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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Explorer Redirects

    Could use some help guys, a few days back I had a virus attack, thought I'd nuked it and all was well untill yesterday. Any time I try and open a link from a search engine I am hit with a redirect, first to either some generic web hosting page or to various fake search engines, then onto something completly random... (so far I've had youtube links, dating sites, wiki links, newsfeeds.) Ive so far ran: Win Defender Win Mal software removal tool Avira AVG Adaware Malwarebytes All of them have found something and dealt with it. Latelast night I managed to disable whatever was causing the redirects although I dont know what I did... upon starting up today they are back. I've checked my LAN settings and DNS settings, both are set to automatically detect. I'm using Win 7 sp1, IE, and a wireless DSL conection. Craig
  2. Explorer Redirects

    Thanks raven, took a couple of days to get the time to run through all of those options, unfortunatly none of them worked. Still open to any suggestions anyone might have. Craig
  3. I know its already been said but without TWS then the F-14 really offers nothing more than the F-4. TWS is fundamental to operating the F-14, I knew this wasn't going to be Fleet Defender 2, but without TWS I just dont see the point. Craig
  4. Amy Winehouse... Dead

    So whats the betting that the red tops in the UK start giving this little pickled bint more coverage than Norway? Craig
  5. Jersey in a Heat Wave

    Enjoy it.... summer kinda looks like it aint gonna happen here. Right n ow its 11 Celcius or 52 in American. Anyone wanna buy a brand new 3 year old BBQ? Craig
  6. Space shuttle

    Buran never went operational, it flew to orbit once unmanned then the funding was cut. Then in 2002 the hangar it was being stored in collapsed destroying her. Craig edit: beaten to the punch while on another tab :P
  7. IL2 Cliffs of Dover status ?

    Almost went for it myself till I read all the reviews, some saying it was in a pre alpha state... my advice sod it until they get their act together and grab Rise of Flight, WW1, brought me oiut of a semi-sim retirement and tis worryingly adictive. Craig
  8. Win 7 Graphic anomilies

    Just bought Allied force as my first foray into the Falcon 4 world, after instal I noted that the external model is missing various components such as gear doors, wings and tail are from some angles transparent an from others invisible and crew are invisible bellow the head. In addition to this I have found that I am unable to arm the jet, I can load up various weapons however once the mission loads none are present. After my first flight I read around a few forums and found that there is a patch so after updating to I hoped the issuse would be resolved however visually nothing has changed, I've read around a bit more but I'm not coming up with much so any sugestions are welcome. specs as follows: Win 7 64 Bit 4Gb Ram i7 K875 2.99Ghz (OC'd to 4.01GHz) ATi Radeon HD 5800 Craig
  9. Win 7 Graphic anomilies

    Patched to 1.013.80119 and no more dodgy graphics. Now to start climbing the mountainous learning curve... step one find out how to activate the brakes before atemping another landing... oops Craig
  10. Win 7 Graphic anomilies

    Silly me, just ran the update checker again after reading that, I'd asumed that running the check would take me up to the most recent level... it dosn't. I'll have to run it a few times to get to 1.13 :P Will find out tonight if that sorts it, thanks Craig
  11. Lost the will to fly/play

    Think I might set the record.... I had a comp die on me in august last year then went back to university in september. Bought a new machine in November and found out that TK was introducing the Lightning, I thought that those lightnings combined with Cliffs of Dover would make for a fun summer as I didnt have time to play anything until after finals. Last exam was 5 weeks ago and since then Ive read various revues of CoD that have put me off and have almost bought the second gen TK games a few times yet always walk away at the lat minute.... yet I still check in here and on various sim sites almost daily, go figure :P Craig
  12. Final of MMRCA

    If it comes down to the Navy wanting to operate the same bird as the Air Force then my money is on the Rafale. The navalised Typhoon is a paper project and would take years not to mention more money than its worth to achieve, especially when the Rafale is already available. Much as I would love to have seen a naval version of the Typhoon my personal view is that its just too late in the programme for them to bother. Perhaps if the Royal Navy had been making serious noise of carriers 5 or 10 years earlier than they did then there would have been a large enough market to justify development, but when the only real potential customers are the Indian Navy and perhaps Brazillian Navy (evetually) then it just isnt feasable. Also as a side note, if the Royal Navy had pushed for a naval Typhoon would the French have left the programme to develop the Rafale? IIRC the lack of a naval variant was one of the main reasons for the french walking out... that combined with wanting something like 60% of the workshare in construction for about 30% of the total order..... Craig
  13. Extreme Low Pass

