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Posts posted by darkjak

  1. The campaigns really don't feel engaging. In WOE you just keep bombing runways the entire campaign, apart from 10% which are intercept or patrol missions.


    I'd also like the terrain editor to be much simplified, and give much more graphical feedback. I want to directly on the map be able to see it say "Stockholm", and I don't want to need to convert files. I'd love the ability to create maps using Google Earth or similar. Or at least the ability to like in Age of Empires "paint" the ground with a cartain type of texture, rather than typing coordinates, or klicking a tile for a certain texture to appear.

  2. Hi.

    A couple of years ago I researched the missing numbers in the Swedish designations: fpl36 and fpl38.

    As it turns out, fpl38 had the project name B3LA, and was canceled by the Swedish armed forces, and then when Saab started to cooperate with some other company, it became the AMX.


    Fpl36 however was supposed to Sweden's atomic bomber. This single seater Mach 2 plane was supposed to be able to carry nuclear warheads to Moscow, or two missiles whoch sould be shot straight down. Quite impressive for a project canned in the early 1960's.



    I wonder if anyone has interrest in making this plane for WOE.

  3. Cool scetch, although not at all what I've been thinking of.

    Your aircraft seems very small, and the wings are quite thin. But nontheless, it seems more stealthy than my plane.


    By the way, I've been writing on a background story:


    The AJS 40 project began in the 1980’s. With the IDF Thornado entering service in the late 1970’s, as it was proven that it now was possible to create a swingrole fighter, which is what Sweden had aimed for with the Saab 37. In 1981 the decision was taken to develop the JAS 39 Gripen. It was clear that it would take several years before the Swedish airforce would receive a new fighter, so an initiative was taken to modernise the existing fleet of Drakens and Viggens.


    The most ambitious project was called the J35 mod. The version would externaly change the plane by giving the plane so called dog teeth wings and foldable canards on the air intakes. This would have improved the planes handling and carrying capacity. More pylons and new engines would enable the plane to carry a larger payload over a longer distance, and finally the aircraft would receive new computer systems which would turn the Draken into a modern Swingrole fighter. The project was canceled in favour of a minor modification.


    Ten years after the decision to develop the JAS39 the Berlin wall falls. Europe is united and free with little worry about Russia. The Swedish army starts to dismantle its army at an increasing pace. The Saab Lansen is removed from service in 1997, just as planned, shortly followed in 1999 by the Draken. In 2005 the Viggen gets taken out of service, more than ten years ahead of schedule. Soon half of the originally ordered 200 Gripens get removed from service, and discussions start about further reducing the fleet to 58 aircraft.


    In 2008 the Russians doubled their military budget and started to behave increasingly agressive, first by flying stategic bombers over Norwegian, Brittish and Japanese airspace, and culminating in a war against Georgia. Russia also unveiled plans to create an equivelant to the American F-22. It was becoming increasingly apparent that an aircraft with long range, high speed and stealth capabilities would be necessary to handle the Russian threat. As a reaction to this Jan Andersson, chief of the Swedish Airforce secretly created basic specifications for a future version of the Gripen.


    The Saab engineers quickly realised that the Gripens current shape wouldn’t reach the specifications, however the Gripen’s basic technology, including computers, radar systems and engines were up for the job. The engineers agreed that the cheapest and most viable sollution would be to use Double Delta wings and dual engines, but as there had been no official order to develop the new aircraft, no serious research was conducted. In 2010 several high ranked officers, purpously turning the question into media spectacles. The Swedish peoples, and the medias sudden interrest in the army turned the army into a major question during the election that same year. Following the election, the m/15 project was started, with the goal of by 2015 having increased the ammount of mobilisable soldiers would increase to 100 000 not counting homeguard troops. The project also included vehicles to carry these soldiers and their equipment, and national industries to manufacture equipment for them. The project also included funding for an upgraded Gripen.


    Even though it from the start was clear that the new aircraft would be very different from the Gripen, the official name remained Gripen G, sometimes nicknamed VedergällningsGripen, Gripen Retalliator by Swedish media. The reason: to dissinform the Russians.

    Saab used large parts of the data gained from the J35 mod project a quarter century prior and started to research stealth capabilities.


    In 2014 Saab built a new J35 with electronics, engine from the Gripen E and a body from carbon fiber. The official reason was that the J35 the Swedish airforce had kept for historic reasons couldn’t be kept airworthy much longer due to rarity of spare parts. In fact the sole purpose of the aircraft was to see how a double delta aircraft with modern technology would be like. The focus of the trials was speed and climb rate. The much lighter, stronger aircraft improved on the original Draken by 300 kilometres an hour, bringing it to 2450 kilometres an hour.



    A year later the AJS 40 was unveiled to the public. The project alarmed the Russians and caught the rest of Europe by surprise.

    Stealthy, with a top speed of over 3000 kilometres an hour and a large payload, Sweden seemed to have gained air supperiority over Russia. However the aircraft wasn’t an air supperiority fighter, but rather an aircraft that was supposed to prevent Russian bombing raids over Sweden, as well as carry out raids on Russian territory.



