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Everything posted by Kobuspoes

  1. I have bundled 2 new missions now and im gonna release them today. Btw i almost burned my eyes out because i had to look very close to see that Tornado... Did you released that skin for download?
  2. About the missions: You gotta have the CVN-68 Nimitz,Spruance class DDG and the Koni class FF as well as the MF F/A-18A Hornet and the weapons pack for the mission i just created... Just a little fight between the Nimitz's escort and a Russian Koni class...you've gotta destroy the Koni so i dont think it's worth all that work to install everything... But say it if you want it,then i'll upload it... Screenie: Koni sinking: Offtopic: Now i see what's in scouserlad's signature! it's a Tornado!
  3. I've implanted a Spruance from the website you provided to me and it works great except for one little detail: i have to attach it to the carrier to keep their speed and track synchronous because the Spruance headed right into the carrier . Nad yes i have some screenies: F-18 Taking off from the CVN-68,Spruance not visible: Spruance DDG,sailing around 0.3 mile from the Nimitz : F-18 with wheels up after takeoff with the Nimitz and Spruance on the background: PS: on the last screenie you can see the Spruance heading to the Nimitz And thats just the beginning,because im also gonna search for a Kuznetsov (i saw one for download around here) and implant it into a single single mission,as well as the HMS Invincible. Only obstacle is that there aren't enough escort destroyers for download...but there are some PTG's so i can compensate the lack of destroyers with these,altough it will become less realistic. And i will upload some of the missions within 30 minutes so everybody could try them. Offtopic: scouserlad,what on earth is that plane in your signature? I can see something like a Kfir or F-16 tail wing... But it also could be a Mirage...
  4. You're making me greedy! Didnt even know the thing existed.. well good luck with that beast!! :D
  5. Hey everyone, I have a problem with the BUFFs.Everytime i wanna try them in WOE the game crashes.I love the BUFF but im getting pretty annoyed. It doesnt work with the F,Stock D,H,and G versions.Well,the D version works in multiplayer,but thats it. Can anyone help me please?
  6. Yup,it works Watch out commies,here i come! Thank you christian,great job!
  7. Doesnt work...im still getting CTD's. Any other solutions?
  8. Great Plane Veltro! Its very funny to load 36 FAB-9000's in this thing...lol But about the sound file,i cant download it.It just gives a board message which says i dont have permission to download it...
  9. You guys are pretty much lucky with all those Aircraft flying over frequently... The KLu (yes,i am Dutch) never let their aircraft fly over here :( The only time i saw real Jet's was in 2006...at the KLu Open Days at Leeuwarden AB.
  10. I downloaded the Flyable Red Arrows mod a few weeks ago but i want my original Su-33 back. A backed up my entire default Lock On Folder,copied the default files into the Lock On folder and i also reinstalled it but it still gives a Hawk T1 in the loadout screen in the FBP! It also still gives a Hawk when flying. Do anyone know how to solve this? Greetz, Kobuspoes
  11. Problem solved for the most but now i dont have the Su-33 sounds! How do i solve that?
  12. I installed using the standard setup.exe And what do you mean with ''Removing it all together''?
  13. AB Flames. And what's the Foxbat's top speed? I managed to get it somewhere in 800 Km/H when diving on an altitude of 10.000 meters with afterburners on...
  14. Uhm...i've got a small problem with the Foxbat.all of my Foxbat aircraft dont give a afterburner animation!I dont use them anymore since i discovered that it doesn't haves a afterburner animation.do anyone know how to solve this?
  15. I downloaded the MiG-23MLD because i screwed up the MiG-23's model in a little skinning experiment xD But now it seems the MiG-23MLD hasnt any weapons except for an standard gun?! So,could anyone help me? Notice: Yes i have Bunyap's 06 jul weapon pak installed... Notice 2: In the MiG-23MLD_Loadout.ini i have AA-[Number] for the missiles...thats right right?
  16. Well,this is my around 4th question here,but i downloaded 2 C130 models for paratroopers but does anyone haves an idea how to get em?
  17. wich weapon pack? an d gow to edit your cargo bay?
  18. Thats not that worse i get downed in an F18 by an MiG-17...
  19. You can be very worse in flying just like me :D Like this time: I was flying up in an F14 and some stupid MiG-23 was flyin' up ahead. I fire a 54 at him,miss,but thats not the worstest thing,he just fired an R24 right before him,great turn,and boom.another F14 down. Didnt mentioned he already had on radar for ages. After that i reflyd that mission and boom,a few bullets in the afterburner,still not down,tryin' to get him,boom,crashed into a Flogger. but i quess Some of us fly worser,hehe.
  20. Got the same problem. the AMRAAM isnt accurate at all,just try to shoot it from 0.3 miles. success quaranteed. And wich aircraft do you fly when firing? i guess the F-22A Raptor right?
  21. Title tells. i ask a lot,i know,but i cant figure out how to lift canopy. at the Tornado IDS it works when deploying the hook,but i cant figure out how it works with other aircraft.can anybody tell me?
  22. Sorry,didnt know where to post. im new.
  23. Title tells.downloaded from Column5 but it doesnt work. here is my F5A Data.ini Crew Section: but it doesnt works. Files in my Aircraft Folder: Mig28mf.lod Mig28mf_LOD002.lod Mig28mf.bmp Mig28mf.ini Can anybody help?
  24. Edit: it works perfectly. renamed EVERYthing and it works perfectly.

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