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Everything posted by JimBeamer5

  1. Sikorsky HH-60T Jayhawk 2.0

    The final V3, with many improvements, has just been released, here: http://combatace.com/files/file/12093-sikorsky-mh-60t-jayhawk/ JB5
  2. View File Sikorsky HH-60T Jayhawk Not really a HH-60T Jayhawk, but of course a SH-60B Seahawk. It's the closest we have in SF so it will have to do. HH-60T is the upgrade model of the HH-60J, it has a glass cockpit and weapons capability. I have used the MH-60 cockpit to simulate this. She is relatively easy to fly on "normal" mode, which SF helicopters are tuned for. You can hover, fly backwards and sideways, ascend verticaly etc. It takes some practice and skill but is definately doable. You will need to copy over the SH-60B LOD's from the SH-60B Seahawk mod. If you do not already have it, get it from the A-Team Skunkworks site. Credits: A-Team for SH-60B Seahawk Mod. Note my skin is best possible with current model limitations. It is HH-60T Jayhawk "6029" from Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak. Alaska. Kesselbrut for MH-60G Cockpit. Wrench for Hangar/Loading Screens I used as a base. Dels for drop tanks from his PC-9 Mod. Note these tanks are used as they were the largest possible that could be used and the helo would still hover. Anything bigger is too heavy. Kesselbrut (? - they're the same model as in the pit, so I assume they're his)) for Helo Pilots and Helo Gunner on which I based the Coast Guard pilots and gunner. 331KillerBee for the LAU-3 and TER2 which became the Jayhawk's nose radar and winch housing. Anyone else I have missed, apologies. Thanks to all. Submitter JimBeamer5 Submitted 04/24/2011 Category UH-60  
  3. The final V3, with many improvements, has just been released, here: http://combatace.com/files/file/12093-sikorsky-mh-60t-jayhawk/ JB5
  4. Sikorsky HH-60T Jayhawk

    Stingray, this mod has had orange suits and blue helmets since V2 dated 05 May 2011. Also, you can deselect the drop tanks in the loadout screen if you need to. In any event, moot point as the final V3, with many improvements, has just been released, here: http://combatace.com/files/file/12093-sikorsky-mh-60t-jayhawk/ JB5
  5. Sikorsky HH-60T Jayhawk

