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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Film actress Lauren Bacall dies at 89

    I hope they find this guy before he strikes again.
  2. That show is such a fake load of garbage. Makes Dork Dynasty look like Frontline.
  3. Robin Williams Found Dead!

  4. True about the AI. Wish we could tweek that a tad.
  5. Dude, I can tool every 60's American jet in the air with the MiG-15Bis with Fubar's flight model in this sim. Just have to be a smart Ivan. Since no other medium let's you do this I would say that it all depends on the dude holding the stick. Same way I tool Israeli F-15's and F-16's with MiG-23's. Stay low....radar off....GCI vector....merge low masked by ground clutter..... zoom climb...radar on....... boom and zoom.... radar off... rinse and repeat.
  6. I could smell the pho on this dudes breath. 1968 VF-96 USS Enterprise.
  7. The audio of the 89 engagement is my loading sound. Forrestal with F-4S's and Nimitz with F-14's for the 1981 engagement. Dave did the accurate F-4S skin for VF-74 a few years back. Available at Combat Ace. Still need a good F-4S VF-103 skin.
  8. Get some rest. We love you man!
  9. In the first vid 513 would be a KA-6.... Am I right?
  10. As long as WE are alive it will never die.
  11. Fat Albert Start Up

    This should be called, "Phat Assbert" start up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Good idea or bad?

    Don't have to be perfect. I think what he means is whenever one of US wants to put up a WWI related date reminder that we can replicated with one of the games.
  13. Good idea or bad?

    That would be cool.
  14. 28/07/1914... Austro-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

    The guns of August are nigh..........
  15. DCS where we go?

    The development of DCS seems to be controlled by 14 year olds with ADHD. ALL OVER the place.........
  16. Games with the tomcats

  17. Another 777 lost

    There was no "captured Buk." Russian regulars pulling the trigger. Come on guys this is the new Russian asymmetrical warfare MO. Just "rebrand" your military........ Too bad the dudes running the SAM where drunk. ( Like every Russian soldier I have ever encountered).
  18. Another 777 lost

    I believe that the "Ukranian Rebel Terrorists" are actually regular serving Russian soldiers. The Russian military did this whether they want to admit it or not. The leader of the rebels in that area, who was an FSB Colonel until last year was boasting on the internet about downing a Ukranian Antonov right after this happened. This is what I think the story is: Russian military personnel operating medium range SAM system under the flag of separatist rebels thought they where shooting at a Ukranian transport. But, because of the incompetence and greed of Malaysia Airlines, MH17 was flying at a much lower altitude and probably did mimic known Ukranian flight parameters. The result, an utterly senseless and avoidable tragedy. But who do you blame? I would say the Russian Military. Because they did not have to pull the trigger.
  19. Funny, I just ignore it also. Wrench is right, the "dangle angle" is directly proportional to the "heat of the meat."
  20. And the World Cup has begun

    Well poop! Go Germany!
  21. Ravenclaw we love you bro! Take your time and take care of yourself!
  22. Russia sends SU-25's to Iraq

    Give it all back to the Turks. Ottoman Empire 2.0.
  23. Russia sends SU-25's to Iraq

    All the good people in the Iraqi Army where the Sunnis who where disenfranchised by our stupid neo-con Bush administration under the idiotic guidance of the Iraq Provisional Authority director Paul Bremer when he in his own misguided wisdom chose to disband the real Iraqi Army. All the good Iraqi soldiers are now in ISIS...... Vote Republican is what I always say. Protect 1990 vintage technology. Whatever. Russian pilots fought on both sides of the Ethiopian Eritrean war. That is what they do.
  24. And the World Cup has begun

    My wish is an all European final played in Brazil. Germany v. Holland in Brazil!!!!! That would be epic.
  25. And the World Cup has begun

    Too bad indeed for my dear France.

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