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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. russian victory parade 2014

    Great job Lex that article supports about 80% of what I said. Wow college is an amazing thing. Glad I went. Let me add that this is a stimulating conversation with really good points raised by all. Why I am here. One key point we have left out. The USSR was on the other side till June 1941. Also the strategic bombing of Berlin did very little damage in comparison to the ground fight...... Just sayin. The strategic bombing of Berlin had little effect on the Soviet capture of the Seelowe Heights, the Oder crossing and the massive envelopment operation my old buddy Georgie executed in the fashion that only an old horse soldier could do.
  2. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    Best way to learn about history is to go to school. Not listen to some half baked idiot with a weird haircut wearing an SS uniform. Problem is most "re-enactors" seem to mirror the views of the people or cause they portray. I have for years been involved in authentic Civil War re-enactments. I know it seems pretty silly but consider it my moment of geek. I almost exclusively portray Union Army Infantry in the Western Theater. Guess where my political and ideological leanings are? I have pretty much taken a hiatus from the hobby because of the fact that most of the guys that portray the other side do nothing but spit hatred and racial garbage since President Obama got elected. I have known some guys for years and thought they where good peeps until they showed their true colors. Always a few assholes muck it up for others. SS re-enactors are closet Nazis.
  3. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    Not a good way to learn about "history" when it comes out of the mouth of a dude dressed like a Nazi. Not an unreasonable request by the council to leave the SS out of it.
  4. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    Anyone who dresses like a Nazi and plays soldier is a prat anyway.
  5. russian victory parade 2014

    A point could be made that the fire bombing of Tokyo, killed more people than the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. The big question is was the use of the atomic bomb really needed. Most Americans have been told that we would have suffered substantial casualties if they had not been used. The truth is that Japan was on the verge of capitulation because of the fire bombing campaign just at the time Little Boy was dropped. So we unleash the most horrific weapon in the history of mankind against civilian targets to save the lives of 500,000 of our soldiers, against an already defeated enemy. Thus giving the world the notion that atomic weapons are humane. That argument never washed with me. That started the "Cold War" more than any singular event in my opinion. As far as a Stalin Manchurian timetable is concerned, why was it not a good idea for the Soviets to invade Manchuria in 1945? We would not have done it. The Japanese Army had a huge amount of men and material in Manchuria and Korea in 1945. With those forces defeated soundly by the Soviets. Japan had no other choice but to surrender. So with that the Soviets really did win WWII...............
  6. russian victory parade 2014

    As much as we Americans like to think we "won" WWII. The fact is the Soviet Union where the true victors. Our sacrifices where relatively minor in comparison to the millions of Soviet citizens that perished. To support Gepard's point, The 1945 Soviet invasion of Manchuria set the conditions for the victory by the Red Chinese and the establishment of Communist North Korea. These events spawned two wars after WWII and totally changed the balance of power in East Asia. Besides, who took Berlin? The USA only took one Axis capital. Rome. On, ironically, 06JUN44. Only after the Fascist government capitulated and moved North. Believe it or not, the most important "Lend-Lease" item we provided to the Soviet Union was Spam. The Soviet Union bore the brunt of the war and should be recognized in a non-political and objective manner.
  7. Two Tomcat tales

    Top Gun Days, is a good book. Recommended read.
  8. MiG-21 attack

    Go Syria, go Syria, Woot ,woot! Let me hear ya say, woot,woot! Kill all of the terrorist scum!
  9. To hell and back - A song about Audie Murphy

    Metal is dead.
  10. No operational version of the A-6 had a Heads Up Display.
  11. I was on that road in 1991. A month after it happened it was just beginning to be cleaned up. Went back in 2001, kind of weird to see it all cleaned up.
  12. Syrian MiG-29 & MiG-23s in action

    Ever had to wait on an Arab because they where late for some meeting or something and they show up 30 minutes later and say "inshallah." God's will. I have. Nothing in the world could piss you off more than habitually late Kuwaitis. It is not the will of god that you are late. It is a sign of poor time management and lack of respect. Alluah Akbar is a battle cry. A very OVERUSED one at that! I can understand screaming it as you plunge your bayonet into the chest of the infidel. But they say it while doing everything from KP to taking a dump. Oh btw "Alluah Akbar." Yes Floggers and Fulcrums do sound pretty mean.
  13. Awesome vid. France has every right to be proud of that fine vessel and it's airwing!
  14. Su-22s might live on

    Nice article in this months CAM about Polish Su's!
  15. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    Iran invades Lego Land! Seriously, what is the deal with Iranian officers and their freakishly large service caps?
  16. Onboard A-4C Skyhawk

    That was a great video!
  17. Shadow Military/Mercs your thoughts.

