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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Rest in Peace.

  2. Do NOT rest In Peace

    In 2003, I was posted at Ft. Riley, KS. I had the honor to escort a WWII MOH recipient to the opening ceremonies of the Bob Dole Institute of Politics at The University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS. Phelps and his people protested and shouted "Fag Military" at us as we got out of the car to attend the ceremony. We had to walk a gauntlet of neon painted signs and shouting idiots. Fred Phelps was a complete piece of shit. But he has the right to be one in America. Mr. Hyashi, the MOH vet I escorted, just grinned and commented that in a free country they CAN do that. The Greatest Generation has a way of seeing things in a more pragmatic manner than we do at times. But........ Fred, as far as I am concerned, I hope the ghosts of the men you dishonored stomp the shit out of you on your way to hell. R.I.C. Rest in Conflict, dirt bag.
  3. Back to Bosnia, 20 years after my tour.

    Good luck! I always wanted to go back to Bosnia. I would love to visit Brcko, Zivenica, Tuzla, Odzak, Bosanski Samac, Srebrenica, Potocari, and many other places I was at in Bosnia from 96-00.
  4. Here is what I would do: 1. Use an aircraft with radar deactivated and note that in COCKPIT.ini it has LEADCOMPUTING=TRUE and note the DEFAULTLEADRANGE=. Apply your modded gun to that aircraft. 2. Try to shoot targets using the non-radar assisted gun sight and note the fall of shot. 3. Try to adjust the fall of shot by either increasing or decreasing the DEFAULTLEADRANGE=. What you would be doing is compensating for the flatter trajectory of the higher speed round by adjusting the amount of lead the default gun sight applies to the weapon. 4. If you can get it to adjust onto target by going up or down with DEFAULTLEADRANGE=, then reactivate the radar and verify if the CCIP, with a radar lock, coincides with the new base default lead range. Or........ maybe not.
  5. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/u-s-moves-six-fighter-jets-baltics-more-airmen-poland-n45386 Could we finally see an F-15C v Su-27SM showdown? "Baltic Sea Incident 2014" seems like an interesting scenario for SF2 at the minimum.
  6. Eagles deploy to Baltic

    The Eagles just hopped over from UK. No one said anything about the USAF being the ones to do something stupid.
  7. Any F/A-18 sims?

    Yes. Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic.
  8. SIX BOYS AND 13 HANDS - About the Iwo Jima Memorial.

    Main reason I suspended my email accounts.
  9. Russian Reporting on Ukraine

    Exactly. The same reason the Tea Party wants to "take their country back," and Conservatives want the Civil Rights Acts abolished. Waxing poetically over their vision of how things used to be. Which for most people, other than themselves, was a living hell.
  10. MiG-23 Tactics

    Cool keep having fun with this! A proper Flogger pit is in the works, tiny birds tell me. I might dust off my 15 or so Flogger models and start flying them again.
  11. Your fav "BAD GUYS" Cold War plane as a youth?

    As a kid the MiG-21 and MiG-25 where my faves.
  12. Russian Reporting on Ukraine

    You really want to know the truth? Putin is a lunatic ex KGB man who wants to revive the Soviet Union. Most Russians would like that very much. End of truth.
  13. MiG-23 Tactics

    How to win with the Flogger: Stay fast. Stay on the deck. Radar OFF until after the merge. Never turn fight. Extend, turn radar OFF, stay low, come back around, radar ON, slash, extend. I routinely defeat Israeli F-16s circa 81-84 with these tactics. The TW and TMF flight models in all their incarnations kinda suck. Not as bad as the TIE Fighter MiG-17s the stock TW flight model provides. But still bad. When I fight Floggers they always go into tight turns that the MiG-23 could not actually sustain without departing and they never take advantage of their great speed and stability down low. You should not use the early pit with the Jaybird radar for an aircraft armed with Apex missiles. Only R-13 Atoll for Jaybird equipped Flogger. Read the book Red Eagles.
  14. Sochi Olympic Games....

    Every four years I get to sit and drool watching the MILFS participate in women's curling. Call me nutz but women's curling is my favorite winter Olympic sport!
  15. Shooting the Cockpit - War Crime or just immoral?

    I know how you feel. A red crescent does not show up in a tank thermal imaging gun sight.
  16. Foch. Based on the Clemenceau from the old Mirage Factory weapons pack. Refitted to SF2NA standard. Like it?
  17. Please help identify Police ID - urgent

    Peep this. http://www.ipa-iac.org/ http://www.ipacomplex.com/14,IPA_badges.htm It clearly says,"International Police Association" in English but the name appears to be in Cyrilic. Also if you look at the ID it says "Ukraine" in English. I would guess that is the nation of origin block. Dude is probably a cop from Southern Ukraine who came up to join the festivities and ended up getting his ass kicked.
  18. Kiev.. photo's

    Laser stoner. This is my new LOADING SCREEN. Ha!
  19. Shooting the Cockpit - War Crime or just immoral?

    OMG! Where the hell else are you supposed to shoot? The image below depicts the perfect reticule lay for a gun kill from an F-14A. The target is an F-15. Reason is: If you do have a lead error, induced by g-load or opponents actions, usually those factors will cause your fall of shot to be short. If you super impose the pipper on the pilots helmet if no errors are present you will hit him in the grape with your rounds. If error does exist your fall of shot will still be on the target but instead of the pilots head the shot will land aft of the pilot on the fuselage. When I play First Eagles 2 I usually don't shoot until I am close enough to shoot the pilot directly in the back of the skull. Dicta Boelke. Who shoots civilian airliners anyway besides the Russians and the Israelis? It is war is it not?
  20. Kiev.. photo's

    Snailman, seems to me the day you had your "vision" you might have been hanging out with this guy. The pot leaf with matching green laser will cause this image to forever be meme fodder!
  21. Battle of Long Tan Documentary

    Good on ya Dig!

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