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Everything posted by FLOGGER23

  1. Yep, there is from i took the camo one, if you want me, leave me the ukranian one and i can send you the templates, to adapt your skins :D
  2. Balkans Theatre for BMS

    Where to find it??
  3. Thanks Paolo, the Ukranian was in my mind as a new release since it changed nationality sides (from red to blue), i didn´t had more real pics of camos, so i stayed with the one depicted.
  4. Su-15 Flagon A for SF2 [Revamp]

    We don´t have the max file, so we do what we can with what we have :D Thanks my man!!!
  5. Waiting for approval, hope you like it :D
  6. My time to tease with the Lim-6Bis
  7. PM sent, hope he wants the special request i send him :D besides i owe him a skin already :D
  8. I've been waiting for a good 31 to skin... i may need time but if he wants it, i'm in :D
  9. Just Change the name of the folder, for Example VietnamSEA_1 and VietnamSEA_2, not forgetting to change the VietnamSEA.ini to the same names, i have 2 of them working fine :D
  10. Hey Cliff let's try to convince Daniel to do it :D
  11. CombatACE New Theme Music

    Here Erik, another use to your song :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIR3XFuY4Qs
  12. Hello!!! could someone of you, pals, point me where can i get serial numbers for the Emb-312 Tucano, Daniel and i might give you a surprise very soon :D Honduras is already covered :D TIA
  13. If not mistaken Aleks has one, is the only info i have.
  14. Veltro i'm working in one of your projects, maybe a bit slow, but if you trust me i could help you with the Widow, if you want me :D
  15. Who are you talking of, Martin???
  16. EXP 3

    DESGRACIADO!!!!! aprovechado, cai vilmente :D me las has de pagar!!!
  17. If you have contact with him, send my regards, i would have loved skin for him :D
  18. Yeah, i miss the guy, just hope the best wherever he is...
  19. Now testing Mars-2 RP to get the plane complete :D :D
  20. Lim-5 East German Air force, thanks to Soulfreak for the Insignias :D
  21. Gepard can you tell me, if possible, which were the Lim-5 S/N´s, i, for some reason didn´t save the link you once sent me with some of them but wasn´t really sure if you can tell the Lim-5 from the MiG-17F´s, i´m just trying to be as precise as i can. Thanks in advance, and any other of the German guys, if you have the info it´ll be greatly appreciated. Enoc.

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