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Everything posted by sophocles

  1. Bravo Bravo Ludo!! It looks epic!!
  2. Thanks PureBlue I personally would like to see some TAF schemes done as well .. Cheers
  3. Thanks tio .. you're right about the multi-nationality and longevity of this series of aircraft; hope once it's done that folks may want to do some re-paints. Cheers
  4. Greek language forun would be great! .. and thanks for the comments
  5. Hello all, just a small update. Fumbling about with bump and specular settings .. Derk sent me some fabulous references and hope to get to modelling the NF-5a soon. Comments welcome :) P.S ...και νικησανε οι Ελληνες
  6. Hello Russouk2004, I've been using it for the F-5 and use default settings (scale of 1), which I'm not exactly happy with at the moment so I don't really have any suggestions of which to speak. However I too would be interested If someone has something in mind .. especially the panel ripple effects I see on some planes which are achieved through bumpmaps. Regards
  7. I'm planning to do the Rf-5a recon version, the B(two-seater),C(shoshi tiger) and If I find some good references the CF-5a and the Dutch versions. I'm simply climbing the steep learning curve of getting the planes into the game with decals,animations etc.. not to mention the cockpit and all its respective animations. Regards
  8. Do you mean cast shadows/catch shadow/specular glossiness etc..? If you're referring to these,you can rem them out in the aircraft.ini or textureset.ini files and this will result in the model not using any of these attributes. But perhaps I've not understood..?
  9. Hello all was wondering If someone knows what the texture limits are in this game. Can they be 24-bit and 32-bit? Can we go beyond 2048 to 4096X4096? And If so, can such large textures be 32-bit bmps? Thanks
  10. hgbn, you're a life saver! It would never have occurred to me to try that (mine was in the skin folder). Now the bump maps show up in-game. Thanks a lot!! Regards
  11. Yes, thanks .. I realized too that the bmps have to be at 24-bit. What I haven't had success at, is getting my bump maps to show in game. They're properly set up (and render in max beautifully too!) but no show in game .. are there any parameters that have to be included for bumps in the texture.ini files? Regards
  12. My F-5a project will have 2 4096 textures for the entire external model; It still looks sweet at 2048, but the rivet and stenciling are not as clear. At any rate, the end user has the option of scaling that down himself should he so desire .. upscaling is impossible!
  13. Hello Wrench, I've been experimenting and I've finally got my textures to show at 24 bit bmp (32-bit wouldn't show) I'm off to see now If the 4096 will work at 24-bit.. Thanks for the speedy reply
  14. Hello Centurion-1, I'm definitely going to do a cockpit. I'll be needing as many references as possible; though I've already got the CF-5a manual; I'd be eager to look at photos and drawings of other variants
  15. Hello all. I've been trying to import my F-5a into the game and have some problems. If anyone could help I'd really appreciate it:) I'd exported earlier versions of my mesh with no hassles, but have since come up with problems (I wish I'd known that the maximum polys per mesh was between 4k and 5K, - exporter crashes!! I happened upon a post by Brain32 identifying the problem and I've since had to do a lot of cutting .. problem solved however, and the mesh exports ok; it's once I've exported that I have some problem's in game. The most serious is that my mesh is a dark transparrent color (see pic). the material I'm using is standard with opacity 100 and diffuse, specular and bump maps added. Even when I load without textures, the mesh is still this dark grey translucent color .. any ideas?
  16. Hello RussoUK, sorry for not being specific enough but the model is fully uvunwrapped and I've exported with the textures. Here's what's in the out file. Does this look right? TW Exporter Dec2010-C, Decals=TRUE HP_fuselage_mid [8528 polys, 25584 verts (decal)] 'F_5a_HP_1' HP_fuselage_hump [7040 polys, 21120 verts (decal)] 'F_5a_HP_1' Num Nodes: 2 Total: (15568 polys, 46704 verts) Mesh Max: (8528 polys, 25584 verts) CastShadow=FALSE Nodes: CatchShadow=FALSE Nodes: AllowDecals=FALSE Nodes: 1 Materials: ( 1) F_5a_HP_1: F_5a_HP_1.bmp F_5a_HP_1_b.bmp (bump map) F_5a_HP_1_S.bmp (specular map) 1 Textures: F_5a_HP_1.bmp Points Extents
  17. Oh boy!! Thanks a ton russouk2004!! That is exactly what I needed You are a real gentleman; I've been a fan of yours since way back when you were working on the Westland whirlwind ..
  18. Hello Derk; thanks for the offer .. I'd like you to share somer of the main differences; I'd like to make a model of the NF-5a as well. Pics and drawings would be most welcome! Regards
  19. It's good to get back to texturing! .. Regards BTW.. I've no idea how the decals are supposed to be set up in max, I understand that they are made from .tga files; but how does one specify where they are supposed to go in max? Do you like pick polys in the mesh where they are supposed to go? I'd really appreciate it If someone could give me some idea or point out where to get the info
  20. Hello squid; thanks for the encouragement .. I'm actually planning to do several HAF paint schemes including SEAcamo, Asia minor camo and the ghost 1 . It won't be available any time soon but I'm determined to complete it and share.
  21. Hello all, I'm currently having fun with the bump and specular maps .. I've still got way more to learn ..all the different variables for the maps are ming-blowing! regards
  22. Thanks a ton for the tips! I'm going to need some help a little later, so cheers for the offer. Love your modelling btw, no pinches or stretching. Regards
  23. Would I ever!!!! Any references would be most welcome! Thanks, Coupi. Regards

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