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Everything posted by Bounder

  1. Whale Watching

    maybe not quit as old ,but something you dont see any more
  2. Hunt for Scuds

    it was even published in the stars and strips that that was the reason Delta was assigned the mission,,and the US promissed the assigment of Delta,and to built two kabbutz,as long as IDF forces didnot leave the border of Israel. Cortary to the statement that any attack on Israel would result in a like response on the attacker. Think I even still have that issue I brought alot of the back with me when we returned,Even have the one on the AC-130 that when down around that time and all SOI where considered compromised.
  3. Hunt for Scuds

    Delta was assigned to hunt scuds at the request of Israel in "payment" for not entering the war once they were attacked during "STORM" Due to the fear that IAF forces would split the coalition, SOFD was sent asap. January 18 First Scuds hit Israel. Navy aircraft losses during attack on Scud sites leads to recriminations about low-altitude bombing tactics. First American air attacks are launched from Turkey. January 19 David Eberly and Thomas Griffith are shot down. January 20 Lawrence Eagleburger and Paul Wolfowitz arrive in Tel Aviv. January 22 Navy attacks Iraqi oil tanker, triggering Schwarzkopf's threat of court-martial. British high command, alarmed at aircraft losses, abandons low-altitude attacks against airfields. January 23 Intense attack against Iraqi aircraft shelters begins. January 26 U.S. Marines in Oman participate in Sea Soldier IV, rehearsal for amphibious landing on Kuwaiti coast. F-111s attack oil manifolds at Al Ahmadi in effort to counter Iraqi sabotage. January 29 Iraqis attack Khafji and other border positions. Allied pilots begin flying combat air patrols to thwart Iraqi flights to Iran. January 30 Richard Cheney dispatches Delta Force to Saudi Arabia to hunt for Scuds.
  4. Aircraft Camouflage

    digi pattern is far from new,we had them during Desert Storm ,the "desert parka"was general issue to all ground troops back in the 90's(it was meet with mixed results) Below the marpat that was mentioned prior
  5. The British way...

    OH YEAH well our COPS are better
  6. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3617 dont forget this
  7. Supreme Court Rejects Death Penalty.......

    IT DOSENT MATTER Two things that dont last long in a FED.PEN. DIRTY COPS,and CHILD MOLESTERS, my sorces say the have deadly accedents in those instatutions. We have an on going case in Austin right now an adult male molested from 1-6 kids in a motel,first paid them to stay quit,then took pics,and stated he would kill them,and thier families if the ever said anything. I have kids ,and place him lowest of the low,right next to those that betray thier country.
  8. I played with something like that to,an evening mission wasent expecting it,kids at other side if house heard "G-- D-----" wasent funny.One ran in to check the other two ran out the out the house was my first week back LOL.
  9. News of the Wierd

    Drunk logic is something aint it
  10. Video: Typhoon, Tornado, Spartan, AMX y M346

    bookmarked it to my colloetion of AC vids thank you for posting
  11. 3 in 10 Americans Admit to Racial Bias

    Reality it probly higher,from 70 to now Ive seen it alot. It was so bad in the 70 the military had EO officers (equal oppertunity) to curb racial problems. In Texas in the military I still see alot directed at Latin Americans.
  12. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    this is nothing new the IDF always rehurse for actions on any threat,as do we. Trust me we have plans to,we may just hand over current intel we gather and do a "target handoff" as we call it,but things are almost at the ready on any know "problem"
  13. while deployed I run it all the time came back before WOI was released,but played SFP,WOE,WOV AND HAD NO PROBLEMS. BUT ON SOME SYSTEMS YOU MAY HAVE TO DIAL DOWN THE EYE CANDY. I have enjoyed it alot on laptops. May want toget externel hard drive though as meny lack space.
  14. US built "Su-33"

    "Raptor squadrons are having a difficult time scheduling training missions - why? The Eagle, Viper and Hornet squadrons just have a tough time justifying TDY's and the flights out to the training area to time and time again just receive the radio call "You're dead, return to back for the debreif". Mike" And speaking as one hows Militery tour spans 1972 to current if that where true SF,SEAL,RANGERS,DELTA and the like couldent get training,the US Gov will always train it latest hottest equipment no matter how mush it demorlizes the OPFOR unit (example when the M-1 tank came out at the time it was what the Raptor is the AC now When US ran out of OPFOR stateside,they went to other countries,and the US forced won all the C.A.T. trophies. then the Canadians,and Germans just got better) More current example We wear the most advanced body armor in the world,and I NEVER SAW an INSERJENT in anything but reguler clothing,and we still take hits.
  15. US built "Su-33"

    look ppl I dont care how advanced a weapon is it ALWAYS THE MAN RUNNING IT that matters in most cases,We have the most advanced equipment if the world,but we lose ppl,and equipment to primitives,but primitives with heart ,and convection. For the "movies warriors" remember the Flight of the Intruder all that advanced Aircraft ,and a sinlgle shot muzzle loader nailed th Co-pilot.(sorry if I boched some spelling mypain meds kicked in big time :))
  16. US built "Su-33"

    put a sloppy tired pilot in a Raptor,and a fresh sh--hot pilot ihn anything ,and thr raptor still better watch or he will end up salvage
  17. Iam only so so but need to know what your looking for? heres all I could find http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&...utour+II+4050+A get ma a few pics and Ill try.
  18. try Infraview its free works good on all programs http://www.irfanview.com/ http://www.download.com/IrfanView/3000-219...&tag=button
  19. Call of Duty 4 1.6 Patch

    the maps are very good a welcome change to the old ones.There is alot more rooftop to rooftop work now and much more underground work. Havent gotten any of the "CREEK" map yet that will follow soon.
  20. Snow!

    103 here at my house,102 in city Austin
  21. Snow!

    oh chill I member it snowing 4th July in colo meny years back nbd
  22. My rebuilt team is S----Hot

    first time in the kill house as a new team we had 10 rooms to clear each room had 1-2 terr's in it this was our surprize in the last room.Five of us entered the room we leveled the last two terr's and dident hit the hostage they planted in the room HAY BABY (I had to get use to firing right handed as left is still a little messed up)

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