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Files posted by Shaolin

  1. Bf109 Killmarks

    Killmarks for all Bf109 Models, up to 350 kills.
    Put all Bars*.png files into the \Objects\Aircraft folder.
    Add the following in the decal.ini:
    for Bf109 E:
    for Bf109 F/G/K:
    Readme format "borrowed" from Kevin "Wrench" Stein
    If you have any problems, questions, comments, I can be reached via CombatAce
    Have Fun!
    Legal BS:
    This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted as long as the original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
    Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it...otherwise I =WILL= find you and you will discover what's at the Lowest Level of Hell ...
    Bribes are accepted; ask for the day's going rates


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  2. Bf109 E-1 (New version without cannons with adjusted skins)

    Bf-109 E-1 SF/SFG/WoV/WoE (ideal for the Poland campaign) --for Games at 06 Patch Level -ONLY!!!-
    It includes skins used in Poland (and the templates, based on Russo's original ones) and killmarks up to 350.
    To make it easier to create new skins there are two 'blank' skins already included (green and splinter) and all skins are using a central decal folder with the numbers 1-20 in black, white, red and yellow.
    This is a mod of Russo's (new!) Bf-109 E-4, to make the Bf-109 E-1 of the early campaigns of WWII. The The only difference to later types is the armament, consisting of four 7.92mm MGs.
    The cockpit is Kesselbrut's Bf-109E pit, the damage tgas created by Wrench and the skins are mine.
    I really don't know who made the numbers in black and yellow, the white and red ones are just repaints of them by me... (If you made them, contact me. I will update this readme!)
    = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY- at the 10/06 patch levels. It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, nor post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE. Nor has it been tested in SF2 or SF2:V. You use it in these enviroments at YOUR own risk. =
    NOTE to SF2 users-- you all know this better than I, so you should know what to do.
    Put the contents of Bf109 Killmarks folder into your \Objects\Aircraft folder.(If you haven't already installed my Bf109 killmarks)
    Put the contents of Pilot folder into your \Objects\Aircraft folder.(where all your pilot figures go)
    Put the contents of Sounds folder into your \Sounds folder.
    with thanks to Russo, and everyone else involved
    Readme format "borrowed" from Kevin "Wrench" Stein
    If you have any problems, questions, comments, I can be reached via CombatAce
    Have Fun!
    Legal BS:
    This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted as long as the original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
    Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it...otherwise I =WILL= find you and you will discover what's at the Lowest Level of Hell ...
    Bribes are accepted; ask for the day's going rates
    The Bf-109E-1 remains property of Messerschmitt AB; it's heirs/successors/stockholders or others from corporate take-overs, and of course, RussoUK


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