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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. View File Operation Odyssey Dawn 2.0 HD Part 1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ From now on , this new update: http://combatace.com/files/file/15169-operation-odyssey-dawn-update/ It is mandatory to be applied over this MOD. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Opération Harmattan---------Operation Ellamy---------Operation Odyssey Dawn--------Operation Freedom Falcon----------Operación Amanecer de la Odisea---------Operation Mobile Version 2.0 HD This is the definitive version of the original Operation Odyssey Dawn MOD. It includes a highly reworked version of the original Operation Odyssey Dawn MOD also avaible here at CA. As it is a big package and those are usually difficult to handle by some users I'm going to explain with the higher ammount of details how to install it and how to work with it , so please guys READ this README. 1) Requirements * A very powefull computer at LEAST with an intel core i5 and 6Gb of RAM, if not loading times will be crazy and gaming horrible as the CPU won't afford the MOD 2) Installation * Use a CLEAN , and when I say clean it is a CLEAN MOD folder * Path the game up to july 2013 if you don't do this the MOD won't work , so you are warned * Drop everything you have in the 3 .rar files and when it asks you to overwrite say: YES TO ALL * Rar files are at .rar5 format so please be sure that you use the lastest winrar version You can also use this program if you have problems unzipping the MOD: http://www.bandisoft.com/bandizip/ * Then everything should work 3) If you do the above things , you think that you fullfill the requirements and the MOD does not work properly, What to do? * Any PM sent to me regarding this question WON'T BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT , because I don't want to have 12 PM's asking me the same thing in 3 different languages. * So to solve the above point I've created a "problem template" , that you must fill and post at the file announce post of this MOD "problem Template" Installation you have: Path: Type of problem: Campaign working (YES/NO): Air unit of the campaign: Plane used by the air unit 4) Weapons They are included and based in RavenClaw's MOD so , if you miss some of them because I may have forgotten to add them just download this: http://combatace.com/files/file/13929-weapons-pack-2/ 5) Campaign There are more assest than in the original MOD however a lower number of them will be flyable. The reason is the use of many off-map bases. 6) Credits: "I approve of the mod" dmtdragon The Mirage Factory Cocas Dels eburger68 ianh755 Dave Sundowner JSF_Anggie Aleks1 JAT81500 Feedee Bobrock JeanBa Stratos Ice Man Logan4 Wrench Bongodriver Foxmonter DenissOliveira Ludo.m54 Centurion-1 Coupi Paulopanz Marcelo ace888 Brain32 wpnssgt Veltro2k Blackfish Sordo EricJ Eole2 RavenClaw_007 FastCargo Baddmeister YEYEYE Crusader Sillone104 WhiteBoySamurai frnt Kesselbrut I've I forgotten to mention someone , just tell me. Have fun. FRPignon Submitter FRPignon Submitted 07/14/2014 Category User Made Campaigns  
  2. View File Armée de l'air Mirage IIIE (REDUX) DASSAULT MIRAGE IIIE REDUX For SF2 Requirements: --------------------------------- DLC Mirage IIIO --------------------------------- Installation: --------------------------------- If you have the ancient add-on , delete it before installing this one. Then, just drag everything into your MOD folder. What's new --------------------------------- * New skins * Skins with correct colors * Correct Loadout * Other minor adjustements Important info about the squadrons: -------------------------------- * 2 ème Escadre (Only air defense) Cigognes, Alsace * 3 ème Escadre (SEAD mainly) Champagne, Ardennes, Navarre * 4 ème Escadre (frappe nucléaire) Dauphiné, La Fayette * 13 ème Escadre (Assault conventionel) Alpes, Artois Weapons: -------------------------------- Mainly this ones were used: AIM-9B from 1965 up to 1975 Matra Magic 1975 up to 1994 R-530 Only with the 2 ème Escadre M-117 750 lb With all the Escadres except with the 2 ème AN-52 Only with the 4 ème Escadre AS-37 and AS-30 With all the late versions specially from those from the 3 ème Phimat and Barrac/Barrax only late versions Bibliography: ------------------------------- "Les Monorécteurs Dassault à Aile Delta - Tome 2 Mirage IIIE" B.Chenel, E.Moreau et Patrick Audorin ,DTU "Mirage III , 5,50 and derivates from 1955 to 2000" D.Breffort, A.Jouineau ,Histoire & Collections Credits: New version Texture Temp by Ludo.m54 data.ini - Coupi and FRPignon decals - Ludo.m54 Texture - Ludo.m54 and FRPignon 3D mod - Denis Oliveira Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi and FRPignon Weapons - RavenClaw_007 Pilot and effects - Banidos Team And special thanks to my friend Denis Oliveira. Link to the original add-on: http://combatace.com/files/file/14121-mirage-iiie-arm%C3%A9e-de-lair/ Submitter FRPignon Submitted 10/21/2014 Category Mirage 3  
  3. Dassault Mirage IVP

