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About PaperArtillery

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    Virginia, USA


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  1. RT @_Snape_: During the Battle of Hogwarts, there was blame on both sides. There were very fine people on both sides.

  2. Russians jamming Syrian sky

    I think the Russians are primarily targeting the "rebels" in Syria, who incidentally have been known to engage ISIS when the "opportunity" comes round. It is, in military terminology, one great big clusterf#*@.
  3. Russian Airliner crash

    Based on what the debris field looks like in the video OP linked to, and the altitude from which the A/C fell, you're right in saying that the airframe must have broken up at its planned altitude, to say nothing of the lack of distress calls. Doesn't sound like pilot error, either, as A/C generally don't straight-up disappear from radar in good conditions without a little forewarning.
  4. Russians jamming Syrian sky

    It amuses me how there's essentially no mainstream media reporting on what is swiftly becoming a proxy war between NATO and the CIS in Syria.
  5. Interesting interview with Robin Williams wife.

    I'm not particularly condoning such things, but frankly, if I had that many terrible things happening to me, I'm pretty sure I'd be drunk 24/7 (as it is, I'm drunk 3/2, and/or whenever I'm on Il-2). I'm at high risk for MS and I remember, when reading over an "if you are diagnosed" pamphlet where it specifically advised not drinking, that I started laughing maniacally.
  6. Lilith's Day Out 2

    Took my old K-4 "Lilith" up after a few years of not being on Il-2 FB. Nothing's changed (but for some slight tweaks to the paint scheme). Il-2 4.10_1m with Ultrapack RC4. Historical colors in non-historical custom camouflage pattern (own work). Markings are in-game with the exception of the unit insignia (5./15JG) and "nose art" after the aircraft number. 040010 Nov 15
  7. Lilith's Day Out 1

    Took my old K-4 "Lilith" up after a few years of not being on Il-2 FB. Nothing's changed (but for some slight tweaks to the paint scheme). Il-2 4.10_1m with Ultrapack RC4. Historical colors in non-historical custom camouflage pattern (own work). Markings are in-game with the exception of the unit insignia (5./15JG) and "nose art" after the aircraft number. 040010 Nov 15
  8. Any ham operators here?

    I haven't yet taken my amateur test, so no broadcasting for me, but I do have a Baofeng UV-5R+ of much infamy that I use to listen to local rescue squads, FRS/MURS/etc., and of course the local ham repeaters (K4MRA, K4KLH, KC4GXI, KE4CKJ, and W4PNT). An old friend of mine picked up ham radio for a non-sighted hobby (he's almost 100% blind), and got the 5Rs in a two-pack so I bought the extra and have been fiddling with it. It's a lack of get-up-and-go that's keeping me quiet, since I got plenty of radio experience a few years back working with Virginia's Emergency Management and such.
  9. Bf109-G6 Victory

    A Luftwaffe Bf109G-6 and a burning USAAF B-17E over the English Channel in 1944. Non-historical skin on the Messerschmitt by SovietCommissar.
  10. Bf109-G6s Return Home

    Two Bf109-G6s return home after escorting bombers to a target in France; unfortunately, the bombers are no longer with us.
  11. Happy new year!

    I'm over a week late, but nonetheless. L'shanah tovah!
  12. free FPS, have yall seen this?

    Correction: as I'm currently in the United States, I figured I would give it a shot. Turns out it's pretty enjoyable - it looks amazing, at least on the weapons side of things, if the physics are a little screwy...true, it's not America's Army or CS, but it's not half-bad for a free shooter. Kind of like Soldier Front, but less poorly executed. It gets 4 out of 5 stars from me, but one of those stars is only because it's free.
  13. free FPS, have yall seen this?

    That looks disturbingly like SolderFront...which I have been playing long enough that I don't see myself switching now, even if the game worked everywhere I'd want it to. It doesn't look bad at all, though, graphics and otherwise. Pretty authentic looking AK, from the trailer I watched.
  14. Rick is dead...Oh my god.

    Wow...I mean, his death isn't really in the same category as poor old Syd's...but still. Maybe, just maybe, Rogers and Gilmour might find it appropriate to forgive each other for a bit and do something for their late keyboardist. Floyd forever, and rest in peace, Mr Wright. "And I am not frightened of dying. Any time will do; I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it—you've gotta go sometime." - Great Gig in the Sky, Dark Side of the Moon [1974]
  15. img00003.JPG

    I can't decide which is worse - you tried to do this, or your game did this of its own accord.

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