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Everything posted by FLOGGER23

  1. Too bad i'm a double agent, hehehe, i will report your message to the bureau and in the meantime i will continue with the other paint in the Mirage :D
  2. Guys my MiG-23BN is slowly going, i must reposition some panels, i really hate TK´s way of mapping, but i´ll continue doing it :)
  3. BOOTMGR is missing....any advice?

    You can fix it even if it's running XP my friend, just run the fix, restart the pc and it'll be done.
  4. "Tell me who are you walking with...

    You are dealing with world class Psychos Marcos, it's natural you feel home with us, i was worried before... well... meh! i feel home here too :D
  5. The night owls, doing some LGB´ing
  6. relacion skins-avion

    Claro que si, el OUT lo podes abrir con notepad, y normalmente el nombre de el/los skins esta hasta el final, si te puedo ayudar en algo, decimelo y con gusto lo hare.
  7. BOOTMGR is missing....any advice?

    Here you have Kevin, download it burn it and fix the problem, it´s super easy to use, but if you need help, let me know :) http://www.hirensbootcd.org/download/
  8. BOOTMGR is missing....any advice?

    Get HIRENS rescue disk or a USB, when i get home i will tell you how, in like 1 hour :)
  9. relacion skins-avion

    La forma como lo definis cuando lo mapeas y se escribe en el OUT file, ahi le podes dar el nombre que querras, en otras palabras es a gusto del que hace el 3D :)
  10. Just as a wild idea: since i can't use Photoshop at work, i began to make several templates, just the panel lines, with Paint shop Pro, so i have like 15 templates from almost all TW MiGs and Sukhois, but i will have no time to paint them all, so i was wondering if i'm wasting my time by doing them or if i upload them will they be usable, they are all in 2048 x 2048, they won't be ready soon, because of all my other projects, so let me know your thoughts.
  11. I will do the Floggers too, BN is very advanced now, stenciling will kill me, hahahaha, and about the Tu-22 temps, i planned to make a skinset too with new textures, i will be contacting you when i have them ready and we can share :)
  12. Are you including "Times'A'Wastin"??? my fav :D
  13. I hope it's for certain widow... anyone knows where can i get some decals for her? i would like to make some skins once finished :biggrin:
  14. What would be your alternative to Morphine?

    Just Kidding with the like Matt :) i know you always tease me with the girls i post in FB, lol!!!
  15. I´ve experienced some issues at the time of loading the missions in some terrains, like Norway, Snowy Norway and Black sea, i posted this in the SF1 without realize it, so if an admin can delete that post i will appreciate it, i was told to check the cat file and it´s right, so if you have more ideas, i will be thankful :)
  16. In other words, i have to learn to live with it or not using that terrain no more, right?
  17. Oh i thought the images were loaded, the thing is, i can create the mission, but after the loading time, instead of the plane showing in the runway all i have is what it´s shown in the pic below and it happens 50-50 of the times:
  18. Martin, i´m i take back the "funny as hell" logo :)..... Nah, they look som good :) Soviet Aerobatic team Su-15A, during the 60´s, it´s too bad i don´t have the correct numbers...
  19. guys i´ve been experiencing some issues with some terrains, like Norway, Snowy Norway and Black Sea, i select the mission normally load my plane and the result is below in the pics just a plain sky high part, what do i need to check to fix it? TIA
  20. Sorry to be late to this, but i want to know why is everybody changing from SF series to DCS or M$ FS? is it too boring at the end??? i know TK is not in his best moments, but is something it could be overseen this game is still enjoyable and with all the great models we have it could be better, why not send a message to TK? maybe he could get it at the end, i was talking with some people here and it's sad to see this trend, just to let you know... My best wishes to you mates!!!
  21. Almost getting there, just a couple of decals, which i´m too lazy to make right now lol :)

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