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Everything posted by FLOGGER23

  1. Hey Lindr, hope the following links can help you: http://images.google.com.sv/imgres?imgurl=http://www.aviastar.org/pictures/russia/yak-28.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.aviastar.org/air/russia/yak-28.php&usg=__Futv5QOCt8DFsdVLkqvkd828ldc=&h=1223&w=1677&sz=28&hl=es&start=7&um=1&tbnid=AQztsoUvfu8WfM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyak-28%26hl%3Des%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 http://images.google.com.sv/imgres?imgurl=http://walkarounds.airforce.ru/avia/rus/yak/yak-28p/am_yak-28p_01.jpg&imgrefurl=http://walkarounds.airforce.ru/avia/rus/yak/yak-28p/index.htm&usg=__4LJHH9A6SWTcO_A1q5p96BjoLO4=&h=850&w=1280&sz=380&hl=es&start=12&um=1&tbnid=XA-NlpLJ6RSrRM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyak-28%26hl%3Des%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 http://images.google.com.sv/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ctrl-c.liu.se/misc/ram/yak-28p-roy-01.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ctrl-c.liu.se/misc/ram/yak-28p.html&usg=__wpiWkYneeHdEQPsCk4mkj6dedrY=&h=311&w=574&sz=44&hl=es&start=16&um=1&tbnid=FPQeD7JlnXwk4M:&tbnh=73&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyak-28%26hl%3Des%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 http://images.google.com.sv/imgres?imgurl=http://website.lineone.net/~paul_nelhams/phot/rus1/yak28.jpg&imgrefurl=http://website.lineone.net/~paul_nelhams/moninolog.html&usg=__0ERkkRlYBWGw6xfge6KO8frP_Bs=&h=510&w=800&sz=73&hl=es&start=55&um=1&tbnid=8qwhXVEj4Txi7M:&tbnh=91&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyak-28%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Des%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26start%3D42%26um%3D1 http://images.google.com.sv/imgres?imgurl=http://vaul.ru/samol/yk-28/Yak-28U-3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://vaul.ru/samol/yk-28.htm&usg=__seRr_RrmI32xmox3IUOjdOn1Pnc=&h=518&w=800&sz=24&hl=es&start=144&um=1&tbnid=fs1N5Qdsz4D6xM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyak-28%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Des%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26start%3D126%26um%3D1
  2. Due to my abilities with missilies (is there something lower than dumb @$$???) i rather guns of all kinds, i tend to shoot missiles and either loose track of them or the foes are smarter to deal with them, so in general guns...
  3. A word from Allenjb.

    hey mannie, if you contact him, tell him i wish a quick restoration, i saw that in FB but for some reason wasn't able to answer, so please tell him... blessings!!!
  4. MiG-23BN skin Cuban AF

    Thanks my friend, but actually the skin is for an Indian AF aircraft!!!
  5. RAM

    If you send them to El Salvador, i can pay for the shipping, thanks for the offer anyways!!!
  6. A new adventure in my life

    Congrats to you and your wife, sir, and welcome to the new little simmer!!!
  7. Thanks, would it affect the EMB file?
  8. While you, guys are having so much fun i'm suffering since my computer's mobo got broken and it will take one month to get a replacement, i envy you guys, enjoy for me!!!
  9. Lindr, just a curiosity, i made a model of the Iraqui 23BN some time ago and placed the refueling probe to the other side, please check here: http://images.google.com.sv/imgres?imgurl=...DN%26start%3D72
  10. i had that question before and i was told that the A-10 has a Pave Penny pod which is not a laser designator pod, so you still need a Laser designator to drop them.
  11. I've seen one at least, do you remember Indepandence Day?
  12. Thanks Ord, if you ever come to El Salvador, you're invited for dinner, thanks for all your support!!!
  13. RIP Sir Bobby Robson

    Rest in peace Mr. Robson, he was a former FC Barcelona coach, you'll be missed.
  14. WW2 WIPS

    Hey, Daniel, Where have you gone to? i've been teasing you by email...................
  15. Kevin, have you tried to use CCleaner to fix registry keys and garbage that may be causing it? or maybe another software?
  16. the jp-233: it's like the soviet KMGU-2?
  17. Thanks a lot Ordway, and if i'm allowed to, do you have the MiG-23BN/MiG-27 in the works too?
  18. I'll be glad shooting down eagles-phantoms-tornados & other with them!!!!! YEAH!!! good job and a big thanks Ordway!!!
  19. Any time, bro if you need help, just PM us we'll be around.
  20. My best advice to you, bro, read and test what you read, you'll learn from there and will improve your knowledge, and it's good to be humble and share the novelties you learn, my english is not so good either :):):)
  21. The long waited red builder, nice to see you again..... and wait for a whole lot of questions......LOL.... no, seriously welcome back.
  22. Epizikl, what i want is to know if the above mentioned diference can be represented in the sim, what it needs to be modified, is the model (lod), or if it's something to modify in any .ini; hope i'm being clear, sorry, my english, i know, needs to be improved.
  23. Sorry to disagree, but it does; take a look in the tail area related to the ground: The MiG-23B/BN/BM, etc, the tail stance was like: http://images.google.com.sv/imgres?imgurl=...DN%26start%3D21 now the MiG-27 had a diference in that: http://images.google.com.sv/imgres?imgurl=...DN%26start%3D21 I tried to get pictures to show the relevant diference between types. I was told once that it was because the MiG-23BN had one more fuel tank (the MiG-23M/MF too) it had the lower tail stance, but i'm not too sure; now, you guys that know more than i, please tellme if it's possible to modify them?
  24. Sorry, my bad, i was meaning to the stance of the plane related to the ground, the MiG-23B/N has ha lower lail stance related to the MiG-27's, my apologies.

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