    As one who has witnessed a Black Water Murder fest in Iraq, I would say the only place on the battlefield for them is hanging from trees by their necks. Think about it, if they where good soldiers they would still be in the military. Under zero circumstances should the most powerful military force in the history of mankind hire mercenaries. For any reason. Their loyalty is to the Green not the Red, White, and Blue. Most are liers and scoundrels anyway.
  18. My Newest Acquisitions

    The last M1911A1 was made in 1945. What you see today are knock offs. Really irks me when gun nutz talk M1911. Because most have never even seen a real one. My M1911A1 in ODS was made by Frigidaire. All the 7th Corp units from Germany still had M1911A1's in ODS. Most where worn out but I had a pretty good one. But at the end of the day it is just a paper weight. The only time I used it was the night of the cease fire. I was leaning against the left #3 skirt of my tank with my MOPP pants down around my ankles taking a shit. .45 in hand, when the 3rd PLT PSG came trotting up to my tank in the dark and failed to give the countersign when I challenged him, while I was shitting mind you. Needless to say he only stopped and identified himself when I shouted "STOP or I will blow your head OFF." You can kill some one to the same degree of deadness with a Kimber or a Lorcin. Just depends on how much money you want to spend before you go to prison.
  19. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    I just watched FAUX NEWS. The frat boy idiot they had reporting from Donetsk described it as a battlefield....... Uh no it is not. He also claimed that Russians armed with baseball bats are guarding government buildings in Donetsk. Baseball bats? Where in the fuck in Ukraine can someone buy a baseball bat? The footage showed a drunk guy with a hard hat and a rake handle. The idiot also claimed that "Russian MiGs" are patrolling the airspace over Donetsk. That also is a lie. They showed footage of Ukranian jets not Russian. (Blue and yellow markings means not Russian). If Russian VVS jets are patrolling Dontesk then that is a formal breach of Ukraine's borders. But it did not happen. It is lies. From Fox. THE COLD WAR IS OVER. But the people who watch Fox or RT do not know that. Because those media outlets sole purpose is to push ideology not facts. So if you watch and hang on every breath that comes out of Fox you probably do live in a bubble. You also probably think Cliven Bundy is a hero and not a criminal like he is. To move NATO troops into Western Ukraine would be one of the stupidest things NATO could do. It would only give Putin the green light to move "real" Russian soldiers into western and southern Ukraine. What would be the point of moving NATO brigades to the Baltic? None. The Baltic is not the problem. A chess move that silly would only force Putin to do more ridiculous things.BTW two weeks ago we did send four more F-15C's to the Baltic air police mission...... Putin is no fool. He knows the West cannot do anything and will not unless a NATO MEMBER STATE is invaded. No NATO members states have been invaded. If a NATO member is invaded we will have instant WW3. As we should because that is why NATO exists. ( I have 3 NATO medals so what do I know?) Russia is the WORLD'S second largest exporter of oil.(Saudi Arabia, Russia, then UAE) Oil is a commodity traded in US Dollars (The world's most valuable and stable currency) on the world market.( shade tree conservatives really need to study macro economics) To impose an oil embargo or oil sanctions on Russia would in effect completely throw the world's energy market into crisis. That temporary inconvenience is a lot better than WW3, right? So what do you do? Cooler heads my friends. This is the precise reason people like John Bolton should not be our UN Ambassador. I fully support the actions of the President of the United States Barak Hussein Obama on the issue of Ukraine. Also if Ukranian Paratroopers give their rifle bolts to "militia" and let them hot dog their BMD's, like happened yesterday, if they do not have enough fucking guts to defend their own country then do not expect my Son to give his life for people too cowardly to defend their own nation. (sound familiar... ARVN,NIA,ANA) My wife works with a woman from Ukraine. Her opinion is she really does not care one way or the other. The only way the US military will be actively involved in this is if a NATO member is invaded and like I said before Putin is not stupid. Let them sort it out. If Ukranians do not want to be Ukranians anymore then who fucking cares. I heard the USS Donald Cook watched the Su-24's take off and they had the "death ray" on them the whole time. Funny the USS Donald Cooks mission in the Black Sea is part of the missile defense shield. So, whatever. Reagan is dead. I think the only fully functioning SPS-141's in the world are at Nellis! Ha!
  20. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    Your world view is so ancient you probably still wear "Member's Only" jackets. Personal attacks? Come on Hannity, I know you got more than that.
  21. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    So you agree with Putin? (like most neo-cons envious of Putin and wish he was their leader) That is the way the game used to be played. Well said. The past. Not so much nowadays. Especially with the context. Wanting to start another war are we?
  22. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    Yeah man. If you invade the USA you will get a serious dicking down.
  23. True Facts About Morgan Freeman

    In the Electric Company he played The Count. My favorite skit was "Oh I like to take a bath in a casket!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp0-yDJAtWQ
  24. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    A DDG can be in the Black Sea also. Color is immaterial.
  25. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    I think the Russian Su-24 pilots felt just fine during the mission. Remember the Russians have been world innovators in ejection seat technology since the early 1950s......... thanks of course to the support given to their survival systems teams by the USAF and USN over the decades.

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