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Everything posted by AROTH

  1. Opening video music

    "Perhaps you were hearing the Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber, a very famous piece of classical music" Yes, that is it. I thought I heard the name "Barber" somewhere in the radio announcer's description. Thanks much for the replies!
  2. Good the way it is now - I have killed enough pilots on my own without having to worry about AA!
  3. It's just a housing for the wing-mounted machine gun and sometimes goes by the unofficial name of "The Baby Coffin", due to its shape and appearance.
  4. Yes, I tweaked all my settings for better and smoother head movement..........However, I still can't shoot any dang better!
  5. TrackIR Q ...

    Same experience here as sitting duck........the T5 software package ran great with my T4 unit for a day or so, then started getting a little unreliable after that, so I went back to T4 software.
  6. I'm so sad

    I'm sad too....I have not yet had a pilot go past 2 1/2 hours.......
  7. Do they really ever land? I landed once and sat there on the field and watched my yo-yo wingmen circle the field about 5 times in a very wide circle. Never once did one of them even look close to trying to land. Unfortunately, I was tired and went on to bed......(maybe that's why I never get any confirmations?)
  8. Has anyone else downloaded the Trackir V5 software yet and used it on their T4 system? I did last night, and the set-up and a various system adjustment windows certainly do look different from V4's. I just have not had time to play with it, so I do not know if there are any other benefits yet or not.
  9. Oh, I know, all right.......it is just with my luck and computers, I am most certain that I will mess something up in the transaction and have to do a complete uninstall/reinstall of OFF........'cause, nothing will work correctly after that.
  10. Are we certain that the Sopwith Camel killed more pilots thru "flying incidents" than by enemy action? So far, I have been shot down in a Camel during combat several times, but never stalled one that I could not recover from. In the Spad, however, I have never been shot down, but have killed myself numerous times due to stalling and spinning into the ground. AAHHHHHHHHH!!! Back to flight school..................!!
  11. Where did you get that Zepp? And, how many bridges did you have to practice flying under before you stopped killing yourself? Great clip!
  12. Very nice effect. Subtle, but effective. Looks especially good during dawn or dusk or in a blue sky.
  13. Finally found it. I was on the right page in notepad the whole time, just staring at 3 billion lines of tiny text was straining my poor old eyes!
  14. Ahhh! I'm going blind! Approximately, where on the "effects.xml file" page is this located? I had it open the other night and found it, but cannot find it tonite for some reason.
  15. Yeah, those wife noises can be pretty annoying.......
  16. Engine Sounds

    Yeah, the wife noises are especially annoying.......
  17. Well, that about sums it up in 25 words or less........
  18. Damages

    Well, I finally have two pilots that have lasted for more than 3 days apiece, so they are starting to get some claims. I have noticed that all of the claims (about 20+) have either been engine smokers or an occasional engine fire, and only one OOC spinner in the bunch. Is anyone else seeing any other damages, such as wings breaking off, etc? I recall seeing that happen once before after patch 1.26 or 1.27, but never since. Just wondering - guess I am getting a little blood-thirsty now.
  19. Damages

    Hi Fortiesboy, and thank you for your reply. I just looked at your Mar 24 post regarding changing damage values. So, if I understand it correctly, you open the QC folder version of each AC in question (after creating a back-up file first), and choose which areas of the AC that you would like to see "weaker" (wings, etc.) Then, alter the values from 100 to something lower ( I noticed you mentioned 10 several times). Then, after saving the changes, delete the ODB file for that AC. Then, play and test it out. Thanks again.
  20. So I don't break anything, I just download one, and it will go to wherever it is supposed to go and show up when I select the appropriate aircraft to match the skin? (anything more than 3 steps gets me confused )
  21. widescreen support?

    I believe I found the selection available on the Workshops page - but I could be wrong.
  22. Last night, My gameplay started to do some strange things. First, I was successfully shooting down enemy planes but not getting any claim forms appearing afterwards - the game kept going back to QC set-up for another round. Then, my pilot got shot down in 2 separate fights and was killed in both instances, but the game kept going back to the QC page allowing me to make selections again for another flight. Checking the pilot's dossiers later on for any of the pilots showed no flights at all for anyone, no record of anything happening. Exiting the game and starting over fresh produced the same results. I uninstalled everything including CFS3 and re-installed fresh, including CFS updates and OFF 1.28a. CFS ran fine. After starting OFF back up, then I could not get any pilots registered. I kept getting a message about a "....path not found". Another fresh uninstall and reinstall of OFF again. This time, it wanted the OFF Disc back in the drive as well as the CFS disc. I got a few pilots registered and tried again. Same problem as last night- after a successful combat, back to the QC setup page again, no claim forms appearing or even mentioned and . And, tonite, in addition to that, all the labels except my own flight are in red. Everything else in red, whether friend or foe. The HUD showed us we were totally in enemy territory - red everywhere, however, checking the map showed we were well into our own territory. Going down slowly to buzz one of these red airfields showed it was actually ours, decked out with parked SE5's. I also flew straight toward several balloons on our side of the lines to check nationality, but could not, they all seemed to magically explode about a 100 yards away and I never fired a shot. Being 2;20 AM in the morning, I am too tired to deal with it any longer tonite. What have I done to displease the gods? Guess I'll be doing a third uninstall/reinstall of OFF tomorrow after I rest tonite.
  23. Ok, Thanks much Pol. I think you've covered all the important points and got me going in the right direction.
  24. "CFS3 QC = ALL objects are enemy, apart from around your start airfield. And we don't recommend using that particularly, so don't use it ;)" OK, clear on that point so I won't do that again. "Fourth pilot was run thru CFS QC on "Workshops" page, just the same as #3 (finally KIA) above was" On that issue, both the 3rd and 4th pilots were set up for combat identically in CFS QC Workshops page. #3 was KIA after 3 or 4 combats, and every one of his flights were recorded in his logbook as well as his stats. #4, however, had no flightlog entries or stats show up after 4 combats, even though on one combat, he downed 3 Albies right over his own airfield. His other successful combats also showed no entries. Now, last night, I brought him back up again and set him up for combat the same as the night before. He did 3 more combats and all three of them were recorded. There were absolutely no differences in the set-ups from either night, except, that on the first night, he was last pilot I had flying (sim had been used for approx 90 minutes by then), and last night, he was the first pilot flown in the sim. This may be a long shot, but would there be any slight chance of some kind of memory issue involved, (computer hardware or sim-wise) where I had perhaps just reached the max on getting the flight logs filled out, but would allow the actual combats to continue on? By no means am I complaining at all - just a bit puzzled when these things occur as there always is an answer and I always enjoy learning something from them. Thanks.

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