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Everything posted by sophocles

  1. Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3350 CPU @ 3.10GHz RAM:8,00GB NVidia GTX 280 (10 years old!!!) I think the CPU's still ok, but I need some more RAM and definitely a new video card!! ..game settings on unlimited.
  2. Hello Gents, I've been hard at work getting the 7 (maybe 8) LODs in order, so as to make game play with the F-5a as frame-rate friendly as possible. I'm quite pleased with the results; what you see here is a squadron of twelve aircraft from the most detailed LOD to the least ... all flying in formation. What I'm pleased about is that you can tell they're f-5s from 1200m!!
  3. Homeward bound .. the sky's the limit.
  4. Sorry gents, what is the weapons class for BLU napalm bombs?
  5. You're right Wrench, Ravenclaw just explained it to me; I'd added a specificstationcode to my weapon stations so only weapons with the same code would show up in game.
  6. Agreed, If you can't discern any textures on the model .. so it would need to be for LODs greater than 800m
  7. Have tried it .. and yes, it "screws everything (at least the texture mapping) up". Thanks anyway!
  8. I'd kill for something like that! I try to do as much sub-divisional modelling as I can; which means instant lowering of polycount by reducing iterations of meshsmooth. However, shaving off polys from the base model manually, while trying to maintain mesh and mapping integrity is a nightmare!! .. not to mention time consuming and tedious :(
  9. This make a lot of sense, thanks!
  10. Fantastic worK! You know, with all these new cool destructable objects, someone should model a jeep/landrover/humvee armed with .50s/cannon/grenade launchers etc.. and we could drive around and destroy stuff!!! I don't know If it is possible, but the vehicle would be driveable with a modified flight model/data files to keep it from getting airborne... ..just an idea..
  11. Much appreciated logan4, it makes sense for the final LODs to be fewer and further apart.
  12. A-1H USAF -for SF2V A-1H

    Well done!! Textuers are crisp, well detailed and weathered! Congratulations!
  13. Excellent high fidelity package to all involved! I love all the new releases this year .. where else could we possibly have the opportunity to fly all these wonderful cold-war aircraft? Indebted to you all!!!
  14. This will add to a long line of additions and modifications that Volker has added/made to the model including .. ..a full set of specific weapons (HAF specific also) ..corrected landing gear animations ..re-constructed and refined canopy mechanism and animation (this was hard..) ..corrected, re-constructed tail-hook mechanism and animation ..corrected dive brake animation ..addition of braking (drag)parachute ..multitude of adjustments to the cockpit to get additional switches/functions operational ..currently working on totally scratch built RF-5a nose (I'd given up on this in frustration .. it's that hard!!) .. lots of love, encouragement and a lot of patience.. and I've probably forgotten to mention half a dozen other things, so hat's off to the man!
  15. Absolutely superb!! Looks and flies great!! congratulations!!
  16. Art and engineering at their best! Volker, you are the master..
  17. Is this terrain available? ..mandatory screenshot..
  18. That's way over my head for the moment Russ .. I'll have to think about it some more even though I think that the nose gear extension on the NF-5a operated independently of flap operation..thanks!!
  19. Thanks for that info on the CF-5a nose strut extension system..very interesting. I only had the info regarding the 3 flap settings (UP, LE, FULL), but don't know if I've implemented the LE position (leading edge flap deployment only).. I'll have to check..
  20. I don't know if this is possible .. anyone know?
  21. Correct.. If you notice, I've modelled different (F-5E style) forward undercarriage for the NF-5a together with all the other little changes specific to the NF-5a version (aux-doors mid-fuselage, under-fuselage airscoops, chaff/flare dispensers etc..)
  22. ..and a dedicated NF-5a and Vietnam F-5C..
  23. Hello Stratos, she's been 99,9 % finished for nearly 2 years.. it's some tedious detailed texture work on things like wheel wells and ejection seat mechanism etc.. that need to be done; I'm trying to find the time but Real Life is a bitch!!! I've promised myself to find the time over the summer and get her out to the community. The RF-5a still needs the nose to be modelled properly (hopefully I or RavenClaw, who has contributed immensely to this product, will take another stab at it.. ..and believe it or not, I've even got the F-5B at 75%. Thanks for your incredible patience all
  24. OMFG!! Congratulations bazillius, man, this is one of the best packages I've ever seen! I can see you've put lots of Love in both the external model and the cockpit... not to mention the textures.. work of Art!

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