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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Looking for work

    "Woolworths over in UK surprised me a bit" Was working for them when it hit the fan, then spent most of last year unemployed before starting work with the DWP (beneffis office admin)... amazing what a degree in aeronautical engineering can get you these days Craig
  2. Never really had a problem myself, perhaps try a curved aproach much as you would use with a carrier? Craig
  3. Bribing the Taliban

    Like Eraser said, what does Israel have to do with it? Personally I think its a bad idea, whats to stop them taking the money an then buying arms/fuel/med suplies/food etc and continuing the fight? Craig
  4. But ! Who the hell is Average Joe ?!

    Joe Bloggs in the UK, not aware of a story to go with the name though. Craig
  5. Man, do I need a beer

    Could always put her number on a mens room wall when you get the chance, standard practice for an ex who f***s you about in my book. Craig
  6. after a comp crash I managed to get it working with SFP1. My verdict: Safer to stop and land than land and stop my ass lol So far my recovery attepmts include bouning off the deck of invincible and running out of fuel before coming around, stalling at 50 knots bcause I was overloaded with fuel, and smashing into Fearless' superstructure after ralising I didnt have fuel to make it back home... Also having a hard time locating targets on the deck... taken out a C-130 and 6 Mirages in 3 mission thougho must be doing something right :) Thanks guys, been overlooking this one for far to long. Craig
  7. Found another thread stating that 05/25/06 is the patch to use with this mod so tried again using that one to the same effect as before. Everything installed in the right place, main menu music playing, menu screen black... just about ready to give up again Craig
  8. Just tried again, no bleed through though still just a copywright message and version 08.30.06 in the right hand corner. I am right in thinking that SFG V.08.30.06 is equivelent to SFP1 SP4 aren't I? Craig
  9. Tried this a long time ago with SFP1 and didnt get anywhere, now I've bought SFG and tried again. Installed game, patched game, deleted folders/files as instructed, installed replacement files and edited the medal lists, the game loads however the main menu screen is corupted and all I see is a copywrite message (bottom left) and bleed through to my desk-top clock, otherrwise the screen is totally black. I've went through the process three times to the same effect. Any idea what I've screwed up? Craig
  10. New Years Plans?

    Well for the first time since I was 16 I've actually got the holidays off so I get to choose between at home with my family, my girlfriends family, her mates, my mates or a pub.... decisions decisions decisions... Craig
  11. The Past Decade

    The good: Graduated.... Started a pretty good job (last week) The Bad: Lost a couple of friends in Afghaistan The wars Made redundant twice in the space of a year Failed RAF aircrew medical Overall, kinda sucked Craig
  12. It may have been mentioned already that however I thought I'd put this here as it seems right: Some of you are probably all aware that Oliver was active in the Falcon4 comunity, I found a small tribute to him at the end of this vid http://www.patricksaviation.com/videos/molnibalage/4427/ RIP Craig
  13. Three kings scam

    Another money scam doing the rounds... someones seen "Three kings" one to may times? Only opened it as I happen to know a Sgt D. Inghram.... "Hello friend, My name is David Inghram, I am an American soldier serving in the military with coalition force in Iraq , as you know we are being attacked by insurgents everyday and car bombs.We managed to move part of funds belonging to Saddam Hussein's family . The total amount is US$12 Million dollars in cash, mostly 100 dollar bills,this money has been kept somewhere outside Baghdad for some time but with the proposed troop in increase by president Barrack Obama, to end the suicide bombing and make peace with Iraq militant and terrorist ,we are afraid that the money may be discovered hence we want to move this money to you for safekeeping pending the completion of our assignment here. READ THIS WEBSITE VERY WELL AND GET BACK TO ME. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2988455.stm We are ready to compensate you with good percentage of the funds, No strings attached, Iraq is a war zone, we plan on using diplomatic means to ship the money out as military cargo to your home, under diplomatic immunity cover. I am contacting you in confidence, all arrangement for the successful delivery has been put in place, all we need from you is to receive the cargo from the diplomat, If you are interested I will send you the full details, my job is to find a good partner that we can trust and that will assist us. Can I trust you? When you receive this letter, kindly send me an e-mail signifying your interest. Alternative Email Address: davidinghram001@aol.com Regards , Sgt. David Inghram"
  14. Sweet, for use in WO? Lybia or the gulf maybe? Craig
  15. The "WET START" Incident

    Armorers in order to save time remove safety pins on the deck park when the regs dictate they be removed at the cat. A short circuit in an F-4 causes a Zuni to fire accidentally... Zuni goes on to strike an A-4 on the other side of the ship. A-4 catches fire, fuel leaks and WWII vintage weapons cook off. An explosion kills most of the fire crew leaving untrained personel to combat a fuel fire, thier lack of expertise causes them to use water and foam when they should only be using foam, as a result the foam is carried on the water away from the fire rather than smothering the fire. More weapons cook off, fire spreads. How presisely does an A-4 pilot have ANYTHING to do with this? I had to look up the smear campaign as I'd never even heard of it and found this: http://judicial-inc.biz/82jjohn_mccain_and_the_uss_forresta.htm Utter BS. As mentioned above the engines of the time were prone to wet starts, and even if Mccain had carried out the wet start intentionally how does that trigger an unguided weapon on another aircraft on the oposite side of the ship which if I remember corectly was facing the A-4 nose to nose... Craig appologies for the rant...
  16. 9/11 Trial

    "Correct, though we don't need to negotiate with them or have anything to do with anyone who will, as long as we don't start again with all the crusade rhetoric again, their pool of possible recruits will continue to dry up and they'll just die out." Sadly it rarely works out like that... there will always be someone queing up just a matter of how many and how frequently. As long as theres someone in a position of authority and people gulible/stupid/psycotic enough to agree/be brainwashed there will always be someone willing to screw with us. Maybey down the road it wont be Al Queda but at the end of the day it dosnt matter what the loons want to call themselves, there will be someone ready to kill the inocent in the name of their God/Ideology. Craig
  17. 2012

    Without actually looking into it since i don't have much time, I'd go out on a limb and float the idea that in 2012 the Mayan calander simply resets and its a big fuss over nothing, much like ours resets at 00:00 on the 1st of January.... Craig
  18. OT Dunno whether to laugh or cry!

    Now if it were Whisky it would have been tragic... Craig
  19. Nimrod rant

    SA-80/L-85 theres a good one... About 7 years back I had a barrel melt on me on the range after two clips. Really "great" pice of kit the A-1 was. As for accidents involving the Nimrod, didnt something very simillar happen in the 90's off the Morray Firth, port engine bay caught fire and the pilot ditched it before he lost the wing. Craig
  20. Annoyingly addictive eye test game

    http://woodgears.ca/eyeball/ Found this over on a modeling site, figured some of you guys might be interested. Personal best so far is 2.9. Craig
  21. RIP Don't really know what to say, the guy was so young
  22. Stupidness: Your story.

    I have a habit of turning "off" lights that are already off... I just instinctivly reach for the switch when leaving a room, go figure. Craig
  23. Nurse...? looks like he missed his medication..... Nurse...? Craig
  24. Not really, landing will likely be on near emtpy tanks take VTO with empty tanks is pointless. That and Its coming down so isnt really carrying its full mass on landing, for take off there has to be excess thrust mass over aircraft mass to land it only has to have enough thrust to allow for a slow decent. Craig

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