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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Then there is this idiot.....

    Don't make me say I told you so. Just sayin.
  2. Mickey Rooney passed away.

    A Salute to Chief Forney!
  3. My Newest Acquisitions

    My plan is just to wait a bit and pick up. Because when I will ever need one again they will probably be laying around everywhere. Saves money. Spring of 1990 I had an M1911A1 and an M-16A2.
  4. Shooting Skeet

    I saw a female S-1 CPT almost blow my BN CDR's head off shooting skeet once!
  5. Active shooter FT Hood Texas

    Good catch Erik! I guess I can seem as if I am a dick, but in person I communicate much better! The main point was the individual has a much greater chance to procure a much more efficient weapon with the way we view guns in America today. There is no denying that fact. Try this for a solution: Do not grab guns bought paid for, handed down, or whatever from any citizen. Just stop manufacturing and importing.
  6. Poems By Cats

    I am sure my cats, Quango, Ace, Nimbus, Sherman, and the recently departed Buckey Champ would agree.
  7. Happy Birthday Wrench

  8. Active shooter FT Hood Texas

    Straw purchasing of weapons for gang activity in Chicago is well documented. So, you are wrong on that point. I love guns. When I was a Tank Platoon Sergeant do you know how many "guns" I was responsible for? Do you have any idea how many soldiers I have taught to engage and destroy targets with every crew served and individual weapon in the Army's arsenal? But a gun is a tool. A tool that has no business on the street. We have a suburban arms race in America mainly because men are afraid their co-workers will call them a pussy at work if they don't have 12 of them. The average citizen in America can barely be trusted not to make action figures out of their own poop much less properly use maintain store a gun. Until American men grow up and understand that manhood does not mean having the instant ability to kill at their own leisure we will be swimming in a sea of blood. Back in the day you punched a smartass in the lip. Now, with our over violent culture, you shoot them in the face. A gun in the hands of a minimally trained civilian is not a symbol of manhood. It is a symbol of a coward. The tired argument of ,"protect against tyrannical government is BULLSHIT." I would love to see fat, knock off AK and M-16 toting, militia fucks get lit up by a squad from 1-506. You are right to say that the people are to blame. It is the people who glorify and promote the proliferation of murder weapons in all strata of our society. Post POW policy has nothing to do with this.
  9. My Newest Acquisitions

    $1600 dollars down the drain.
  10. Active shooter FT Hood Texas

    Men make guns. Guns do not make men. Men make money off guns. That is the bottom line. Lopez killed those three guys. He would not of killed them if he had not had the gun. The gun is a form of "instant gratification." A cure all. Have any of you ever gotten into a passionate argument or disagreement with someone? To think that he would have killed them anyway with a knife, ball bat, bomb, poison darts or whatever is very immature and irrational thinking. The only reason a .45 pistol was ever designed or even manufactured was to kill or murder another human. You can take your kids to school in a car. Have you ever taken your kids to school with your .45? "Honey, I am going to take the .45 and run to the commissary." The mass proliferation of almost instantly available and extremely efficient murder weapons in our nation is our largest public health crisis. Want to talk Chicago? White gun shop owners in the Chicago burbs are making money hand over fist because of the violence in Chicago. The real criminals are the merchants of death.
  11. Active shooter FT Hood Texas

    This will end when we have civilized gun control laws in the USA. SPC Lopez used a .45cal pistol he bought on 04MAR14 at "Guns Galore." A mega gun store right outside the gate in Killeen. Ironically, the same shop that PVT(Formerly Major) Hassan purchased his murder tools at also. Wake up America.
  12. And With That..........

    I am sorry man.
  13. Roger, I thought a Red field was named Gerwin. Great work love it!
  14. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    Hang in there Bro!
  15. Syrian MIG-23 shot down by Turkish F-16s.

    Go Turkey, Go Turkey, Go Turkey!!!!!!!!!
  16. Unpopular Aviation Opinions?

    If the balloon would have gone up, the F-111's at Lakenheath would of turned the Su-27s at Chojna into dust on the ground within the first hour. Su-27's radar and ECM circa 1988 was VASTLY inferior to the F-15C MSIP II. No contest.

    I know..... but. Flak vests for dogs? Always thought that was an incredible waste of money. But since our local Sheriffs offices and Police forces are flooded with all this good Homeland Security cash why not. We already have overweight 40 and 50 year old cops festooned with all the knock off tac gear Homeland Security can pay for just to serve warrants on non violent offenders so whatever why not dogs too? I wish Walt Longmire was my top cop. University of North Carolina Charlotte campus police SWAT team. Really? WTF? They need this because why? I know kids smoking weed in the dorm is a Homeland Security issue. Check out the lard ass with the shemagh.... Priceless. He has that SEAL Team 6 look without even setting foot outside his county! Look at the dumbass on the right with the helmet that is obviously too small. Sheesh.
  18. White Tiger - English subtitles

    Does it make me weird if I have carried on a conversation with an M-1A1?
  19. Did anyone ever fix the take off issues with the DLC Su-9? Mandatory screenie!
  20. White Tiger - English subtitles

    Tanker Movie!!!!!!! Awesome! Looks good too I scanned through it. I will watch later when I got the time. Thanks!

    Not to sound mean but..... they are dogs you know.
  22. Back to Bosnia, 20 years after my tour.

    I would love to go back with UNPROFOR, IFOR, and SFOR vets. I was in IFOR, SFOR2, and SFOR6. I inspected a weapon site in Potocari in 99 at the old Dutch Bat HQ. What I saw there is unspeakable. We also got into a physical altercation with the VRS Grey Wolf battalion, which my Platoon leader gave a Bosnian Serb militia truck driver who was carrying an unauthorized weapon through the ZOS a WWE style body slam. Every time we went to Sreb I got chased by wild dogs so be careful! Keep in touch!

    Way to go Gov. Malloy for standing up for your citizens! BTW Steel makes a horrible backstop material. Ever heard of a ricochet? But I guess I just wasted my time analyzing weapon firing tables and drawing scale surface danger zone diagrams. Maybe I am wrong but I distinctly remember back stop material being discussed at M-1 Tank Master Gunner School in 2000. If you would have wrote "steel" in the answer block then you would have been a NO-GO. Try this..... 5 to 8 meter tall earth berm. The "Shoot-houses" we used for Battle Drill 6 and CQB had either old tires stacked on telephone poles to make walls or similar absorbent material on the walls to prevent ricochet. The most hi tech ones had steel walls with a hard rubber like material covering it with about a six inch space between the wall and the material. NATO 5.56mm round would hit the thick rubber slowdown and hit the back wall deform and ricochet back into the back of the rubber after losing and incredible amount of velocity. Whatever, Way to keep the fight up Gov. Malloy!
  24. Get a load of this freak!

    He does resemble the love-child of Shrek and Darth Maul. Way to alienate yourself from the rest of society dumbass.

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