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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Did a it of easter egg hunting and found a 5 SQN Tornado F.3 skin in the Nato Fighters mod, didn't turn up much else though. Before I break out my crayons for the first time since god knows when (7-8 years I think) is anyone aware of any other skins hiding in existing mods? Looking for 56(R), 111 & 1435 Flt for the RAF and anything from the RSAF. The base skins that come with the F.3 are simple enough so should really just be a bit of decal work if I do it myself, with exception of 56 who were rather flamboyant at times. Figured its worth asking before doubling up on something that may have already been done.
  2. Tornado F.3 skins?

    Clocked that when installing the first one a few days ago Sorry, got a little distracted exploring the Scotland on the UK terrain... still need to sort 1435 FLT and the anniversary schemes.
  3. Tornado F.3 skins?

    She's on the list: Off to start snapping again, should hopefully have enough screenies in a couple of hours.
  4. Tornado F.3 skins?

    No problem, quite a few skins to get through so will get them off to you in a few days.
  5. Tornado F.3 skins?

    Oops. No, no images in the Zips, though I'll likely be snapping away over the next few days. I've only taken a few shots so far while checking they worked:
  6. Tornado F.3 skins?

    Thanks, appreciate it Head meet desk.... I didn't realise the F.3 was originally a Gen.1 mod so didn't even look Thanks, preview pics are long gone but the file names sound promising. It appears Syrinx was quite busy knocking them out almost exactly 10 years ago. She's already done all of the RAF units I'd mentioned plus a few others though I may yet take a stab at one of the black spined 111 birds.
  7. I'm about to make the SF-2NA E-2 flyable, leaning towards the C-160 Transall for a donor cockpit as its the only twin med/heavy turboprop I can think of that has one. Just wondering if anyone has thoughts on anything that might be a better fit that I may have overlooked?
  8. How did you get an AI wingie to hit a tanker?
  9. P-51D for sale in Texas

    Hadn't noticed but looks like you're right about the windshld. Bit odd for a restoration, would have thought the three piece would have been easier to find and more accurate.
  10. P-51D for sale in Texas

    Sod the P-51... I'll take the F-4 https://www.platinumfighters.com/phantom2 Pretty interesting collection they have there.
  11. You've definitely earned a break. When you feel refreshed you should do something completely different... like the F.3
  12. Lightning F.52 & F.53

    No idea, something must be corrupted somewhere but I can really see how. Having now flown the F.53 it seems I still have some work ahead of me... the cockpit from the F.6 works but there is no symbology on the sight, even though there is when I fly the F.6 (and every other model for that matter). Edit: checked the Thirdwire site and it turns out you need SF2E, SF2 and EXP2 to make the53 flyable... I'm missing SF2 on this install hence why I needed to use the F.6 to get it working.
  13. I see you swapped out the stock F-15 seat as well Did a bit of looking around but haven't found the twin mount anywhere, is it buried in a pack? Kinda like the idea of unleashing four of those, the four under-wing pods and the micro-cells in the nose all at once... loosing off that many there's really no need to aim, bound to hit something
  14. Lightning F.52 & F.53

    Ended up pasting in and renaming the files from the F.6... why its not calling out the stock files for the 53 I have no idea.
  15. Lightning F.52 & F.53

    That's why I posted it, I don't have one. There isn't one in the package for the F.53, only the F.52
  16. Lightning F.52 & F.53

    I have it, the F.52 shows up just fine but the F.53 doesn't. The only obvious differences i can see are that the F.52 in the pack has a Cockpit and Avionics INI supplied, but the F.53 doesn't. I tried editing the 53's LOD references to the Lightning F.6 based on the fact that the F.52 appears to reference the Lightning F.2. This however made no difference, so I changed it back to "53LOD"
  17. Lightning F.52 & F.53

    Finally got around to installing this after downloading about a year ago I've been flying the F.52 all night but the F.53 doesn't show up, noticed the Avionics and cockpit INI's are missing from the package... though presumably they're hidden in the game files in stock format somewhere so would have thought it would still show up?
  18. ضرب البرق مرتين على ركوب السجاد السحرية I'd forgotten just how much of a monster these things are when you throw them around... Engaged a flight of Egyptian MiG-21's at about 5000ft... I extended to re-position and when I checked my altimeter after what felt like a few seconds I was suddenly by myself at 35,000 ft
  19. Really looking forward to the Canuck... that said I've never understood why Belgium of all places ordered it. Sure in the vast northern wastes of the Arctic it makes perfect sense... however you could drop the nation of Belgium on top of Canada and never find it again...
  20. Thanks, a pot of coffee and my Sunday afternoon reading is sorted
  21. Would that be the Tasmanian Sea by any chance? The "poor man's" Tom-Kitty:
  22. You simply a cannot make a comparison between the nature of air combat during the cold war and the Luftwaffe seal clubbing their way around Europe in the early 1940's... Nor can you make a comparison between he careers of those who served tours of a set duration and those whom through circumstance were forced to fight for the duration.
  23. Really begs the question... what would be the point? Might as well just use the F-104 since the proposed offering was essentially an F-4 minus all the good bits. Was really disappointing when I found out the true nature of the original Luftwaffe F-4 proposal, for years I'd imagined something akin to the F3H-3G/H "Super Demon".

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