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Everything posted by rotarycrazy


    jajajajaja, now thats an idea I like!

    J-11 WITH AIM-120

    Arm sales make me nervous, I think they always come back to bite you in the A.. I prefer the policy that the US used to have that is of selling second grade old weapons to allies and if they get into trouble we help, but selling your best weapons to countrys that are in the grey when it comes to theyr loyalty, I dont think is a good idea
  4. Flanker, Flanker, Flanker....

    The flanker looks really good and I respect its capabilittyes, a well manteined flanker its a force to be respected, if you take into acount the video of red flak, acoording to the pilot the su-30mkI has some serius avantages over the f-15c in WVR as well as BVR I think that is where the fever comes from, a plane that looks cool and its a good competitor to the US planes
  5. Iraq wants it MiGs back!

    What about all the planes that went to Iran in the 1991 golf war? where they ever return?
  6. I dont know what it is more? ugly or intresting
  7. WHAO!! GREAT WORK!!! I just love north american aircraft desings is the f-108 going to be realese too?
  8. Guia de Proyectos y trabajos en progreso...

    Tremenda lista! estoy loco por volar el T-50 y el super pucará paraste el yak-38? como ya alguien mas esta desarollando un yak-38 que tal si conviertes el tuyo en un yak-39? no me parece una converción muy dificíl, la diferencia eran las alas un poco mas grande el tail un poco mas grande y la punta con un radome parecido al del mig-29 para el radar de este, aparte de esto los lift engines eran los del yak-41 y el motor principal era mas poderoso tambien pero no recuerdo que modelo
  9. I thoug aleducat was working on one too
  10. since there are 2 people working on the yak-38 maybe one of you could make a Yak-39 version wile the other keeps working on the 38?
  11. Yes I notice I just love the way this aircraft looks, much more refine than the F-18, jajajaja two weeks yes I know
  12. RIP F-22

    The use of the F-117 and the F-22 are completly diferent, and the enviroment today is completly diferent too, not to mention in the future
  13. exelent job! love this model, hope the T-50 comes out soon
  14. RIP F-22

    Thats what the F-15K cost
  15. RIP F-22

    I read some where that the Fly away cost of the F-22 is 140 million, if you compare that to the price of a new f-15 wich is close to 100 million I think the f-22 is actually pretty cheap taking into acount the #'s being produced
  16. RIP F-22

  17. RIP F-22

    I think you just made my point, the job of the armed forces is to be prepared for the most probable "what if" , and about the asteroid I think we should have being prepared a long time ago or at least as prepared as we can If the US stops buying goods from the chinesse a lot of companys are going to close, more job loss, just what the economy needs right now, not to mention the fact that everytime we need a loan we go to them the problem is that we cant just pull the plug and stop buying from the chinesse, most of the products that the US buys from other countrys use chinesse raw materials so those countrys would have to stop buying from china and I dont really see that happening
  18. RIP F-22

    Remember the f-15? how long did it fly before it saw war? if we use this argument, we would have not built the f-15 and f-14, because what the soviets had was the mig-23 and mig-21, we would have only neeeded the f-16 and f-18 it would not be smart to limit your capavilitys to the enemy's capabilitys, I think what we are doing today is wrong, using and f-16 or an f-15e to kill a truck or 3 talibans in a road is not smart, this can be done by a super tucano or an ov-10 or a UAV I think what is needed is 400 f-22, a few more a-10 , 200 super tucanos or OV-10, more UAV and retire the old aircraft
  19. RIP F-22

    If we had the f-15 in vietnan how many flight crews live would have being safe? now we have that avantage and we are stoping production? 187 is not enough, if comflict comes ( and I do think is a couple of years off) nearly half of them would be tied up in trainig and maintanance what happengs if china is testing the PAK-FA in secret? and production starts this year? what happengs if we have to go up against really good aircraft like the SU-30 and 35, would it be another vietnan 1 to 1 kill ratio? what happengs if we have to ground the F-15c's again or they start falling in the midle of combat? it is an old aircraft What if we have a 2 front war? russia invades georgia or something and india invades pakistan, and china attacks taiwan I love the F-15 but we are pushing it thinking that it can fly forever, the next big comflic will come from the china, india region, they keep upgrading and buying new aircraft constandly, I have a lot of reservations on the F-35 sorry for the long rant
  20. The game is SFG original, I took the files from inside the folders and copy them to my aircraft folder, the pilot thats included works fine for me but the pylons dont I will reinstall everything againg when I get home
  21. I did what the readme says and the pilons dont show, I copy from the pylons folder into the aircraft folder and no show, what am I doing wrong?
  22. Are you going to realese it?
  23. Love it! look really cool!
  24. Im amazed that there arent any of the non built starfighter versions in the game, I think this could be a fun mod, also there was a V tail version of the starfigther that look pretty cool CL-981-20 : Mach 2.4 version with J79-GE19 engine - increased wingarea, longer wings, increased range and weaponload. Also a C-1200 would be cool If I had any 3D skills I would do it, what do you guys think? any body working on it?

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