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Everything posted by rotarycrazy

  1. Thats amazing! it looks great!
  2. SAIA 90

    Tremendo trabajo, me encanta este avión, con las dimensiones de las alas me imagino el wing loading que tiene este pajaro, debe ser mas maniobrable que el carajo! Felicidades por ganar las elecciones!
  3. GREAT WORK!! cant wait to fly this beast!
  4. PZL 230F

    Gracias a todos por su ajuda! Ahora que me lo dicen me acorde que resolvi un problema parecido :) , son tantas las modificaciones que se le puedenhacer a este sim Leopardo un tremendo trabajo!
  5. PZL 230F

    Bueno yo no lo puedo volar pero el AI si, cual sera el problema
  6. PZL 230F

    Ahora que vi estas fotos estoy mas desesperado por volarlo! si alguien puede ayudarme, tengo strike figther gold, cuandotermina de cargar la pantalla de loading se me cae cualquier ayuda es muy agradecida
  7. strike figther gold, I bought in october 2008 so whatever patch it had then, im a bit new at this Sorry about the bad gramar, my first language is spanish
  8. I just downloaded unzip it and put it in the aircraft folder, I used to know how to add nations to the game but I forgat
  9. I used it in normal mode, I dont have the seat or pilot but will add then tonight
  10. Nope, I dont know how, please help
  11. GREAT WORK!! It crashes just afther the loading screen
  12. An F-22 has crashed

  13. Cant wait to fly it!!!!!!!
  14. Could of been a contender

    I like it better than the A-6, It looks more fighter like
  15. Theres a mod in another site that makes them fly a lot better even with the FM avalible I would love to fly an s-67, If I had the know how and the time I would make one in a heart beat
  16. And a helo with 4 stingers is not a really easy prey
  17. I have some foward operating bases very close to the action in a couple of custom campaings that I made
  18. A vigilante with TF-30 would be intresting or better yet with F110-400 Love all f-111 versions great job, it is one of my favorite aircraft, except the B but Im using it as a land based anti-ship bomber in my fictional campaing
  19. My vote goes for the XB-70, mirage IV and M-4 bison
  20. love the two seater, dont like the single seater, dont know why really but to me the 2 seater looks much better Cant wait to fly the 101B, although it may see some weapons upgrade
  21. Thanks for the info, cant wait to fly her
  22. when will the f-101b be available for download?
  23. This is a good site, dont know how acurate but good info: http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_244.shtml http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_243.shtml http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_245.shtml http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_246.shtml

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