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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. And the World Cup has begun

    Which I am afraid will not happen Dave. Holland v Chile tomorrow will be best match of day. Go Holland! Croatia v Mexico..... Idi Hravatska!
  2. US Ship disabled by russian Electronical Warfare

    Absolute bullshit.
  3. And the World Cup has begun

    Benzema is awesome! Too bad Ribarry is hurt.
  4. Wrench would you like to add my cockpit fixes and other upgrades I sent you several months ago? Halla back. If you forgot I can PM them to you. I also modded the F4U-5....
  5. And the World Cup has begun

    France all the way baby!!!!!!
  6. Apply the CCIP mod for the A-6 to the B-52 and you can use it as a substitute radar bombing cue. Then you can nail that tarmac from 35,000 ft.
  7. Roger, the bombs are carried on the AIM-54 conformal skids, or whatever they are called. Good pic anyway guys!
  8. City of Mosul falls to al Qaeda, 2 more cities fall

    Iran is sending Revolutionary Guards ground units to reinforce the Sunni Maliki government of Iraq. We are very seriously contemplating airstrikes. When did you ever think that U.S. airpower would be flying CAS for Iranian ground troops. This is fucking surreal.
  9. City of Mosul falls to al Qaeda, 2 more cities fall

    This looks like a job for the B-1B.
  10. City of Mosul falls to al Qaeda, 2 more cities fall

    We did not die for this shit. My friends died for the greed of the neo-conservative chicken hawks.
  11. City of Mosul falls to al Qaeda, 2 more cities fall

    Thank Dick Cheney. Saddam would never have let this happen. The enemy of the "Arab Nationalist" is the "Islamic Fundamentalist." Mid-East political history 101. This is what you get for voting for idiots.
  12. Count the wires! I know a bit to port but what ever....... Did someone say beer?
  13. Caaattttsssssss! (Yell it like Kirk yelling Khan)

    Well said Derk.
  14. Caaattttsssssss! (Yell it like Kirk yelling Khan)

    I don't want people to think I am being unfair to dogs. Dogs are and can be wonderful companions. But, the truth is I am scared of them. Been mauled about three times between the ages of 12 to 26. So my bias is based on experience. If you love dogs that is cool. I just do not trust them one damn bit. Furthermore, I would never purposely harm any animal. Just have my preferences. Rusty, your cat is lonely. Cats in pairs is the way to go. Most of the weird antics should stop when your feline has another feline to stalk and torment. Cats do talk to each other believe it or not by moving their ears. Subtle twitches of their ears is how they communicate among themselves. Cats never "meow" to each other. They reserve that for communication with us. As far as the food thing goes, with my cats they eat canned food once a day but have dry food on standby for snacks. Everyday around 5:00PM they start the circling and twisting around like sharks. The oldest cat is the spokescat. He will stand on the table and meow to me while the young ones circle around me like sharks. Then I usually split a couple of cans between the four and they all jam their heads in their bowls and pig out. About two hours later the "Feline Judo" demonstration begins. The two 14 year old brother cats will sit on the back of chairs and couches and watch the 8 pound Tabby alley cat judo flip the 16 pound Main Coon for at least an hour. Great fun. Just remember they are social creatures and need feline companionship as much as you need their companionship. My cats have seemed to work out all their territory issues by themselves. They each have a little cool place they hang out. Sherman the youngest one has all his toys around a chair and he always sits in the chair. I call his area his "dojo." Pretty good fun indeed. When Buckey (my cat that died last year) had is final and worst seizure. Nimbo ( the Coon) sat by his side as he died. Ace (solid black 14 year old brother of the spokescat Quango) Stood guard over his body when he died. I wrapped poor Buckey in a towel and put him in a fancy decorative box until the morning and we took him to my fathers to bury. Ace stood next to the box all night and into the morning like he was guarding him. Really complex and fascinating creatures.
  15. Caaattttsssssss! (Yell it like Kirk yelling Khan)

    I have to say that cats are not solitary creatures at all. Humans have a limited understanding of the Cat. The Dogs response to the human master is based on the whole dog Alpha dominant theory. All cats are alphas if you contemplate the Cat the same way we do Dogs. Cats are not loners at all. I have a cat who played with and ate with and groomed with and older cat who died. The older cat acted as a mentor. When he died the other Cat almost seemed to be in a state of despair. A couple of months later I rescued a kitten who had the same basic physical characteristics of the cat that died. The other cat assume the mentor role to the younger Cat and they are just as unseperateable as before. Cats are very complex social creatures who have more in common with us than Dogs. Dogs are merely tools.
  16. SF2 Early Su-27

    PM me and I will hook you up with my complete Flanker SF2 mod. If you are running SF2NA fully patched it should be damn near perfect.
  17. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    There is fossil evidence that Triceratops was a Nazi.
  18. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    Ok then that would clear things up a bit. If it was just Heer soldiers being portrayed then what is the big deal? Ha! I went to a huge military collectors show once and the "Waffen SS" re-enactors had a "recruiting" booth set up right near actual American WW2 vets that where telling their story. I asked the weird haircut wearing, SS uniform wearing guys how they could even show their faces dressed like that in the presence of such men. They went on with the same old tired history, blah, blah ,blah argument. I told them they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to get people to join the Fake SS in front of actual American vets. Some people just do not have the common sense needed to live in this world. Fuck the Nazis. Real or fake. Rule of thumb: Re-enactments are cool as long as there are not people alive that can remember the real events.
  19. SF2 Early Su-27

    Try this. Su-27 SF2.rar
  20. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    Actually the Heer did participate in many actions of the Einsatzgruppen in the Soviet Union during WW2. The SS re-enactors symbolize a twisted political ideology. There are very very few Japanese Army re-enactors. Wonder why?
  21. Caaattttsssssss! (Yell it like Kirk yelling Khan)

    Dogs. The lumbering, drooling pot and bomb stiffing idiots of the animal kingdom.
  22. Caaattttsssssss! (Yell it like Kirk yelling Khan)

    Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
  23. I get overheat lights all the time in the MF F-14A_82 never caught fire though. I just let off the throttle like the light wants me to...............

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