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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. No prob at all dude! You should be happy people are chomping at the bit to get the latest updates!!!!!! Thanks!!!
  2. Yes, roger Dels. Just want to make sure I am downloading exactly what you updated. Thanks for the links! Ok now I am totally confused....... Opened the T-6 link went to download and there are three different things to download. What do I need to do to fly your latest updated Texan II? Which of these is the update?
  3. And the World Cup has begun

    Goalie is a hockey term Dave. The proper term would be keeper. Howard did outstanding but the rest of the USA team sucked. Guess they will all go back to their jobs at used record stores.
  4. Facebook - the reality

    Honestly, Facebook is fucking stupid. Never been on that garbage and never will.
  5. New Tank WW2 flick

    Yes 17pdr. SABOT was the Tiger Slayer. Sherman Vc Sherman Ic Sherman Ic Hybrid
  6. And the World Cup has begun

    I DO NOT.
  7. Please post links to all the updated versions. Cannot find them.
  8. And the World Cup has begun

    Germany was tired by the 40th minute against Algeria. They displayed a horrible level of fitness. France on the other hand, is a hyper aggressive, super fit squad. Didier Deschamps played his hand perfectly with the Giroud-Griesmann substitution and struck at the Nigerians like a cobra. Benzema 4 shots on goal all blocked by the Nigerian keeper who had the game of his life. If Germany drags their asses like they did against Algeria, France will mop the floor with them. France just has too many weapons. I think France will face Colombia in the semis.
  9. What a trip.

    The sex party evidently caused you to misidentify the aircraft.
  10. New Tank WW2 flick

  11. Pride

    I just wiped away a tear my friend. You deserve to be treated with respect and I am proud of what you did. I know it was rough and complicated and nobody understands because I was there to. SALUTE! to you and your brothers and sisters who did that job.
  12. New Tank WW2 flick

    The E8 designation was given to the vehicles fitted with the Horizontal Volute Suspension or HVSS. E8 was just the designation given for that improvement. Easy was the code for the letter E in the old pre-NATO phonetic alphabet. So the proper way to say E8 would be "Easy Ate." True the new suspension gave a more comfortable ride for the crew, but the really reason for the HVSS was to increase the width of the track, thus lowering the ground pressure of the track and distributing the weight of the tank more easily over softer ground. Kind of like a snow shoe does when you wear them while walking in snow. HVSS equipped tanks bogged down in soft ground less frequently than tanks equipped with VVSS (Vertical Volute Suspension System) tanks. An E designation usually denotes an improvement that is considered "Experimental." E usually gives way to an additional "A" designation, but in the case of the M4 the E8 just was a reference to all the numerous M4's that where fitted with HVSS because post war many older tanks where retrofitted with the HVSS suspension. E8 had nothing to do with the gun.
  13. And the World Cup has begun

    I agree with Brain's predictions! So far as of this moment he has gotten it right. This is a pretty fun WC to watch this time around.
  14. Jeez guys, let them massage this thing and get the bugs out. In the end it will be a world beater. Remember how many F-14s where lost during development?
  15. Yes there is a real good one floating around somewhere for SF2. Just have to make sure your weapon is using the right effect. I will sort through my stuff later and post what I got that works.
  16. Mirage 4000? Somebody already did it. Don't know if it was ever released.
  17. North Korea threatens war on US over Kim Jong-un movie

    Totally must see movie!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. New Tank WW2 flick

    The letter "E" in the old phonetic alphabet was "Easy" thus E8 pronounced "Easy Ate."
  19. New Tank WW2 flick

    Yes the tank "Fury" in the movie is an M4A3E8 76mm Wet Storage. Which is accurate as a replacement tank in early spring 45. The gun is the 76mm. Totally correct.
  20. New Tank WW2 flick

    OH MY GOD! My favorite movie before I even see it. Bout time somebody makes a real TANK movie.
  21. And the World Cup has begun

    England was never a favorite..... France has had the widest scoring distribution thus far. Evidence of a team effort. Plus Benzema is on fire. FIFA website has him as the highest rated player of the tournament thus far. Germany has not really been tested. They should have blown everybody out like Holland and France have so far. Mueller and Oezil are big threats. What can you say about Van Persie and Robben? Remarkable football. As for everyone else. It seems they are just enjoying the trip to Brazil. I would say Uraguay had a shot, but Luis Suarez keeps biting people. Again. Maybe FIFA should check him for vampirism. But really who knows. It is fun to watch though. I know where I will be at 1500 EST. tomorrow.
  22. And the World Cup has begun

    France, Holland, or Germany.
  23. And the World Cup has begun

    For the France fans. Too bad Ribarry is hurt.
  24. World Cup 2010 For Old Times Sake

    2010 was a sad year for my mighty Bleus..... 2014 belongs to FRANCE.
  25. Big Change In My Life

    Stay strong dude!

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