 weeks latter we were flying 8 hour sorties to Lybia from Italy in Tornados, launch to target around 3.5 hours, the French navy flying from the CDG launch to taget 20 minutes.... Craig
  18. Russian soldiers/pilots in Vietnam?

    Don't see how that wouldn't be a "kill", the F-4 forced the MiG into using up its reserves and was therefor unable to get home so crashed... ergo the actions of the F-4 pilot led directly to the NVAF being down one MiG. Craig
  19. Marine shoots a man's coon dog (dawg)

    Bit late in the day but it sounded pretty open and shut to me.... he put down a dangerous animal, on his property, as the animal was progressing at speed to his wife and child.... the fact the animal turned out to be someones pet should not enter into discussion, its still a strong fast willful ball of muscle and teeth. Craig
  20. Which (Non-Sims) are you playing?

    My lovely missus gave me BF3 for my birthday recently and I've pretty much been playing nothing else, getting my ass royally handed to me most of the time.. once I unlock a 12x scope things will change Craig
  21. I gives up... after finding the missiles were lucky to get a hit rate of 1:48 I jumped over to the A-7 campaign.... now it can't be finished because the AI F-14's and AAW destroyers can't defend the fleet for toffee so the boat gets sunk while I'm out bombing something for the 5th time... Think I'm gonna jump ship and get my teeth into F4AF until I see how DCS world pans out. Craig
  22. Sort of looks like a pregnant Concorde :P Craig
  23. You could try IL2 with the DBW mod, pretty much an all is everything modded IL2: http://www.sas1946.c...d1af28f712e0d50& Craig
  24. God DAMN!

    Home sweet home Craig
  25. Dave I get that ECM would have played a signifficant role in an all out WWIII scenario and made life a tad frustrating, however out of the last 46 missiles I've fired (since I atarted counting...) I've had two hits and one kill. I went up with a flight of four F-4's the other night every one of us launched everything we had... not a scratch on the Ruskies.... we lost three to the four AA-7's they launched...... If it really was a 1:46 chance of getting a hit vs a 3:4 chance of being killed the manned fighter would have been canned decades ago, that or we'd have seen the return of the all gun armed fighter. Time to join an A-7 or Bucaneer squadron me thinks.... Craig

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