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Everything posted by Royohboy

  1. Veltro, I wouldn't know what praise to sing that others haven't already; would you be at all offended if I went "Uh Ah, Uh Ah!" like people in a table-dance bar?
  2. I never got the Hawks to work, no matter how many forum/KB hints I tried. The closest I ever got was that the Hawks seemed to track enemy a/c while on their launchers, but they never fired (neither at 30, 20, 10, 5 nor 1 miles). While obviously the Hawk has worked for a chosen few other SAMs have been eager to please right out of the box (especially the Bloodhound seems to be rather blood-thirsty)
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Aaaaaah, cool
  4. Cool, Volker! Esch jeil, wie man bei uns sagen würde
  5. Dear Mr President....

    Ja, das Vertrauen in Übersetzungsprogramme scheint keine Grenzen zu kennen... Mal im Ernst, gibt es denn eine ernsthafte Alternative zu diesem Forum? Für Checksix ist mein Französisch leider zu schlecht, aber hier kommt's mir langsam vor wie in der Täterä...
  6. I don't have the Razbam Spads, and I know zilch about US Navy A-1Es, I'm afraid. Maybe someone else?
  7. If converting and cropping/resizing images is all you want to do Irfanview is a much better choice IMHO. http://www.irfanview.com/ It's free, and it's a fairly fast and competent image-viewer.
  8. Here's a link to a photo of the twin .30 gunpod on a French T-6G: http://www.frenchwings.net/algeria/cpg148/...m=25&pos=11 There's more at this site; the twin gunpod seems to be pretty universal: http://www.frenchwings.net/algeria/cpg148/...ls.php?album=25 ... and here's my take on it (in Blender):
  9. Two guns per pod, actually. I'll post some pics when I get off work.
  10. Great news, Kevin I've been hoping for someone to mod one of the existing Texans into a T-6G to wear my French skin. I've also made a 3D model of the twin .30 cal. gunpod that was used on French T-6Gs in Algeria (different from the one in your pics), but it still needs to be converted to a LOD. Which brings up the next question, are twin gunpods at all possible?
  11. How about Le Missioneur? Wikipedia has tons of information on military aviation nowadays, even though some of it should probbly taken with a grain of salt... Much better, however, than what encyclopediae came with some 1990's flightsims. I agree; something like a standalone viewer would speed up skinning considerably. There is UMC2 which has some support for .LOD files, but it's not a big help for skinning, really. There is a mod that does just that, i.e. it simulates the effect of motion on the pilot view. You'll have to search the download section. It's a really cool mod :yes:
  12. F-111 upgrade

    Cool, Blackbird Die einzige Anregung, die mir einfällt, ist, die Cockpitdach-Animatio an die Geschwindigkeit zu koppeln. Das ist aber wohl, soweit ich das bisher mitgekriegt habe, eine Glaubensfrage. Großes Kino jedenfalls
  13. Uuh! Aah! Uuh! Aah! Uuh! Aah! :ghey:
  14. Nice work BTW, there are soviet blue numbers with border in objects.cat post Oct08 patch: Try SOVIETBLUENUM
  15. File Name: US Army MERDC Camouflage Pattern Skin Pack File Submitter: Royohboy File Submitted: 12 Jan 2009 File Category: Ground Objects Mods MERDC is the camouflage scheme used by the US military from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s, and before the introduction of the current 3-tone pattern NATO pattern. There were several regional and seasonal MERDC variations, of which I have included the two commonly seen in Germany back then. If you'd like your WWIII to take place at a time when the F-15 was brand-spanking new, when everybody was scared of an all-out nuclear war, and when practically every F-16 model kit featured either prototype or pre-production aircraft, this one is for you. These skins are subject to the Combat Ace Fair-Use Policy; thy may not be used for payware. Click here to download this file
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich meine, die UH-1D, die ich in dem Thread hier ein paar Seiten zurück gesehen habe, hatte Türen - aber die gibt's nicht auf CombatAce zum Runterladen. Die Türen vom UH-1B passen ohnehin nicht. Mal was anderes: Ist hier eigentlich mal über das Thema 'Autobahn' gesprochen worden? Sowohl in den Terrain Tiles wie auch als vorgeschobenes Flugfeld, meine ich. Die 500m 'Highway Strips' sind sehr nett für Harrier, aber verglichen mit dem Teilstück der A61, das für sowas vorgesehen war, etwas kurz.
  17. You mean you paint 1/285th scale tanks in MERDC pattern? I found it tedious in 1/87th already... However, as a reference I'd rather use http://www.panzerbaer.de/, or google the vehicle-name + MERDC in Google image search, and use the very detailed b/w schematic drawings that often come up (and from which most of these skins are derived; taking shortcuts, though). I would especially advise against using the M1 Abrams skin as a reference, as I haven't been able to find any camouflage plan at all for that one.
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich bin gerade erst auf diesen Thread gestoßen, und ich bin maßlos beeindruckt (danke an Ravenclaw für den Hinweis auf das deutsche Forum). Auf dem englischsprachigen Forum ist ja schon heftig was los, aber bei den Projekten hier stockt einem der Atem! Wie weit ist eigentlich die Skin für den UH-1D bisher gediehen? Ich habe nämlich selber ein bisschen gebastelt, bevor ich das hier gesehen habe: Wie man vielleicht an den fehlenden Türen sieht ist das Ursprungsmodell das UH-1H Gunship von hbgh/Henrik/MontyCZ, bei dem ich die Waffenstationen unsichtbar gemacht habe. Falls teppichklopfermäßig bisher sonst nichts weiter passiert ist, würde ich zumindest den/die/das Skin fertig machen und in die Runde werfen. Grüße, Peter
  19. Version


    MERDC is the camouflage scheme used by the US military from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s, and before the introduction of the current 3-tone pattern NATO pattern. There were several regional and seasonal MERDC variations, of which I have included the two commonly seen in Germany back then. If you'd like your WWIII to take place at a time when the F-15 was brand-spanking new, when everybody was scared of an all-out nuclear war, and when practically every F-16 model kit featured either prototype or pre-production aircraft, this one is for you. These skins are subject to the Combat Ace Fair-Use Policy; thy may not be used for payware.
  20. This is actually fairly easy. Here's how to make a transparent image with The Gimp in five easy steps™: Start Gimp; File -> New You should now see a dialogue; set desired size and in advanced options choose background->transparent. Now you have a completely transparent image. Choose desired colour, click on fill-tool (paint bucket) and set opacity to, say, 50% and click into/onto your image. Voilà, transparent colour. Right-click on image, File->save as, type "transparent.tga" as file name (or whatever tga you like). A dialogue pops up now; uncheck "RLE compression" (else your file will not work in the sim) and click OK. Congratulations, you just made a transparent image I suppose the process is not too dissimilar in Photoshop or PSP. Much easier than making one of those planes which you knock ou by the dozen
  21. It has to do with the SpecificStationCode entry in the F-101B_DATA.INI, and the corresponding entry for the AIM-4D in WEAPONSDATA.INI. If you remove this entry from F-101B_DATA.INI you'll be able to load whatever you like given that it fits the other constraints set in F-101B_DATA.INI, and those set by time.
  22. Most exciting, my dear Ravenclaw BTW, that is one nice-looking Bundeswehr-pilot in orange jumpsuit you have there; much better than my measly works. Is it available for download somewhere?
  23. Edit re No.2: In subsequent tests I haven't gotten any radio messages at all.

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