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Everything posted by sophocles

  1. Thank you gentlemen for your kind words truly honoured to get comments from some of the greats of this sim; Column 5, Brain32, Russouk2004 .. your work has provided me with inumerable hours of enjoyment!!. I'm so relieved the count will be ok. I'm actually looking forward the mapping so that I get to paint again (I'm actually a frustrated texture guy who then learned max ..) Hellenic paint schemes for sure Tiopilotos, and many others I hope! Regards
  2. Looks gorgeous! I'm glad increasing computer power is allowing for some higher poly models!
  3. Hello all. I've downloaded this editor and have provided the install path for the editor to find my game. Problem is when I get to adding aircraft, the page only shows about 2/3rds complete not allowing me any way in which to press "yes" for confirmatim .. strange thing is that with objects its ok. Any help please? sophocles
  4. This thread is very important. I've been working on a complete from scratch build of the WOI tiles at 1024x1024 for about 5 months. It's evolving well and dare I say I think it's looking pretty good. I've only completed the mountain, desert, farm and valley bmps to my satisfaction .. but all the while I've been thinking that wow! wouldn't it be great if we could pool our collective resources! We'd have excellent work done .. not to mention in a fraction of the time. I'd like an avenue where I could post WIPs and have the opportunity to have others see what i'm doing and vice versa.
  5. I'm trying to make sense of the terrain texture files in WOI to see If I could employ my photoshop skills to try and make some higher res ones from scratch; I've deduced that for example ISMOUNTAIN1.BMP through ISMOUNTAIN5.BMP would need 5 textures that were different in appearance but that would each join seemlessly at each of the 4 sides of every texture. That means that I would have to make texture1 so that it could seemlessly join texture2 flipped 90 degrees clockwise .. etc.. Is that right? Some idea of this process would help; thanks
  6. Whoops! posted the same pic twice; was wanting to post this one with all 5 desert textures done!
  7. making some slow progress; I have 4 mountain textures done so that they join on all sides, at any rotation, seemlessly(whew!!). Now to see If I can start assimilating some of these into aome nice sand textures ..
  8. I definitely don't mind and welcome all observations and criticism .. especially from you Brain32 you are my terrain "Hero"; having improved my enjoyment of the sim with your SeA and Europe terrains 10-fold. I am getting a clearer idea as I continue to experiment; trying to make a base layer for the outskirts of all the sides (on which to base the other files to avoid repetitive tiles).. very tricky .. but it's working. Thanks for your comments
  9. I've managed to make one texture which can be tiled every whichway (a lot of work here!!). This pic shows the same texture (I've renamed the same texture to represent the equivalent mountain textures in the game) tiled by the game over and over .. I'm hoping to see if I can get some success with any others ..
  10. Thankyou very much for those links; you've saved me a lot of effort! Still trying to sort out what's what .. putting the old color and letter codes like I did when skinning for FS ..
  11. Asus Gamers II extreme 3-way sli mobo.. I'm actually planning on 3rd GTX card once i see that everything's stable on Vista. Had to change to a 1000 watt power supply too! (which may or may not be enough for all 3)
  12. It's a Viewsonic 19" CRT (I've yet to see an LCD that even comes close to the color depth or clarity; so I'm not switching to LCD monitor). On the pre september WOV, WOE versions I too am getting phenomenal fps (70-200) but WOI and the others are still not as high as I would have hoped. FS9 is also phenomenal (even better believe it or not..) can't wait to re-install FSX; and I am considering a vista upgrade .. see what all this directx 10 thing is all about .. Thanks for the reply
  13. Hello X_Ray, I've got a very similar system to yours with the same card .. (I've got 2 of them running sli in XP) what frames do you get in WOV, WOE with the september patch? I've got all options maxxed out running 1600x1200; and get 12-25 fps in full cockpit mode. Is this a bit low?
  14. I agree wholeheartedly; the man has put enormous effort into getting the details so sharp. The textures can always be re-scaled to a lower resolution if the user has problems .. the opposite is not possible:) much appreciated Ravenclaw
  15. Hi all, this new patch is incredible; and the ground textures seem much sharper than the originals, so I was wondering If I could safely use VietnamSEA Terrain Tiles REPAINT v1.0***** by Brain32 and Green Hell 2 for more immersion? Thanks
  16. Thanks for the reply; I meant the screen shot key so that i could post a pic. Brain 32s render mesh and index counts are higher than these values in the vietnamsea_data.ini .. do these values solve the problem on your system? Do they perhaps degrade the quality? Thanks
  17. This mod looks even better post patch .. however I have the same problem with the water textures; there is tearing and blocking but only over the sea. I can't get my print screen to work; sorry.
  18. Thanks; that looks terrific! You're still using Brain32s SEA tiles right?
  19. Really appreciate your hard work!! Much anticipated!
  20. Terrific!! I used to watch these flying over chania (souda bay) in Crete in the mid eighties at very low level, often in formation .. what a sight and sound! Thanks!

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