    Version 1.0


    Dassault Mirage IVP This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him. The cockpit is a rough BETA conversion of a Mirage III cockpit. It doesnt represent a complete Mirage IV cockpit. Specificities : - Recconaissance or Nuclear Strike - with CT-52 Recconaissance Pod or ASMP cruise missile - Self-Protection with internal Alkan 188 Chaff/Flare dispenser and external pods: Barax ECM pod and BOZ-103 chaff/flare dispenser pod Fuel system: Internal fuel capacity is 14000 Liter / 11200 kg (with a fuel weight of 0.8 kg/L) The 4-digit fuel counter is set to show only tens of kg and up, e.g. if it reads 0950 = 9500 kg The counter shows TOTAL available fuel inclusive the drop tank fuel The fuel transfer lights: They are all off with full internal + external tanks. If the external tanks (droptanks) are empty or dropped = wingtank lights are on The internal lights are on after the respective tanks are empty. Internal tank sequence is tailfin+rear fuselage tank, then the internal wing tanks, then the central fuselage tanks. These tank groups are all indicated by the respective fuel transfer lights (lights are on if tank is empty). With all lights on, 1400 kg fuel in the two feeder tanks (located on the fuselage sides along the intake ducts) remain. Covered units : Escadron de bombardement 1/91 Gascogne Escadron de bombardement 1/91 Gascogne (Opération Tarpan) Escadron de bombardement 2/91 Bretagne (1996 Farewell) Escadron de bombardement 1/91 Gascogne (2005 Farewell) Escadron de bombardement 2/91 Bretagne French Air Force Generic Tactical Camo CIFAS 328 Aquitaine Installation : - Copy and paste the Objects folder in your mod folder. Credits : - Aircraft : BPAO and Sundowner - Cockpit : BPAO - Skins and decals : FRPignon, Geary, JAT, Sundowner - Templates : Sundowner - Avionics and data tweaks : FRPignon, JAT, Sundowner, Crusader - FM : kreelin - Weapons and seat : BPAO, Ravenclaw_007, The Mirage Factory. - Hangars et loading screens : FRPignon via Google Images This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mod Mafia Mirage IVP Team
  4. The size is 1500x1500 km The reason why I didn't included a bigger part of Eastern Europe is because the original idea was just to make a refurbishment of the original EAW europe terrain during the cold war with SF2 standards. However since the EAW terrain is a "peculiar" one (It has a 1500 x 1500 km size but only a 55% is actually "flyable" ( When I say "flyable" I mean that only that 55% of the whole terrain has a non 0 height field ), I said to me : "Well, I have done a lot of work here, but I want to expand the height file since I have room, but ,I don't want to loose the original work (Hand tiling, target locations etc)". So I've adapted the original work with a new HFD file that now covers the 100% of the 1500 x1500 terrain, and since the orignal terrain was designed for a WWII action (mainly in France and the South of the UK) that's why only a small part of east europe is covered.
  5. This one, took me 7 years and is still on the works:
  6. PlanningMap.jpg

    From the album Europe

  7. img00034.JPG

    From the album Europe

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    From the album Europe

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    From the album Europe

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    From the album Europe

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    From the album Europe

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    From the album Europe

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    From the album Europe

  14. img00020.JPG

    From the album Europe

  15. img00019.JPG

    From the album Europe

  16. img00018.JPG

    From the album Europe

  17. img00017.JPG

    From the album Europe

  18. img00016.JPG

    From the album Europe

  19. img00015.JPG

    From the album Europe

  20. img00014.JPG

    From the album Europe

  21. img00013.JPG

    From the album Europe

  22. img00011.JPG

    From the album Europe


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