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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. I haven't had an active install of any TW game for about two years now, this Tonka might just bring me back, nice work Craig
  2. That was actually pretty damned convincing for a run into San Carlos. Don't really keep up to date with IL2 any more so this may be old news but I found this, in keeping with the Falklands theme:
  3. MB-339A

  4. Your Favorite Flight Sim Campaigns

    I really miss these kinds of touches... just doesn't really happen anymore. For myself probably some of the IL2 DBW campaigns. BoB and Korean Panthers spring to mind.
  5. What the hell is wrong with me?

    Actually CFS2 had an animated LSO as well.
  6. What the hell is wrong with me?

    I can relate, very fond memories of Janes IAF and CFS2.
  7. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    Cpt Aubrey I presume? Fingers crossed for the missing 7.
  8. Best Jet trainer

    Same question. I've been waiting since the first days of LOMAC for a proper F-14 and or F/A-18. Getting to the point that I really should consider getting to grips with it so that I'm ready for the Cat and Bug when they arrive in the hopefully not to distant future. From what I've read I'm leaning towards the F-5 as well but I welcome input from those more familiar with the game.
  9. Learn your callsign

    "Ripping Knuckles"... coulda been worse
  10. Tom Cruise confirms Top Gun 2

    This was uploaded 2 years ago though it may not be too far off the mark. Craig.
  11. May the Fourth be with You.

    Beware Revenge of the 5th
  12. Man in the High Castle ...

    I've only seen the pilot so far, main issue is just how exactly the Germans/Japanese were supposed to accomplish a successful overwhelming invasion of North America in the first place. Craig
  13. Been hoping you'd tackle some flat tops for a while Planning any more? Craig
  14. What did we learn today?

    Dunno, to a European ear "Armada" still resonates. On the other hand "Pacific Fleet Carrier Strike Group" kinda sounds like trying to pad out a CV*, Battle Group or Carrier Group would suffice What did we learn in the UK, Brexit rocked the boat a bit... so lets bring the general election forward three years potentially changing the government entirely mere weeks after triggering Article 50... shifting sands doesn't begin to cover it... Craig *The employment kind... not the CVBG kind :P
  15. Want Is there a back story or was this just a drunken night at the back of a Hangar between a MiG-25 and a "something but not quite sure what"?
  16. I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.

    Yeah, I don't get it either... more irritating than intimidating.
  17. No, most things did not have huds... reason being they're not supposed to. To the best of my knowledge no F-104, anywhere, ever... had a hud fitted...
  18. DLC question

    Been along time but when I wanted to do something similar I'm pretty sure I just installed the DLC's manually with no issues.
  19. F-15 Retirement.....

    Re. Tooling, my understanding is that they were told to, would have made sense at one point as I'm pretty sure LM would have loved to re-open the line and produce more... Billing uncle Sam all the way. However even if the tooling was still viable today its the 3rd party subcontractors that will have moved on and thus may render the idea a non-starter. I did consider putting forth the Typhoon as a possible F-15 replacement however I simply can't see the USAF or US Gov swallowing that pill.
  20. F-15 Retirement.....

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think that USAF SuperBugs will actually happen, just pointing out that it might be a better option than trying to build new F-15's. Particularly if the suggested push towards an F-15 to F-16 transition is economics, with the USN already operating them there is already an extensive support base, its just a mater of integrating the AF into this. Given that the USAF has been known to adopt then grow to love "Navy" birds in the past, namely the F-4 & A-7, I wouldn't say its impossible, just unlikely. Whatever the outcome fact is the F-22 was the ideal solution and the politicians managed to royally screw it up to the point it may no-longer be possible or at least viable.
  21. F-15 Retirement.....

    To be honest I can't really see the F-16 managing to truly replace the F-15 regardless of proposed upgrades. The USAF would also have to move very fast on the F-16 option as the production line is going to be closed imminently. The only options as I see it are: 1) New build F-15's - New build or not its still a 1970's design so the USAF would simply be kicking the can down the road. 2) SuperBugs - Starting to get on in years so similar to above if not quite so pronounced. 3) Restart the F-22 line - Cost prohibitive? I know it was recently being investigated though haven't hear anything for a few months. Closing the 22 line after so few manufactured aircraft has to be one of the single dumbest US procurement decisions of the last 15 years, had they built say 450+ then the USAF wouldn't be in the mess its in now.
  22. Circular Runways

    Erik pretty much hit it on the head. If you can approach this from any direction how are you supposed to set up viable landing aids? Has he considered the impact a banked runway surface is going to have on tyres? Has he considered the increased stresses on landing gear structure that will be caused by landing on a three dimensionaly varying surface, rather than the standard planar surface? Has he considered that only one quadrant of this loop runway will be optimal for wind conditions at any given time... He think its viable for large hubs... only if they want to operate with a single arrival/departure corridor... Technically you could use opposite quadrants, one for arrivals and one for departures however that results in two aircraft on the same loop that while on the ground are heading directly at each other. Further evidence he doesn't understand basic engineering, he has managed to confuse centrifugal and centripetal forces in several videos and documents I've read. Fact remains when siting and constructing an airport the prevailing wind conditions are factored into runway orientation... many existing airports already have multiple runways of varying orientation... As a space saver this is a deeply flawed solution to a problem that doesn't really exist. Airports are massive by necessity... they also generally exist where they are required already.

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