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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Well Done Prince William

    Also worth noting he was given a fast track through flight school, and that no other Air Sea Rescue pilot gets ASR as a first assignement... As for his brother good on him in 'Stan, however he does not actually meet the educational requirements to be admitted to Sandhurst. Neither of them at any stage of their military careers have so far or in future will be allowed to fail, one rule for them another for every other student on each course. Craig
  2. True there is a model with the periscope up, though doesn't it still have a wake? I was thinking along the lines of nothing visual whatsoever so as to apear fully submerged. Craig
  3. I had a thought about that the other day, would a surface ship with no visual model be suitable to stand in for a Sub? Just find it on radar and pretend your looking at a sonar screen, then drop your torpedo/depth charch. Craig
  4. The RN is to get its teeth pulled

    Don't believe everything you read in the papers... The Brittish press is awash with stories on defense cuts but the simple fact is the review is yet to happen, they have not been cut, furthermore the QE is already under construction. The 1.25Bn already spent covers items for both ships, there are penalty clauses built into the contracts to cover the eventuality that the ships will be canned... Options being looked at to save on costs are as follows: 2 CVF = Already comitted to the contracts, cancellation results in little or no saving 1 CVF = As above 0 CVF = As above Alternate design ie LHA/LHD = Significant delays, all the costs of a new design and they still have to pay the penalties for the cancelations. Craig PS: All tthis is not to say I have any faith in the muppets in office not doing something stupid, just pointing out that there are no savings to be made.
  5. This day in 2001.

    I was 15 and in Geography class when one of the other geography teachers ran in with a radio. Classes pretty much went out the window for the rerst of the day as most realised it was a "where were you when Kennedy was shot" moment. Pretty much every one there asumed it had been a GA accident until we heard about the second jet. Got home just in time to turn the TV on and see the first tower fall. Three years latter three of the guys that had been in that class were in Afghanistan, one of them never came back, one is now in a servicemans hospital and the other is on his third tour right now. RIP
  6. That Panther looks awesome... see ya in two weeks Craig
  7. Alphasim Freeware

    In all fairness to the guys at alphasim these are fairly old models. Theyve been releasing their older birds to the microsoft world for some time now, wasn't aware theyde opened up into TW games though. Craig
  8. Happy Birthday Spinners!

    Have a good one Craig
  9. Unfortunatly I dont have time to hunt for it just now, however if you search for info regarding the Typhoon's gun (it is particularly prone to jams) you should find the info your looking for. Some bright spark found a way to add the command from FE into the rest of the TW games. As for revolver cannons jamming, they do however in the real world there are systems to unjam the guns, using a compressed gas if I remember corectly. Craig
  10. The ultimate shovel

    Put me down for 2 Craig
  11. Brit's make worlds strongest beer ($762 per bottle)

    Yup, ame guys Craig
  12. I like Banana jets Craig
  13. Um...go check FaceBook

    As someone over there has said already, going to be fun entering the fight with two missiles guns and a fuel emergency... a LOT of fun Craig
  14. OT, Daft UK Laws

    Pretty sure I once read that it is illegal for a frog/toad to croak after midnight in Louisiana. Craig
  15. Cosford 2010

    I could be wrong but arn't those Venom's? If so I didnt realise anyone had a pair of them on the airshow circuit. Craig
  16. Three Day Weekend

    Well girlfriends Graduation ball last night in the Hilton... a hotel which left me decidedly underwhemed As for the rest of the weekend I plan on some skydiving if the weather breaks, might be ok by monday. Craig
  17. Wish List 1-2-3

    I'll second the SR.177* and add !. the EE Lightning F.1-6 2. Supermarine Scimitar * I actually attempted to do this one myself after becoming obssesed with its forerunner the SR.53, didnt get very far though. Craig
  18. Douche Bag of the Week?....

    Try getting cover if your a young male in the UK (and therefore automatically "boy-racer"). The best deal I could get for a 10 year old, 1.3L Ford Ka, costing £2000 was £2400 p/a needless to say I'm not curently driving... Craig
  19. Man claims her survived without food or water

    not the slightest chance in hell even in a relativly cool climate you' be lucky to last much more than 8 or 9 days, in equatorial regions half that..... Craig
  20. CA Douche Bag Of The Week

    Wow, I started working retail when I was 16 and continued until I graduated... I honestly could not tell you how many times I detained shoplifters... got a pat on the back every time though, hell half the time the manager was running beside me. Craig
  21. Was just thinking about this flat top the other day, glad to hear she's still on the cards Craig
  22. Royal Marines dissmised for striking a bomber...

    What the f*** is the point? I'm lost for words... the bastard was released, and were down two marines, plus however many more now die as a result of the future activities of the former prisoner... Craig
  23. What are you listening to?

    Ozzy: "Mr Crowley" Craig
  24. Yeah, been watching from the shadows... current rig wont handle FS though that should be sorted in the near future. s for the Wyvern it goes great with Eagle Craig
  25. Missed this when it was a new thread... I'm interested, anything with a hook Craig

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