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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. DCS Turkey Pre-Order

    Tell me about it... I've been waiting for this since the first iteration of LOMAC Time to start building a new rig
  2. WTF?

    So either its Photoshop or a Museum did it for logistical reasons? There actually was a navalised version of the Meteor, never went beyond a prototype though.
  3. Shore based or did we sell Hermes before it went commando?
  4. I'll need to re-install SF2NA but would gladly take a look over the weekend.
  5. Air Strike (Bruce Willis)

    Could be interesting, if for no other reason than its about events that get very little attention. Though I do need to say the effects are god awful... it almost looks like a mid/late 90's made for TV B movie.
  6. Syrians decide to shoot first and ask questions latter... somehow this is Israel's fault... um... ok... How much vodka is required before that makes sense?
  7. Midway remake to start filming in September

    "The Patriot"? Ah yes... "Braveheart II - USA edition"... I'm not holding my breath either... I fully expect historical accuracy to take a back seat and a sappy love story a La "Pearl Harbor" to be thrown in... Expect the action sequences will be up to scratch though.
  8. Could almost see it replacing the Hunter assuming the Jaguar never arrived.
  9. Iran unveils new Kowsar Fighter

    Even if only for internal consumption... the Iranian people know they've been flying F-5's for decades, and know it's an American design... Who exactly are they trying to kid here?
  10. Senator John McCain dies at age 81

    Read yesterday he'd stopped treatment so knew this was coming... really wasn't expecting it so soon
  11. Finally got a HOTAS...but how are you doing this week?

    Just got my first as well, a freaking Thrust-master Cougar.. thank you Ebay... It really doesn't like anything beyond Win-Vista though so getting it to work has been ... interesting...
  12. Think that's the 3rd Cannuck I've seen over the years as WIP and none have yet made it out of the hangar
  13. This one just looks so right in RAF colours Craig
  14. Rockets salvo

    Might be a work around... I recall the F4D Skyray has its rockets set up as guns in order to fool the AI into using them as air to air weapons. Could the same "trick" be used again but give an extremely high rate of fire to allow a salvo?
  15. I want a Phoenix firing Vulcan !!!

    Just my 0.02... I'd go with internal purely for the sake of drag. The Vulcan's long range will quickly evaporate with the set up shown above. If range is a concern then external tanks where the Skybolts were going to go? Craig
  16. Happy to see its still being worked on, very fond of the Sea Harrier, particularly the FA.2 Craig
  17. USAF pre-Phantom air superiority fighter?

    Not according to Mr K Johnson it wasn't
  18. Top Gun Maverick

    He's still in the Navy 32 years on and driving a Super-Bug now? Ok... he "Feels the need for... not quite as much speed" Craig
  19. The Drop Tank Dilemma

    Sorry missed that bit. Like I said, I would be surprised if the f-35's don't have the capacity to have tanks fitted, if the Israelis are even thinking about it then the the wings and pylons must already be plumbed. If that's the case then its really only a matter of time until they show up as its only the tanks themselves to be developed..
  20. The Drop Tank Dilemma

    The F-8 could carry external tanks, it just generally didn't. Not sure if they were ever even fully cleared but at least the J model was built with points on the wings. In the case of the F-35 I'd be surprised if they don't have the ability to mount ferry tanks in much the same manner as the F-22 does.
  21. In the Navy

    Blackadder Goes Fourth: Craig
  22. Whats the model? Don't think I've seen that one before Craig
  23. Been away for a few weeks and this just keeps getting better and better
  24. Welcome back, been along time

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