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Everything posted by sophocles

  1. I can appreciate that brother, having to sort out and correct the deficiencies in unrefined mesh is just as hard and time-consuming as working from scratch! Moreover, what most don't realise is that the modelling part is the easy part(!) .. getting the model into the game is most of the work!! Good luck!! I'm very much looking forward to flying this beauty when she's ready!
  2. Truly gorgeous Sundowner, love what you've done with the front canopy area.. must've been a bit tricky!!
  3. Holy cow!! Russ, this looks marvellous; I know it's a big job getting something like this into the game!!!
  4. Speak for yourself Starfighter2! It's still 30 degrees and sunny as heck here on Crete, LOL!! There's still some details to iron out, and Baffmeister is working hard custom building and tuning the flight model.. so a couple more weeks
  5. Yep, that was a really nice surprise! Thanks TK!!
  6. Man! That's fantastic news! I'm getting a vibe that TK is falling in love with Strike Fighters PC again!
  7. I guess one does wonder why he han't gone down that route.. anyone care to speculate as to why not?
  8. That was very helpful Russ, thanks!!
  9. Spot on brother! I couldn't have said it better..
  10. Come on guuruu, it's both! Aren't you tired of the old dx7shaders, and working on Max9.. (I know I am LOL!) Have faith, one update will eventually lead to others!
  11. We all love the SF series and I think we can all make this work .. I'm sure TK's heart is in it; and that can only be a good thing! For what it's worth, I've chimed in and hope we can reach the goal! Cheers
  12. The F-5a can only carry 2 sidewinders on its wingtip rails; unlike the F-5E which I've noticed some countries have updated to carry four (Brazil and others..)
  13. Air to air is included in the loadouts, but the F-5a doesn't pack the punch of air-superiority fighters; it fights with its cannon and a couple of sidewinders. Yes, the plan is to include some type of paint-kit. Cheers .. back to work..
  14. Hello all, I was wondering If you can have more than 5 (five) LOD models for aircraft. It sure would be convenient as I want to separate the initial LODs quite close together (1 at 50m, 2 at 125m, 3 at 250m .. and then 4,5,6,7 at much greater distances out to 10000m) Thanks for your help.
  15. Hello All, I'd like to make some damage textures from scratch, could someone walk me through the creation process? Thanks in advance!
  16. Thankyou gentlemen. Gerwin and Blade, you have been most helpful!!! Cheers!!
  17. Thanks for your prompt reply, but I'm not quite sure what you mean about moving the RGB and Alpha channel in the right way? and why would they need to be re-alligned??
  18. Hopefully before summer's out.. I'm determined to get this to you guys.
  19. ...and some ravenclaw_007 goodness!!
  20. Totally agree; the aircraft set as DLC would sell like mad! .. at least I'd buy them all!
  21. I don't think it would be possible to remove a middle mesh 2(of 3) and re-link 3 to 1, only direct children of a given mesh. To be honest, I wouldn't dare .. this is already a long, tedious process!

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