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Posts posted by Shaolin

  1. My first pilot flies the E.III with KEK Douai - so far one sortie ending with a crash on starting and three weeks in the hospital... (I still don't know why I suddenly lost control - just throttled back a little bit to stay behind my leader and the plane simply fell out of the sky with absolutely no response to any control input :this:)

  2. PS: first check with the TrackIR menue, if the TrackIR does react on your movements.

    Also, if it shows four red spots in the TIR cam, which shows that it's active.


    Believe me, I know a lot about 3D tracking...

    (TrackIR only works with just three "reflectors" because you have the knowlege wich solutions you can reject)


    Hi, Shaolin!

    Did you press F4 ? That will switch you through the views; one of them will be your TrackIR view.


    Do NOT remove the cockpit (F3) - although; well, it may still work, but feels strange without an aircraft around you.


    I have tried every available view - without success!

    The strange thing is - when the software recognizes a game in its list running the lower LED gets blue - but with OFF it doesn't...

    With the original CFS3 it is the same, in ThirdWire simulation I have no problems at all (the LED gets blue, the software recognizes the game, the head tracking works)! :this:

  3. Just as an amusing aside about cultural issues in gaming - I used to be a university lecturer in communications, and we had an exchange programme with the University of Kiel in Germany. A friend of mine who lectures about interface design in gaming was delivering his standard lecture to a bunch of german students when he flips to the next powerpoint slide - which shows the CoD interface, complete with germans getting mowed down all over the screen. It was a real "Don't mention the war!" moment which was greeted by embarrassed silence by everyone. Needless to say - he moved smartly onto the next slide...


    Well, if I think how many German soldiers I have killed in MoH and CoD... :grin:

    But the interesting thing is, you can play all sides in flightsims, u-boat sims and strategy games, but NEVER the German side in a WWII shooter... (only the VC in Vietcong)

  4. The B-18 may have been a later model Bolo, but the 10 certainly was. I've liked the idea of a WW2 sparked early in both the pacific and Europe. It would have been really interesting to see how some of the US fighters like the P-35 and P-36 would have done had they served more. I remember reading that an American became an ace piloting a P-35 in the phillipines that managed to take down zeroes. It and the P-43 were the direct ancestors of the mighty jug afterall. Similarly read the P-36 was quite maneuverable and gave a good accounting of itself in France as one of their better fighters.


    As far as I know the B-18 was the Bolo, and the replacement for the B-10 (don't know the B-10 name...).

  5. Ach so noch ein Nachtrag. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen östlicher und westlicher Navigation bestand darin, daß sich der Osten am geografischen Nordpol orientierte, während westliche Systeme auf den magnetischen Nordpol zeigten.


    Das sorgt sicher für einige Konfusion (wenn man immer etwas "neben" dem erwarteten Ort liegt...)!

  6. Interessante Diskussion - besonders, da ich momentan damit liebäugle, mir die Total War Collection (oder wie auch immer das Ding heißt) zuzulegen.

    Dazu passt natürlich auch, dass ich gerade erst eine Doku über den Griechisch-Persischen Krieg gesehen habe (ich weiß, etwas zu früh für den Zeitrahmen der Spiele) und vor ca. 20 Jahren begeistert Sachbücher über die Antike verschlungen habe...


    Mal sehen :cool:

  7. Really looking forward to it!

    But I would prefer if they would spend more (time/money) on the game than on the marketing...

  8. Darüber hinaus wäre die F-4F ja dann auch als "Schönwetterjäger" zu bezeichnen, da man hier gleich auf die Integration von Sparrow verzichtete.

    Offensichtlich wurde das Fehlen von nicht-IR Raketen nicht sonderlich bemängelt.


    Hatte rein politische Gründe (ähnlich wie die fehlende Kanone beim Tiger) - man könnte das Ding ja sonst für eine "offensive" Waffe halten... :rofl:

  9. tja oder die mirageIII die aus irgend welchen gründen ja wieder aus der auswahl ausschied , ob da wohl schmiergeld mit schuld wahr :grin:


    Schon interessant - wenn du im kleinen Zmfang schmierst oder dich schmieren lässt, wird's teuer für dich (und es geht möglicherweise noch in den Knast), wenn du aber Politiker bist (und dich im GROSSEN Stil schmieren lässt), wird ein Flughafen nach dir benannt...:blink:

  10. Well, there were a few small but important factors which *maybe* made the difference:

    A more modern tactic and organisation on the german side, especially the independence of the tank commanders (like Rommel) and the radios the tanks were fitted with (and not to forget the cooperation between ground forces and the Luftwaffe). The allied commanders still thought in WWI scales, equipment and tactics...


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