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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Markings question

    ok from what I see it looks normal, though I had a problem a while back with a Royal Navy Skyhawk where every jet in the flight had a different nationality, progressing through the friendly nations list in sequence. Turns out my issue was down to the decal level, though the fix was to set it to 0 as you already have Craig
  2. would depend on the bird I guess, picked up Razbams Banshee and I did buy WOE simply for the Hunter though so if it interested me then yeah. (Scimitar, Sea Venom, hint-hint ) Craig
  3. I do a LOT of car-quals, so I just set em up as recon missions then cycle through the waypoints since you dont actually have to go there to get the mission accomplished. Craig
  4. I got offered a job by the RAAF

    Congrats, been through the aviation maintenance route (civi) and now off to the FAA myself... asuming I get through the bloody medical lol Craig
  5. Assuming the owners don't mind I can upload the Melbourne if you guys like, made back ups of all the old boats long ago and still have them. As for something to fly from the Essex class, Spinners made a VF-805 F-8E a while back and should still be in the DL's. Craig
  6. What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

    just back from the field, been jumping out of perfectly good airplanes all day thinking BBQ tommorow if the weather dosnt tur, not holding my breath though. Craig
  7. Anyone here a physics buff?

    Made a mess of physics and maths in 5th year high school so ended up redoing them both in 6th year... somehow still managed to go on to study aeronautical engineering though. Once you really get to grips with algebra things will fall into place and Co-Lift and Drag calculations arent realy that bad. Craig
  8. I knew he was workin on them, didnt think they were that far along though Craig
  9. F-35 too loud

    The point is though that in many cases the bases/airfields have been there longer than the towns, so anyone living there complaining about noise has got noone to blame but themselves for moving in next to the base. Don't like it, then maybey they should have looked into it before moving in. Maybey its just me though I dont really see the problem, especially with complaints of civil aircraft. My girlfriends aunt lives almost directly under the approach to Glasgow within spitting distance of the perimiter fence... it isnt that bad, and once inside you dont notice. Craig
  10. F-35 too loud

    used to get to deal with complaints at Strathallan a small Skydiving field with 2 aircraft... always fun when you inform the little twerps that the field has been there for over 90 years Craig
  11. there is a way of making it work in WOX, should turn up in a search. its a pretty long winded procedure if I remember right though. Craig
  12. great they really can fly... theyre evil I tells ya, they want world domination and will achieve this by stealing our spoons, leaving us to hungry/weak to resist after missing out on our breakfasts... these guys are cool: Craig
  13. that B-1R is gonna be interesting :) Aside from the 22 Amraams external are there any more Mig busting goodies inside? Craig
  14. A Thank You To Erik

    now please proceed to my fridge and grab a cold one Craig
  15. Supersonic B-2

    I could be wrong but hasnt that photo been in circulation for a few years? Craig
  16. XFV-12

    thanks for that, picked her up and about to take her for a spin Craig
  17. XFV-12

    anyone else having troube downloading this bird? tried a few times and its unable to be found, maybey something to do with the site overhall? Craig
  18. Star Trek XI

    Saw it last Friday, and had mixed feelings. Kinda liked how the ships all looked a little worn and grubby, everything always seemed a bit sterile throughout the old movies and series. Also I really really really want one of those self packing parachutes, would save me hours lol Craig
  19. thanks for clearing that up It was a runway strike, took out a Mig 21 about 50 miles out and 3 Mig-23's around the IP then two radar sites with HARM's before heading back to the boat flight intact airfield in shreds :) Craig
  20. What did you do in World War II daddy?

    Maternal Grandfather (Harry) had abysmal eyesight so was never called up, spent the war in a shipyard on the Clyde. Paternal Grandfather (Tommy)was in the Parachute Regiment and flew a Horsa into Arnhem. Stayed in the Army until '52 and also served in Korea. Maternal Great Uncle (Aleck) was torpedoed and lost on his first trip accross the Atlantic. He'd applied to the RAF in the mid 30's as aircrew but was turned down (working class boy, rich mans flying club). When war broke out the RAF tried to draft him so he joined the Merchant Navy to spite them. Paternal Great Uncle (Robbie) was at Dunkirk, he was medically discharged from the Army shortly after returning and subsequently also entered the Merchant Navy, he was torpedoed 4 times, he survived the war and now lives in Glasgow aged 89. A recently deceased family friend was in the Royal Navy though he didnt like talking about the war, all I know is that he was a gunners mate. Craig
  21. advice for a new rig

    might be worth a look at these guys, thinking of getting one from them soon myself http://www.wired2fire.co.uk/ccc.php Craig
  22. 64 years ago

  23. anyone else finding that theyre being awarded medals without really doing much? I started a new career and got the MOH on my first mission and the Silver Star on my second. Everythings set to hard so it seems kind of strange. Craig PS. I dont want anyone thinking I'm complaining, as its fairly trivial, just wondering if its happening to anyone else.
  24. Indside a Navy Hawk - 100 years RNAS

    pretty cool always thought the Tmk.1 had a Gunsight and the 1a a Hud though. Craig

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