    Version 1.1


    Not really a HH-60T Jayhawk, but of course a SH-60B Seahawk. It's the closest we have in SF so it will have to do. HH-60T is the upgrade model of the HH-60J, it has a glass cockpit and weapons capability. I have used the MH-60 cockpit to simulate this. She is relatively easy to fly on "normal" mode, which SF helicopters are tuned for. You can hover, fly backwards and sideways, ascend verticaly etc. It takes some practice and skill but is definately doable. You will need to copy over the SH-60B LOD's from the SH-60B Seahawk mod. If you do not already have it, get it from the A-Team Skunkworks site. Credits: A-Team for SH-60B Seahawk Mod. Note my skin is best possible with current model limitations. It is HH-60T Jayhawk "6029" from Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak. Alaska. Kesselbrut for MH-60G Cockpit. Wrench for Hangar/Loading Screens I used as a base. Dels for drop tanks from his PC-9 Mod. Note these tanks are used as they were the largest possible that could be used and the helo would still hover. Anything bigger is too heavy. Kesselbrut (? - they're the same model as in the pit, so I assume they're his)) for Helo Pilots and Helo Gunner on which I based the Coast Guard pilots and gunner. 331KillerBee for the LAU-3 and TER2 which became the Jayhawk's nose radar and winch housing. Anyone else I have missed, apologies. Thanks to all.
  6. Sikorsky MH-60T Jayhawk View File Notes: This is the final version of the Jayhawk, the definitive MH-60T. My previous versions of the HH-60T (note different name) can be re-named HH-60J if you wish to simulate earlier versions. Not really an MH-60T Jayhawk, but of course a SH-60B Seahawk. It's the closest we have in SF so it will have to do. MH-60T is the upgrade armed model of the HH-60J, it has a CAAS glass cockpit (the CAAS also used by various Navy and Army helicopters). With Zur's permission I have used a modded Osprey cockpit to simulate the CAAS (it's a close match). The MH-60T is armed with the "Airborne Use of Force" pack. This consists of a M-240D MMG, and a semiauto .50CAL rifle - for fun I've made that into a .50CAL HMG so you can blow things up. SF is a combat sim after all. New with this model is a proper winch of the type used by the Coast Guard, much thanks to Florian "AmokFloo" Schneider for the winch. Unfortunately as a "fake" pilot the winch is only for looks. She is relatively easy to fly on "normal" mode, which SF helicopters are tuned for. You can hover, fly backwards and sideways, ascend verticaly etc. It takes some practice and skill but is definately doable. Landing on Cutters should present no problems. Installation: Place the MH-60T folder into your Aircraft folder. Place the Tank_Jayhawk & CGHeloGunnerR folders into your Weapons folder. Place the CGHeloPilot1 & 2, CoastGuardWinch, JayA, JayA2, JayR, JayR2, JayS, JaySeat and JayW folders into your Pilots folder. Place the Jayhawk wav file in your Sounds folder. Place the two TADS files and the Loading wav file in your Flight folder. Place the contents of the Decal folder into your Decal folder. You will need to copy over the SH-60B LOD's from the SH-60B Seahawk mod. If you do not already have it, get it from the A-Team Skunkworks site. Changelog for Version 3: New Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS) cockpit by David "Zur" Zurawski. New Coast Guard Winch 3D model by Florian "Amokfloo" Schneider. New, larger, Jayhawk Drop Tanks. Not exact but better. More lights including MFD's for the external model. FM uprated for the more powerful engines. Set of decals for 20 birds from 5 different CGAS's. .50CAL HMG added for fun. New nose radar. Various new antenna's. Rear cabin seats added. Credits: David "Zur" Zurawski for the CAAS cockpit. Florian "Amokfloo" Schneider for the Coast Guard Winch. A-Team for SH-60B Seahawk Mod. Note my skin is best possible with current model limitations. Wrench for Hangar/Loading Screens I used as a base. Kesselbrut for Helo Pilots and Helo Gunner on which I based the Coast Guard pilots and gunner. Mppd for the two ECM pods. 331KillerBee for the LAU-3 and TER2 which became the Jayhawk's nose radar and drop tank rails. Anyone else I have missed, apologies. Thanks to all. Submitter JimBeamer5 Submitted 07/02/2011 Category UH-60  
  7. Nope, no shadow.LOD unfortunately. The only thing to do is turn off the shadows. It is a shame, but nothing I can do. JB5
  8. That's the LCS variant LM are trying to sell to the Saudi's isn't it? Oh, and yes! JB5
  9. You could, the 3D model is better, but...... that's about it. For instance you can't remove the doors (they are not separate meshes) so the miniguns look silly. The killer for me was the view from the cockpit. There's no Nose mesh in the YAP model, so you can't get the rotor disc to show. For me, a total immersion killer. I'm flying a helicopter, I want to see the rotors whirring above me. And my FM is better in my opnion - there's no way you could do a pinnacle landing in the YAP Chinook (well maybe you could with practice, but with no rotor disc I'm not going to be flying it, so...). JB5
  10. Fixed! Missing file in the support thread, main file updated and awaiting approval. Thanks for letting me know. :) JB5
  11. Thousand apologies! It's attached, I'll upload to the main file ASAP. Thanks for letting me know. JB5 47IFR.rar
  12. Strange, I just did a mission and the MH-47's took off normally - the C-130 Tanker spawned over the airfield. Yeah, strange. JB5
  13. Paul, I may be speaking out of turn but I'm pretty sure Murphy's is correct. Only your flight will start on the ground, all the others will spawn over their start airfield. It's a "feature" not a bug. As to why they immediately crash and burn, that's a new one on me. What I can say is that when I design a mission with moving ground objects, if I don't give them waypoints that just stop, naturally enough. I assume your giving your AI flights proper waypoints, so I'm flummoxed. I've never had a problem with AI aircraft - with the exception that sometimes they run out of fuel if I give them too long a mission. JB5
  14. AmokFloo has kindly redone his German Paratroopers as US Army Rangers (thanks Florian). Note the M4's and Boonie hats! So just the readme to write and I'll be able to release it. Silverbolt the mission is really nothing special. A couple of minutes in the Mission Editor. Basically fly to a pinnacle, drop off, and meet up with a nearby tanker. It's so simple it's embarrassing actually. .
  15. Michael, can you put a Sea King on the helo platform so we can see a comparison? A standard IFR helipad should be 100X100 ft (30X30m), while the Landing and Lift-Off Area (the circle with the H) should be 50ft (15m) diameter. These are minimums BTW, so of course they can be larger. JB5
  16. Make the catapult end position higher than the start position. I have done this for the British carriers and can get the Sea Harriers to fly up and off the ramp pretty accurately. JB5
  17. A couple F-117s still flying?

