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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Please note all of these shots were well within parameters against a single non maneuvering sub-sonic Mig-23... a picture speaks a thousand words or in this case just a few: "Whats the f***ing point, the countermeasures are so ridiculously effective that there is no fun in playing anymore" Craig

    From the album SF2NA

  3. No, don't see the point when the skins have already been done. That and as others have said I'm gettin rather tired of paying for half baked releases. Craig
  4. Sea Harrier FRS.2

    thanks again, got her patched and she's now drawn blood. One Bear and One Badger Craig
  5. Sea Harrier FRS.2

    Been looking forward to this, was half way through a (far less ambitious) conversion when I heard you were taking care of it Having a bit of trouble taking off though, I get half way down the Invincibles deck when the nose pitches up violently before I'm ejected sideways off the ship Craig
  6. Article timed out airframes F-18Cs

    Add the RN and RAF to that list.... after anouncing the switch from B to C during the SDSR our head muppet anounced an about face back to the under performing overweight, toothless soon to be hangar queen.... way to many moving parts involved in the VL systems to be a good idea Craig
  7. 40 Years Ago

    In one of the few surface actions since the end of WW2 HMS Alacrity sank the ARA Islas de los Estados with 4.5" gunfire of Swan island. Craig
  8. 40 Years Ago

    30 Years ago.....1982 Craig
  9. F-35B was always the best choice IMO.....

    Shower of F***ing muppets. Sure it was the best choice if you want to pay extra for the shortest ranged, heaviest, lightest armed, most complex possible option and at the same time eliminate the possibility of any fall back option should the B fail to meet its requrments. The bit thats p***** me off about the whole thing is the£1.8bn cost of conversion being represented as cost per conversion.... 1.8bn gets you both! Craig
  10. Ok I'm all for realism in gmaes but why is it that Soviet ECM/Chaff & flares render western missiles useless? I've just flown two intercepts over NA one in an F-4 the other in the Tornado F.3, all in my flights launched 19 sidewinders, 6 Skyflash and 16 Sparrow E's... for the sum total of kill one friendly F.3, most of the damn things didnt even track. All of my shots were within parameters, can't really speak for the AI. The Russians on the other hand launched about 6 AA7s and got 3 F-4s and one F.3. I've also recently seen a flight of 4 Phantoms unload everything they had on a singe Tu-22 and not score a single hit. Surely this can't be right? Craig
  11. Countermeassures

    Bit of both, efault Sparrows, modded everuthing else. Craig
  12. Countermeassures

    Starting to loose the will to play... its friggin pointless Time to jump inot the ini's and zapp the ECM me thinks. On a side note went out in an F-8 and bagged a few Badgers after they loosed off their missiles.... 3/4 of the fleet sunk including the carrier: "Outstanding Sucsess, 5 Primary targets were destroyed"... would love to know what qualifies as a failure these days Craig

    yup, never said it was a Chewie quote though Craig

    Character: Chewie Ship: Tyderium Quote: "Ootini" Craig
  15. Could be interesting, though there were no operational Tornado F.3's in '82 Craig
  16. hmm sounds like they went the extra mile for realism with that one Craig
  17. Samurai's Shipyard

    Wouldn't mind a Queen Elizabeth class CV myself, however with the upcoming Rafale series I'm thinking the CDG. Whetever you go with the more flat tops the better Craig
  18. Trying to get the FRS1 into NA and I'm pretty much done aside from the seat and weapons fit I've managed to get the pilot to show by creating a mod folder and ini for the old gen1 format and attempted the same for the seat, pilot works seat dosn't and can't really see how I've done anything differently. As a side note, anyone know where to get the pre falklands two tone skins? Craig EDIT: weapons problems solved...
  19. Sea Harriers

    Fair enough, was sure I read at the time it was a no go so never tried. Craig
  20. Sea Harriers

    You might want to mess around with the AnimationID as well, though as I said I'm fairly sure the guy that originally made the 2nd gen Harriers didnt animate the canopy. Craig
  21. Sea Harriers

    You don't unfortunatly. The FRs1 is a different model, in the case of the AV-8B/B+/Gr7 the canopy isn't an animated part. Craig
  22. Sea Harriers

    I'd certainly appreciate it, aside from the skins and power issues its already pretty much where I want it. Really makes a change from the almighty F-14. Craig
  23. Sea Harriers

    Thats right on both counts, pack I have only has the Falklands skins in it though Managed to sort the seat, too tired and crossed eyed to spot the difference between "-" and "_".... Do you find the FRS.1 a tad underpowered compared with the stock birds or is it just me? Craig
  24. Pre Falklands Harrier Docu

    Watched it last night, about 45 min long and covers everything up until 1981 including the Sea Harriers first shipboard deployment, also covers some early footage of the YAV-8B. Craig
  25. Pre Falklands Harrier Docu

    Probably would have been an idea to post the link wouldnt it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzf5crzLyKo Craig

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