    When the aircraft went into service in 2017, it was the most largest, most sophisticated fighter aircraft in Europe.

    Rather than replacing the Gripen, the both aircraft remain in service until this day. While the Gripen remained Swedens main fighter, close air support and reconnaisance aircraft, the Fenix became Sweden’s main interceptor, strike craft and spy plane.

  4. If anyone hasn't realised it yet, my favourite aircraft of all time is the J35 Draken.


    For some time I've been thinking of what a modern Double Delta winged aircraft would be like.

    The thoughts started more seriously while I was dreaming about a game taking place in the future, where the PRC has conquered Russia and is attacking Sweden. Events which undoubtedy would result in an increase in investments in the Swedish armed forces.


    The thought was from the beginning a stealthy version of the older Draken.


    I began studying video game development, and soon several friends and I started creating a mod for Half Life 2, first called Lionhearts: The last Stand, then renamed to Somewhere in Sweden. This was circa 2007-early 2008. Unfortunately, the mod got canceled (although if you have Day of Defeat: Source, you can try out a converted version of one of the areas. It's called Swedenmap, and is available at FPSbanana).

    The first concept image was this:



    Then, last year I made a revised version based on the F-22, still double delta though:



    This week I decided to look a bit closer into the subject, so I created a new concept:



    Said and done, today I sat down and started to model the plane. The results after the first day are as follows:







    I can't promise anything regarding progress, but I'm hoping to have it air worthy by summer.


    The idea is that this aircraft should be Swedens main interceptor and strike aircraft, while the Gripen would be the main fighter and close air support aircraft. The plane will have stealth capabilities, top speed of circa 3000 km/h and a larger payload than any Swedish aircraft. Just like the planned J35 MOD, it's going to have foldable canards and perhaps "fangs".

  5. Making it have a hook for Carrier Ops may be cool, but not very practical. Sweden has never needed and unless the world around the floods and turn Stockholm into the only Island in the area, they wont need one either. It has been the luxuary of Swedish Defence to focus more on weapons, interception speed and agility then range.


    Otherwise, its a nice idea. Keep it up!

    Sorry I've been gone.


    Actually Sweden is currently more and more participating in foreign operations, so the natural evolution is an aircraft carrier version. Saab were planning to make a carrier based Gripen, and they still might do it if anyone with the need wants them.

    Range is also something that the Gripen is getting improved.



    Exams have been pure hell the last few weeks, but now I'm back with a new concept image.




    And even if there never will be another Double Delta fighter (which I believe there will), it's still fun to have it in the game!


    When will I start? I don't know, maybe tomorrow.

  6. pretty good, but I'd change up the tail fins and engine exhausts, least it look like another F-22 clone. Also, the swedish jet designers seem to be minimalists, and their planes are usually small, light and efficient.


    otherwise, looks like a perfectly legit 5.5 gen fighter!


    The question is however, where should the Saab team go from here? With the SuperGripen, all the Gripen's old flaws will be gone (range, carying capacity). My natural thought is stealth, and even more range.

  7. To proove that an aircraft with double delta configuration could work on amodern aircraft, I've photoshopped a F-22 into looking somewhat what a dual engined double delta aircraft might look like:


    As you can see, the aircraft is bigger, and has fewer angles than the regular F-22. Making this a somewhat better bomber/strike aircraft.

    Any thoughts?


  8. Well, honestely i think this Double-Delta Wing Configuration is out of date for Modern Warfare.


    The only drawback with double delta is that it tends to superstall, and that it has somewhat limited manouverability. Both those issues were planned to be fixed in the J35 MOD, which was to have foldable canards.



    Double Delta enables a small aircraft to carry lots of weapons both internally and externally, as well as plenty of fuel. The Draken was for a very long time the only aircraft that could reach Mach while climbing, if I remember correctly. And we're talking about an aircraft that first flew in the 50's. Imagine a modern dual-engined aircraft with modern, more light engines (the JAS 39 Gripens engine weighs about a third of the Draken engine, yet provides better thrust), and carbon fibre body. That should result in a stealth joint strike fighter capable of flying at M2.5+.

    Double delta should also in theory be very stealthy because of it's few angles.

  9. Hi.

    I'm thinking of creating a future fighter for my campaign. I'm starting my 3D course next week :biggrin:


    My thought has been to create a J35 Draken-ish aircraft.

    I photoshopped up the below image.


    My idea is to make the aircraft stealthier, have more hardpoints, have dual AKAN's like the older Draken versions. I'm also thinking to make the plane dual engined, and I'll see if you can reverse-thrust aircraft. And of course, it's supposed to have a hook so it'll be able to land on an aircraft carrier.


    The name of the aircraft's to be AJS 40 Fenix.


    Anyone got any more ideas?


  10. Nice!

    I'd like it a bit bigger, with the Gulf of Finland going all the way to S:t Petersburgh and a bit more north, so a bit more of Finland will be included.

    Also, I think it would be great if we could use sattelite images for some of the bigger cities (and maybe places a bit more special to ourselves).

    Thanks a lot for showing interrest!


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