    Was almost a year ago though. But still... JB5
  18. The best feature of SF2, IMHO, is the in game mission editor. It is fantastic. Now it only comes with Expansion Pack 2 (IIRC), so I recommened SF2 Euro + Exp Pack 2. JB5
  19. Looking good WBS Unfortunately the MH-53J on hold for now , a couple of issues I couldn't overcome. Maybe they'll be a proper one coming in the not too far distant future instead of one of my "Lego" creations. What I can say is that there's another large helo coming shortly to a sky near you. JB5
  20. Dunno Kevin, didn't he sell them to the YAP'ers for Rising Sun? You know what they, well zero-zero, is like when it comes to anyone else using something he believes he has exclusive rights to. JB5
  21. Yep, nice big helo deck! Just enough room to land my latest helo project... :wink2:
  22. View File Sikorsky MH-60S KnightHawk This is not actually a MH-60S KnightHawk, but a HH-60G Pave Hawk. It's the closest we have in SF2 so it will have to do. The MH-60S is based on the UH-60L Blackhawk, unlike the other USN helo's which are Seahawk based. The KnightHawk peforms vertical replenishment, troop transport, and search and rescue, amongst other things. Although the KnightHawk has the usual minigun for your destructive pleasure, it is basically set up for vertrep. Non combat but very challenging. Vertrep only works via the intricacies of sorcery. Actually, vertrep only works on land, as although the cargo palettes are "weapons" and can be "fired" anywhere, the will only show up on land as they become a "crater" when the hit the dirt. Craters, of course, do not show up on ships or the ocean. You can still have lots of fun flying missions from ship to shore, and if you do not wish to have the cargo sling, for example, just de-select it in the Loadout screen. As with all the Hawks, she is relatively easy to fly on "normal" mode, which SF helicopters are tuned for. You can hover, fly backwards and sideways, ascend verticaly etc. It takes some practice and skill but is definately doable. She has the more powerful engines from the UH-60L so can hover with a full cargo load aboard. INSTALLATION: Place the MH-60S folder into your Aircraft folder. NOTE: You may have my fictional MH-60S "StealthHawk" in your Aircraft folder, rename or move it as this is the "real" MH-60S. Place the 160MiniGun, Cargo, KHF, Sling1, Sling2 and USNHeloGunnerR folders into your Weapons folder. Place the USNHeloPilot1 & 2 folders into your Pilots folder. Place the MH60LDAP wav file into your Sounds folder. Place the two TADS files and the Loading wav file in your Flight folder. And finally, place the contents of the Object folder (cargo_03d, Dragchute, Frachtnetz, Frachtpalette, SlingLoad_03d, Storage and Wreckobject.ini) into your main Objects folder. These are the "craters" that will show the cargo palettes on the ground once released. NOTE: The new "craters" are WreckType006 and 007, if you already have WreckTypes with these numbers, just paste mine in and rename them as required. You will need to copy over the MH-60G LOD's from the MH-60G Pave Hawk mod. If you do not already have it, get it from the A-Team Skunkworks site. Credits: A-Team for MH-60G Pave Hawk Mod. Note my skin is best possible with current model limitations. It is a generic KnightHawk from Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Two-Six. Kesselbrut for MH-60G Cockpit. Wrench for Hangar/Loading Screens I used as a base. Kesselbrut (? - they're the same model as in the pit, so I assume they're his)) for Helo Pilots and Helo Gunner on which I based the USN pilots and gunner. AmokFloo for the Freight Palette. 331KillerBee for the M134 Minigun, Crate, Gris, and Douglas IFR pod. Anyone else I have missed, apologies. Thanks to all. Submitter JimBeamer5 Submitted 06/01/2011 Category UH-60  
  23. Ah, that would be telling! I'm working on a big twin rotor at the moment, we'll see how I go with that. JB5

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