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Posts posted by Wellsprop

  1. Hi all,


    I would like to know wether anyone would like to come to a virtual AeroExpo on either the 25th 26th or 27th of June 2010 using FSX multiplayer. It will be at Wycombe Air Park/Booker (EGTB) come to my website and have a look.




    AeroExpo London 2010 http://www.expo.aero/london/


    There is not much to that post at the moment because I dont know wether there is any interest....I really hope there is!


    Regards, Ben.


    P.S. I'm sorry-and embarresed-if I posted this in the wrong place I just couldnt find something marked multiplayer.

  2. Hi,


    Me and my mates think that one of the aircraft missing from FSX is the Grob Tutor me being an air cadet and a couple of my friends being RAF pilots who are currently learning to fly thin kthat it would be awsome to have one that has a decent virtual cockpit and good handling. So if anyone out there is good at designing flight sim aircraft that is your challenge.

  3. Sounds like you need the proper drivers.


    @ Cyph3r, Any ideas how to stiffen it up any? I like mine well enough but for me it just feels like it's too light. I thought about spacers in the spring that is abound the base of the shaft to apply more pressure to stiffen the feel. Any other ideas out there on this isssue?



    try using a longer and or harder spring......u can buy them off ebay really cheap

  4. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!! I have got my X52 and its amazing i dont think that there is a deadzone, although i do have the X52 pro. HELP ALL the buttons on the stick have a mind of there own and they very rarely work or they are constantly on!!!PLEASE HELP!!!thanks.

  5. Im have ordered mine and it should be here tomorrow. I CANT WAIT!!! so i havent tested it out yet but i have used them at other places they seem to work fine there when i get mine im gunna giv it 1 test then, if im not satisfied i will make that mod. thanx for the info.

  6. Recently i flew a RAF Grob Tutor and I loved it so much i decided to download a FSX one and i have looked all over for a Grob Tutor (RAF or civi) and i havent found one model which has a decent virtual cockpit




    If you have one or know if there is a download (payware or freeware) please tell me.



  7. Hi, in FSX I cannot use the water pushback for the DeHaviland Beaver and I'm missing the Grumman Goose, Piper J3 cub and the Muale Orion the aircraft model and texture is all in the aircraft bit but I cannot see them when I try to select aircraft and I cannot find them. I would appreciate if someone would help me.

  8. there are a few decal sets out there:


    and the Dragon kit: (some issues but no more work than updating the old Hasegawa kits)


    I have several Hasegawa 1/32 kits and the Eagle Editions decals above but in 1/48. (IIRC).

    I to have has issues finding decals for 1/48th scale kits... some are OOP.

    (I would dig into my stash... but I am deployed at the moment)


    Thank-you so much I have spent ages trying to find this set of decals.

  9. It is so annoying when you go on to the internet and search for a model wich only exits on the over side of the world? At the moment I have P-51D crazy and I am looking for a 1/32 scale P-51D "Cripes a mighty 3rd" and I can only find a diecast one by Forces of Valor and unfortunatly it's not what I'm looking for, any help would be appreciated.


    This is for all those modelers who can't find their model.

  10. I am a begginer with an airbrush and i might be getting a tamiya spray work basic compressor with the airbush that looks more like a gun ,the cheaper one.So i need to know if it is any good if i get it.



    Get car spray from Halfords or where ever it is so much cheaper spray's a larger area (compared to Revell airbrush) and has a great finish.


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