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Everything posted by FLOGGER23

  1. Have you check if you have the latest version? mine works just fine
  2. Let me know when mapped and i may do something quick
  3. Maybe in my free time, if time is not important?
  4. We may have something for Perú, please don´t take it wrong, between all the ideas we have, details, RL, makes us to slow the release, in some cases we are waiting for just small stuff, in others, whole pits, but we promise something good, well researched at the end, i leave you some of the schemes we have for the Fitter F:
  5. Yes, and these ones too :D little to do still, but not much :D
  6. Mil Mi-24W

    Are the landing gears completed?
  7. Notepad is a good option tho...
  8. Thank you Sir, however we are covered already with new, updated models for several pods, Kudos!!!
  9. Now you are my hero Kev...
  10. Sukhois

    Quick (really quick) color fix to YEYEYE´s amazing (6) pits
  11. Sad news for me.

    Raven, all my support to you, you will be in my prayers too...
  12. Hi mue, i was wondering if it would it be possible to show the Bump and Specular maps to it?
  13. Nope it is no,i think i am the one delaying it, must send the skins for evaluation soon , sorry :)
  14. You da best Drama Queen you da best!!!
  15. Poor us... Great work as usual Volker, shortly there won't be any need to beg other sites (yes, you, the one reading) just must ask, any chance for bump maps and specular maps too?
  16. Happy Fathers day to all my Co-Dads

    Thank You Ed, and congrats to all dads from this part of the world too :D
  17. Sukhois

    The thing with that ,Jimbib, is that most planes have one or two, except Soviet (4 or 5), Polish (3) and Egypt (3); the rest is just one, but with custom weapon loadout
  18. BTW, ya'll know he is reading here, so, Peeppu, sorry, you may not be admitted to that excusive club...

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