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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. RollingOut

    From the album SF2NA

  2. OverFleet

    From the album SF2NA

  3. Bah, somethings borked in the flight model, I've had two sucessful landings where I havn't went bouncing around the deck yet all have been within reasonable speeds and decent rates with minimal fuel remaining. the only way to bring it down in one piece is to treat it like a Gulfstrrream and kiss the deck. As I've said before this never happened to me with any aircraft/ship combination in the older games. Craig
  4. On landing is anyone else finding themselves bouncing around the deck until they bounce over the side? Havm't flown a TW game for a couple of years and it was only the gen one games then, don't remember having issues like this with any carrier/aircraft combinations back then. Craig
  5. Well it's official

    They didn't, they were involved in air testing the prototype but they never carried it operationally. Craig
  6. Well it's official

    "Ghost Rider, this is Strike. We have unknown aircraft inbound Mustang. Your vector zero-nine-zero for bogey." Craig Edit: hold up, F-4's are AI only :S
  7. Another sad loss......

    I don't follow mate, they've been gone for a good few years now Craig
  8. CLmax is the point at which an aerofoil produces its maximum lift and occurs at the critical angle, any increase in alpha beyond this point and you start generating greater induced drag than lift and so stall. hope that helps. Craig
  9. Nomination for promotion - travesty

    Just googled the guy, seems daddy was an Admiral as well... coincidednce? Craig
  10. F-14 Tomcat vs. F/18 E/F Super Hornet

    BBear in mind were not comparing the 14D with the 18E/F, any comparison would be with an F-14 having been given the same avionics sweet as the 18E/F. So regards to weapons capabilities anythng the current hornets can carry our hypothetical 14 would also be able to carry. As I've already said the 14's radius of action is far greater than any model of 18, dosn't matter if your in the fleet defence/recon/strike/CAS/SEAD roe this is always going to be in the 14's favour. Bugs have little legs and this is their biggest weakness, always has been and always will be. Craig
  11. F-14 Tomcat vs. F/18 E/F Super Hornet

    Forgive the English but my Polish really isn't good enough to try and respond in Polish. If I understand the original question your asking why the avioniccs upgrades given to the Hornet could have been applied to the F-14 and if so would it have resulted in a superior fighter/attack aircraft? Fact is the F-14 airframes were worn out and would have had to have been replaced with new builds, if done this would have given an aircraft with signifficantly higher speed and range/endurance than the 18E/F with the same sensor suites and weapons capabilities. Since the withdrawl of the F-14 a carriers sphere or influence has shrunk, in the fleet defence role this means that were a peer nation to mount an attack the enemy would be able to get much closer to the fleet, and in the strike role the carrier must now be closser to the enemy coast thus increasing vulnerability to the fleet from littoral threats. The importance of a high fuel load cannot be understated and this alone gives the F-14 airframe advantages that the hornets can only dream of. Regarding the apparently poor showing of the F-14 in the Gulf, this had more to do with the taskings the Tomcat squadrons were assigned rather than the capabilities of the airframe. Very few oportunities were offered for A2A when compared to those available to F-15 squadrons. Craig
  12. March 26th... 42 days from now sounds as plausible as anything else, that and I just watched Hitchhiker's Guide craig
  13. Hovercraft Beware!

    @ 1:10 *cough* "THE ABYSS" *cough* How do movies this bad actualy manage to get made... someone is paying to see this.... why Craig
  14. Well it's official

    So either that particular Kiev ain't modeled as a carrier or were getting sinkable cariers? Craig
  15. Well it's official

    Interesting, hopefully that gets sorted then.... having perfectly stable decks has always bugged me with this series, especially up north. Craig
  16. In addition to what others have said you will find you require near full throttle to hover whn carrying minimal external stores (i.e. ecternal tanks and a pair of Sidewinders) and circa 1200lbs internal fuel. The only time a Harrier will normaly be in a true hover is at an airshow, even coming aboard a ship it will still have the better part of 30knots A/S + wind. Craig
  17. Was the Editor on a Day Off?

    Someone in that office is extracting the urine Craig
  18. chinese new year

    Gong xi fa cai Craig
  19. For all you hard workers..who are fed up with your Boss

    LMAO, I just happen to be an engineer... this one is getting stuck to the office fridge Monday mornig Craig
  20. New fusing system, new warhead type(fragmentation to expanding rod), newmotor, newseeker head and aerodynamic differences. End result; the D had a greater burn time on the motor and was more maneuverable, and thanks to the seaker head had a wider FOV. Stil far from perfect however the D was a signifficant improvement. Craig
  21. Well it's official

    Was thinking that as well, not mch point having the LHAs modeled along with the Kiev's and Yak-38 if STOVL is not going to play some role in the new game... with that in mind SHAR time Craig
  22. Ridley Scott's Prometheus trailer

    Cant wait, wasnt expecting a trailer for another couple of months Alien; the only film ever to scare me, still ocasionally have nightmares about Xenomorphs Craig
  23. A week in the life of an IT tech

    It'd be funny if it wasnt so true to life Craig
  24. Growler Video

    Links dead, was reauploaded here though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0PWip0hR2c Craig

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