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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Picked up Spinners SF2 hunter to try it out in WOI then realised it was SF2 only, after having a look at it though I dont see why it shouldnt work in WOI or WOE as it still uses the same lods and avionics packages available to WOI and WOE. I asked Spinners about this and he had origininally intended for the realease to be for all three titles but is at a loss as to why it wont work. Anyone out there have any ideas? Craig
  2. WOI Hunter

    I already know how to get AI planes flyable but since theres a pit in Spinners' pack I shouldnt have to add another manually as far as I can see its a complete aircraft yet only seems to work in SF2. Craig
  3. MBB Lampyridae

    Heard of it though dont know too much about it. I believe it got a far as full scale mock-up before being cancelled though. Craig
  4. After downloading the F-101B I went looking for the falcons to install along side, took them from my SFP1 install,took the wep dat entrys and added the lot to WOI. They fail to show and I cant locate the falcon data Ini's in SFP1, though they do work in SFP1. I then tried to find the dat ini's in various wep packs in the DL section here however none apear to have these files, only Lods and BMP's. Anyone have any ideas? Craig
  5. AIM-4 Falcon Data Ini

    thank Icarus, the weapon specific line sussed it :) never thought I' try so hard to get such a useless weapon to work lol
  6. AIM-4 Falcon Data Ini

    thanks guys but I've been through a post patch SFP1 and Wep Pack 2.52, I've located various models of Falcon (A through G) however none have the data ini, should the dat file be located anywhere other than the weapons folder in game? I just dont get why the show in SFP1 but wont in WOI, I'm familiar with manually adding weapons and have ran the process 3 times so I'm fairly certain I havn't missed anything other than the data ini's. Craig
  7. lightning-loadout

    Kuwait also used the Lightning, dont know in what configuration although I imagine it would be quite similar to that of the Saudi machines. Craig
  8. HMS Hermes

    looking forward to it, can't have to many flat tops :) watched htshots earlier tonight, now with regard to the deck hands: "were are uhhh landing... do you wanna get out of the way?" "Arghhhh Run for your lives!" Been too long since i watched that one :) Craig
  9. if you scale the fuselage down to the wings yes, if the wings are scalled p to the fuselage though? saw a few over at whatif, one mixed with Avro Arrow wings looked particularly cool. Craig
  10. HMS Victorious? me likey :)
  11. dnt know if its my imagination or if its actually working but the following seems to work for me: on the roster screen select your best pilots as your wingman and use him, as he gains experience and reaches ace status i start using him as element lead. Mid way through Yom Kippur and I now have 4 aces in my squadron who seem to be doing better now as element leads than they were initially as my wingmen. Craig
  12. re. the Su-25 / ya-9 and Orbiter/Burran... the same engineering problem is likely to result in a similar soloution, the laws of physics in the USA and USSR were exactly the same so its hardly surprising that there are similarities.
  13. Landing while damaged

    hmm might be possible, I wasnt shot up I just screwed a landing a while back in a Mirage. Anyway I came in a bit (read VERY) hard and lost one of the main wheels, didnt loose the gear leg though and I was fine with all settings to hard. Craig
  14. HMS Eagle

    personally I'm more interested in the fast jet era of the FAA so any angled deck flat tops would be appreciated though this lady is gonna come in very handy for a Suez mod. Still to get her in game but from what I've seen she looks great. And Skip your responsible for the coffee on my screen.... Craig
  15. Really loving the weathered effect Does anyone know where/if the prewar FRS.1 skin is available? Im sure it was included in the original Sea Harrier release years ago and now as far as I'm aware the only way to get the Shar is via the Falklands pack which no longer includes the prewar skin. If it isnt available anymore I'll maybey have a go at bashing the Mk.51 skin back to FAA. Craig
  16. What a pilot...

    bloody hell would never have believed it if i hadnt seen it. Craig
  17. What do you fly?

    1. Thunder F.mk1 (testing my own adaption of the stock Mirage to be relesed sometime in the few days) 2. AV-8B+ 3. F-14 / F-8.... too close to call Craig
  18. Tornado F.3

    pit looks excellent, lokoing forward to this one Craig
  19. sweet, wouldnt mind gettin my hands on her for a while :P
  20. Ive been working on a repaint of the default mirage in WOI using GIMP, been working on it for a few days and have had no problems until finishing the tail and finding that it no longer displays in game. When the tail was WIP I had no problems getting it saved and working nor did I encounter any problems working on the fuselage and have no idea what ive done diferently now. I have noticed that the current version is in 32 bit wheras the WIP's back ups are 24 however I dont know how to alter this and certainly didnt do it intentionaly, anyone with more experience know what I may have done or how to resolve this? Craig
  21. skinin problem

    Got it working now, dont know how i did it but I screwed something up in the export process. Port side is finished starbord side should be ready after another hour or so work. Craig
  22. skinin problem

    sorry, the problem is with the texture itself. Its been saved as a bmp though somehow went from 24bit to 32 bit and lost some of the detail on panel lines and rivets. I really cant think of anything I've done differently than all the WIP tests. Made edit, saved replaced in game.... thats it Craig
  23. Working on my first skin, a fictional RAF Mirage scheme. It should be ready by friday asuming I get the time off work, I've edited the data ini to make it nation specific and altered engine an weapon data to reflect RAF equipment so will need to post various files found within WOI, am I right in thinkin that this is ok as long as I dont repost the LOD files?
  24. Flying Over My House Right Now

    Sorry if ive offended anyone, I wasnt trying to turn it into a p*ssing contest it just really grates my nerves when people use the 104:0 argument to state how amazing the Eagle is as if its bullet proof. Also the common belief in certain circles of the internet that the Typhoon/Rafale/Grippen/Flanker/Whatever must be inferior to the Eagle/Viper/Hornet because they are not of US origin. Guess I may have spent a little to much time weeding the useful/interesting info out of the ego bashing and flame wars here :http://forum.keypublishing.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=5 lol I do respect the Eagles capabilities and also agree that it is highly unlikely that the Typhoon will see action on the scale of Bekáa Valley or GW1. Though like I said earlier I see no achivement in combat by the Eagle that could not have been matched by a variety of other aircraft given the oportunity. On the subject of "over my house" I was buzzed by a pair of GR.4s a few weeks back as they made a run on the sub base at Faslane. Saw them going down the clyde valley at low altitude then they flew a couple of hundred feet directly over my head on their way out a few minutes latter, didnt have a camera on me at the time though.
  25. Flying Over My House Right Now

    ok I'll bite... seeing that the typhoon hasnt been used operationally and has only just entered service then I see no reason why it should have an exceptionally high kill ratio as the Eagle does, however if it can't out perform a 30 year old design then someone really hasnt been doing their job. The logic that because the Eagle has a kill ratio of 104:0 makes it the best fighter in the world can be applied to other types to illustrate my point: F-14 kill ratio 4:0, Sea Harrier FRS.1 kill ratio 23:0 does that make the Sea Harrier superior to the F-14? Of the 104 kills how many were evenly matched engagments, all were against inferior aircraft (Mig-21,23,25,29) and against less capable air forces, lacking in both training and support equipment (AWACS etc) Fact is the Typhoon is an exceptional fighter as is the Eagle, that the Eagle has an exceptional combat record does not however make it superior or inferior to an aircraft which has yet to see combat. Though I will say that placed in the same senarios as the Eagle a Typhoon would have had absoloutly no problem at all in matching the eagles credentials and given tthe chance has the potential to surpass them. Craig

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