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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Lets say it has an extending oleo strut on the nose... nose goes up, tail goes down... problem solved
  2. A subtle one here... there are changes to the Vixen as well but none are visible bar the missiles. Knocked the jet into an FAW.3... pinched the engines from a Lightning, the radar from a Phantom and a nerw pit from a Lightning F.6. Also turned the Firestreak into a Blue Dolphin by ini tweaks and a crude over paint of the seaker head. she'll now do Mach 1.2 and really is all weather capable.
  3. Another one that just looks right Decided to look up Swedish for Tornado... disappointingly is seems to be "Tornado"
  4. Ran Into a flight of 42Sqn Phantoms on the way home
  5. No worries, was sure I'd read somewhere it was AI only so thought I was going to have to do that bit myself. Edit: - seems to be WinRar thats the issue, managed to get in with 7Zip
  6. Having a spot of bother mate, only just getting around to installing now having downloaded last week but the file is corrupted and wont open. Tried re-downloading but had the same result.
  7. E-2 Hawkeye pit recommendations?

    Thanks guys, SWMBO was meant to to be off on a business trip but it got canned at the last minute so haven't had time to check these out until now.
  8. Japan launches new helicopter carrier "Kaga"

    Small world... I've quoted you in that thread. I saw the screenshots before they went down, not sure when it'll be ready but its looking really good.
  9. IAI Lavi

    hmmm going t make things much more interesting for 1435's Typhoons. Reasonably plausible as well given the FAA's use of Daggers and the "on again off again" potential Kfir order
  10. Japan launches new helicopter carrier "Kaga"

    WBS unfortunately hasn't been around these parts for quite a long time now, wouldn't get your hopes up.
  11. Looks like the product of an encounter between a Scimitar and a MiG-19
  12. Thanks, good to have you back Gave it some thought last night, when I put the airgroup together I might swap out the Hornet for a Rafale FGA.1 instead
  13. Might this one find its way to a D/L section - thinking Hornet FRS.1's and Hawkeye AEW1 aboard the Vindictive CVA-03
  14. Instant sunshine constellation
  15. I've yet to get my teeth into DCS so not really in the loop, but wasn't a2g radar supposed to becoming with the Hornet module?
  16. Bit the big one!

    Welcome to the club... my girlfriends laptop is Win10 and I hate it with a passion... My own rig was designed mainly to get me through uni and I graduated 5.5 years ago... turns out the requirements for a decent FEA/CFD set up make for a decent gaming rig... least that was how I justified it at the time... truth is it was more a gaming rig that could handle Ansys/LD-Dyna/Creo etc At 9 years old though upgrades just wont cut it any more and since I badly want the DCS F-14 its time to bite the bullet and build a new rig...
  17. Heres a start, wil have to come back to this tomorrow: Italy: IOC 15/12/05.. first squadron wasn't formed until the following January though so not sure how that works... UK: 31/03/06 first RAF Sqn formed (11 SQN), combat ready as of 09/08/07 Spain - TBC Germany - TBC Austria - TBC
  18. 40 Years ago : the birth of the Hornet

    It didn't take 40 years to develop... and the USN has already retired them from front line service. The program started in the early 1970's, first flight 1978, service entry 1983... start to finish it was developed over about 10 years.
  19. Gracias, yo se un poco español
  20. Watched "The Right Stuff" the other night and remembered we an NF-104 and a map with Edwards AFB... have spent most of the afternoon above 100k ft... For the life of me I cannot work out why the tip tanks are present, they shouldn't be as the NF-104 didnt have any. The first thing I thought to check was the loadout.INI but this model doesn't actually have one. I then read through the Data.INI and there is nothing calling out for tip tanks. The only reference I can find are the three texture files titled SM_Droptank-F104", nothing in the ini's to actually request they be used... at least not that I can find Anyone have any idea how to get rid of them?

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