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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. You guys know this is a Q right? Not a J, T, or, W. Just wait for Yak to put out the J.
  2. KAW pilot pics and new loading sound



    Some Pilot pics and a new loading sound for KAW. Loading sound replaces the annoying high pitched jet wind up sound with a more subtle Pres. Truman's radio address to the American people about the invasion of South Korea.
  3. Here is what it looks like using EffectClassName=NapalmBombEffects. Pretty cool. Or should I say hot.....HA! Included is adjusted RP-3 Napalm Data and adjusted LOADOUT adding ATTACK Flaming Onion. RP-3_Napalm_data.rar
  4. Try Ground Objects. That is where the carrier should be.
  5. No words

    Word on the street is Jihadi Jane has been in Syria for the last two weeks. 12 airstrikes in Raqua the capital of the IS, today..... We could only hope.
  6. Salut! to the French GIGN!

    Not quite sure what you mean? But if you point a rifle at a guy with his hands up while wearing PVS-14's on your helmet in broad day light, then you are an idiot. Pistols and shields against a guy with an AK and dynamite is professional. Limits high power rifle rounds hitting hostages. Police doing police things. Not camo battledress pointing rifles at everyone... The National Police is the civilian Police Force. They are the primary law enforcement agency in Paris and most major cities. They raided the grocery. They also had only about 10 minutes before the commander on the ground got word that the terrorist was praying. The terrorist left his phone on and they heard him prepping to kill the hostages. They also wanted him eliminated before he found out that the brothers had been eliminated. The Gendarmerie is the Military Police. They are an arm of the French Armed Forces. They are the primary law enforcement agency in rural areas of France. They took the brothers out. With four GIGN guys wounded. We can't use The Army for civil action it is against the law. They can. Their system is better. Ours sucks. They clearly have a much more professional force with much more centralized training. That was the point.
  7. No words

    This Dearborn stuff is getting out of control.
  8. Salut! to the French GIGN!

    The Kosher grocery raid was the Paris Metro Police B.R.I. unit and R.A.I.D. The guy in the store was armed with an AK-47, a pistol and 15 sticks of dynamite. As the breach team was jerking the door of it's hinges the Terrorist shot four hostages while exchanging fire with the Police. Notice the Police are only armed with pistols and ballistic shields. You can see one of the Police unload on the guy as he makes the, "ten meter dash to hell." Those Police had to rip the door off while watching him kill innocent people. That is guts. The girl was never in the store to start with. If you compare the French SWAT police to those clowns we have seen in the USA over last couple of years on TV, one can tell without a doubt that they are physically fit, highly trained, professionals. All in uniform. Same gear. Helmets worn properly. Not carrying weapons at the low ready when not needed. Also if you watched this footage, almost every time those guys had to move they ran. I wish they where my cops. Ferguson, Missouri. Yesterday in Paris.
  9. Thanks man! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Any Americans and Canadians on this site?

    I am an American.
  11. Net Neutrality - URGENT

    Typhoid you just don't like the POTUS because you think he is an Afro-Marxist, Mao Mao, Muslim.
  12. Fury

    The reason "Fury" did not catch fire when the Panzerfaust hit it in the final scene was because they where out of main gun ammo. Also the loader took the molten slug in the gut. The Lt.'s tank that got lit up by the HJ's with the Panzerfaust was loaded with main gun ammo and also was not "Wet Storage," like "Fury." The movie was about a tank crew. The way those guys acted with each other is really the way a real (American) crew acts. BTW Americans are heroic.
  13. F-8 dogfights 6 x VPAF MiGs over Vietnam

    Cuba was the only nation to field an Atoll capable MiG-17. The Atoll equipped MiG-17 was the "worst case scenario" dreamed up by the USN. Sorry, but no Atoll shooting Frescos in Vietnam.
  14. 50 year ban?

    Fuck him. Have fun! What he gets for playing a bitch ass sport.
  15. The SF1 and SF2 maps are screwed up. Some of us are trying to fix this.
  16. First US Built Super Tucano

    Too little. Too late...... Garbage. A-10C will always be the answer. Shame on the military industrial complex.
  17. Fury

    Yes I liked it very much.
  18. Miami Vice Fans?

    The entire battle with Calderone.
  19. As far as the color is concerned, Wrench's point about film and lighting could not be more true. In the attached pic, 510 is in a shadow and the nose matches Nyghtfall's dark interpretation. 505 is in direct sunlight and matches the stock gray better. Keep up the good work Nyghtfall!
  20. My two cents..... Wrench's templates with Nyghtfall's outstanding decal work, is the way to go.

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