    It wasnt so much the flying low that I find shocking, pretty common in fast jet comunities world wide. It was rather the intentionally flying at chest height into a crowd... The A-4's are at 20'+ and the Canberra is flying along a runway, but the Pampa guy was trying to make a pitot tube Shish kebab, Craig
  14. Extreme Low Pass

    So is it safe to asume that those guys are now hauling rubber dog turds out of hong kong? That Pampa pilot really needs to have his wings clipped... permanently! Craig
  15. Funny you should mention this, I was thinking about the possibilities of player ship to ship engagements last night. Pretty sure I remember reading something about a group that had made a player vs computer tank engagement scenario, much the same idea I guess. Also If the CG offset to the barrel is still an issue would it be possible to have the shell "fire" from the CG point but still have the muzzle flash effect emitted from the barrel? Craig
  16. The Science of the Hangover...

    Always had a natural imunity myself.... must be something to do with being Scottish and having very little blood in my alcohol stream. Craig
  17. Favorite Music Genre?

    Rock/Metal some blues and just started looking into classical. In no particular order: AC/DC, Van Halen, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, The Who, Guns n' Roses, Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, Joe Satriani, Appocalyptica, Led Zepplin, Deep Purple, Yngwie Malmsteen, BB King, Robert Johnson, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Pachelbel Craig
  18. So creepy, she is hot!

    ok didnt really get the creepy vibe at first, might get some flak for this but lots of american girls sound like that to me then the waterworks over cats started.... this has to be extracting the urine... Craig
  19. WW2 Cannons

    I see I'm not the only one to wander away from a certain site in search of sanity and or grown ups... Dont really know too much about the P-61 or the various models of the Mossi for that matter however I'd like to throw the Me-262 into the ring, depending on the model you may have up to 6 Mk-108 30mm cannons in the nose. Or the Ta-154, 4 Mk-108's and 2 MG-151's. Then theres the Ju-88... 4 BK37 37mm cannon. Whichever way you cut it 4 x 20mm does not make the P-61 the most heavily armed night fighter. Craig
  20. Longshanks

    Edward Longshanks (Edward I of England) travels North to conquer the Scots, and he brings 4,000 men with him. As he nears the battlefield, suddenly there appears a solitary figure on the crest of the hill. It is a short, ginger-haired man in a kilt. "Hammer o' the Scots?" He yells! . "Come up here, ya English fools, and I'll give ye a hammerin'!" Edward turns to his commander. "Send 20 men to deal with that upstart, there's a good chap!", he says. The commander sends twenty of his best men over the hill to kill the Scotsman. Ten minutes later, at the crest of the hill, the little Scot appears again. "Ya English Jampots!", he yells. "Come on the rest of ye!! Come on, I'll have ye a'!!!" Edward is now very annoyed. He turns to his commander and says, "Send 100 men to kill that little guttersnipe!" The commander sends a hundred man over the hill to do the job. Ten minutes later, the little Scot appears at the top of the hill once more, his hair all sticking up, his shirt a wee bit torn. "Ya English SCUM!", he yells. "I'm just warming up!! Come and get me, ya English gits!!" Edward losses patience. "Commander, take 400 men and WIPE HIM OFF THE EARTH!", he yells. The commander gulps, but leads four hundred men on horseback over the crest of the hill. Ten minutes later, the little Scotsman is back. His clothing is all torn, his face is covered in blood, gore and Irn-Bru. "Is that the best ye can do??? You're bloody WIMMIN!!! Come on!! Come and have a go ya bunch of Jessies!!!", he yells. Edward turns to his second in command. "Take 1000 men over that hill and don't come back till you've killed him!" he commands. The second in command gathers the men and they ride off over the hill to their fate. Ten minutes later, one of the English troops appears back at the top of the hill. He's covered in blood and his clothes are all torn. "Your Majesty!!" he yells. "It's a trap!!! There's TWO of them!!! Craig
  21. Dear Citizens of America

    Regarding the "alluminum", try studying mechanical engineering in scotland with a lecturer from Phoenix.... drove us bloody nuts! Think this ones worthy of printing :) Craig
  22. shrapnel, anyone?

    Welcome to the club, I've got a small piece of a shattered drill bit imbeded about 2mm behind the auditory canal of my left ear. Ok not quite as serious or exiting but its been there 5 years so far :P Craig
  23. Photoshop? Nope, its a real mock up... once upon a time the USAF did actually consider the Cat. Craig
  24. A bit light hearted and goofy but kinda cool: Craig
  25. This guy is fantastic!

    Love it, off to watch the rest Craig

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