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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. I could send it to you , but I advise you that my dll is pathed July 2013, so if you are using an older version you may have troubles.
  2. Nice, yesterday some guys here had a similar problem with that kind of programs.
  3. Is nice to know that you have been able to solve the problem.
  4. Those programs like Avast are fuc**** terrible. Hopfully I don't have it.
  5. pfffffff that sounds very very very bad.... I've never heard about something like this before, I'm sure that there is something extrange at your mod folder which causes your problems as you mention that you got an A-4 pit for an F-4!!! , one thing you can do without unsintalling anything is to check the last mod's you have put in your folder because may be the error is there. You must take into account that if you mix lots of mods with updates merged games etc, extrange things usually happen.
  6. I mean, had you already used the editor with the July 2013 path?
  7. Have you already used the editor with the July 2013 path? , or the problems you are getting comes since you have update the game?
  8. All those programs as well as antiviruses can harm you as yo have described. But sadly, I think that the only solution you have is to uninstall everything ....
  9. The solution should be the creation of a new australian service from 1975, and in this new service you can add your new medals. For example: [Nation038] Name=Australia DisplayName=Royal Australian Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=FALSE PilotNameList=NamesAustralian.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.cat Medals=MedalsUK.ini MedalTextFile=MedalsUK.str And the add: // Australia -75 [Nation039] Name=Australia_OLD DisplayName=Royal Australian Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=FALSE PilotNameList=NamesAustralian.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.cat Medals=MedalsUK.ini MedalTextFile=MedalsUK.str <------------------------------New medals
  10. Does any of you have an opinon about this mod so far?
  11. Mirage IIIEE Spanish Air Force

    No, sidewider only
  12. Yes mainly russian planes , I've been playing with it since 2010 3 years after I started with SFP1
  13. With current path levels (July 2013) SF1 planes work with SF2 without changing any ini file, the only thing you have to do is modify the folders according to the SF2 standard.
  14. I think that SF2 M-2000D does not have that ability.
  15. Try Lock On series , they are, in my opinion, the most realistic and complete fighter simulators ever made, however, they are not as "simple" and you wont't have the huge amount of mod's you'll have with Strike fighters.
  16. Hola a todos

    Esos cajones de aparcamiento junto con los aviones le da un realismo al jeu muy bueno, si se trata de un terreno de "stock" veo muy muy complicado el quitarlos puesto que tienes que modificar algún ini dentro del CAT......
  17. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    Se sabe algo más de este tema allá por Argentina?
  18. You can use the SFP1 version in your SF2 installation. For me it works perfectly.
  19. Retired 10 years ago today

    Le meilleur avion de l'histoire.
  20. Try to install it in a clean installation of SF2 patched april 2012. And it should work. Some times graphical issues in certain computers cause that kind thing , so I recomend you to revise your configuration. I hope it will work.

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