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About Hawker

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  1. Can someone, anyone email this wonderful plane to me since that link is currently down? I'd really appreciate it! I've been looking forward to this one for a LONG time!! Thanks hawker@comcast.net
  2. Edited... Anyone still flying the Prowler? Just wondering if I should continue working on it.
  3. Hmmm, not sure if that happens or not with mine. I'll do some more testing. For anyone with invisible fuselage problems, in another thread Wolfman fixed it by installing the latest DX9. Try that, it should do the trick.
  4. Wolfman, Thanks! It's great to know you fixed it! Ranger, well isn't that an interest paint job. :) Desert cammy. So glad you guys like the plane.
  5. I believe you have to make it, then just unzip the file there.
  6. Thanks :) If anyone does any repainting and so on, please post pics. I'd love to see what people are doing with this jet.
  7. I think it's the F-4E. Just temporary until I get one built for it. Thanks
  8. your favorite aircraft..

    The Prowler is nice but what the heck is up with that paintjob? Looks horrible. It has the potential to be a real winner though. It is a very nice jet however.
  9. FS2004 is a winner.

    I bought MyTraffic tonight to see how well it works with FS9, and it's amazing! Beautiful program. Adds many many AI jets (and you can fly them all too). I sat at Frankfurt Main Airport and let lots of traffic happen and enjoyed the heck out of it. Well worth the $31 bucks. Gives this new version an entirely new appeal. :) http://www.mytraffic2004.com/
  10. Jetson, I have lots of info already thanks. Just doing some USAF stuff though (been in the service almost 13 years now). It takes a priorty over finishing the Prowler. I will finish it eventually. That's why I released it so you guys could have fun with her until I get the time to complete it. I know many were waiting a long time, I didn't want to drag it out much more.
  11. FS2004 is a winner.

    Heck yeah it is! Beautiful sim! Using the various tweaks at www.avsim.com and www.flightsim.com I get about 30-40 fps. My fav thing to do is fly around Princess Julianna airport. The scenery is all maxed out and looks fabulous. I couldn't be happier. :) All the planes look amazing in it.
  12. Glad you are enjoying it! :D Have you hit the H key to see the wings fold yet? Kinda cool I think. ;)
  13. "H" key folds wings (slowly) and then canopies open. There are a few paint jobs in there as well, but no panel lines just yet. Very basic stuff, but quite enjoyable. I worked very hard on this jet, esp the landing gear. Check out all the moving parts. :) If you are enjoying it, let me know! Pete
  14. If some of you would enjoy flying my Prowler in it's current state, you can try it. I've been debating on letting it out as is and figured what the heck. Get it here... (you must click link and file DL should begin) http://mywebpages.comcast.net/hawker/files...EA-6B_16May.zip Wing folding update (timing/position) (overwrite files in main EA-6B folder) http://mywebpages.comcast.net/hawker/files...fold_Update.zip My jet sound (for all jets) http://mywebpages.comcast.net/hawker/files...etEngineWav.zip Just put the files in the EA-6B directory of your aircraft folder. I'm going to be busy with other things but this should keep some of you happy. Don't complain, whine, etc. This IS a beta and I know there are many issues. Just try it, if you like it, have fun. If not, don't fly it. Simple.

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