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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. SF2 WW2 MTO Regia Marina Cargo Ship

    It appears that you forgot to add the ship to the ground objects folder in your file.
  2. Vipers during Desert Storm?

    Don't forget, those "bird slicers" on the ADF were on the top of the nose and another matching set under the intake. The tail bulge was the result of some control surface apparatus that needed more room due to the space taken up ADF's improved IFF system. The ADF was produced to replace aging interceptors in Guard units. No Guard units with ADFs that served in the interceptor role deployed to ODS. So, no ADFs in ODS. C's could carry AIM-7 on the inner wing pylons from the beginning. The problem you have, is that the F-16, in ODS, WAS NOT USED in the sweep, intercept, or CAP role. Those pylons that could accept AIM-7 in ODS had Mk80s or CBUs loaded because they where used in the strike, attack, role. Just because something "could" happen does not mean it did. In this case it didn't.
  3. SEM upgraded pack

    The extra pylons should not be on the wing pips. They should be inboard and forward of the fuel pylon.
  4. Lone Survivor

    That's why you never read books written by the guy who "did it." Black Hawk Down...... Mark Bowden told the story of other's deeds not his own. Thunder Run.......David Zucchino told the story of other's deeds not his own. These are the good truthful accounts. They have been trying to make the Thunder Run movie for about five years now. Problem is it costs a lot of money, prop wise, to make a movie about an armored brigade. If they can secure the same backing the Army gave BHD then it will be a go. Problem is the Army RARELY supports the film industry. Unlike the Department of the Navy.
  5. This pretty much sums it up! Salute to the Mirage F-1 Team!
  6. Good job guys! We can keep massaging this thing!
  7. Beautiful work. I love it!!!!!!!!!!! Bug Report: RWR does not work in the 80 model. Probably wrong entries in AVIONICS.ini. I know you guys had it working during testing. Probably just wrong entries in the version uploaded. I recommend replacing Mk10 seat with Ravenclaw's Mk5. It looks really close to the Mk4. 1,000 THANK YOUS too all working on this project. It is an instant classic!
  8. Lone Survivor

    I guess I should have said "supporters" instead of turds. We all have a couple of pounds of turd in us anyway! Interesting fact: There are more citizens without health insurance in Texas than total NRA members nationwide...............
  9. I know. 825 does seem weird. I guess China will put all it's SAMs at 826! Ha! We will not really know what this thing can do until it does it. Same with the Raptor.
  10. I have already been through this. For the life of me the paint job in my opinion will not make the RCS go down very much. If the PAVE GLASS is not immaculately maintained then it does virtually nothing. You can already google images of this paint damn near falling off and being nearly useless. I would not even waste your time on it. To me it looks like the "good idea" bus stopped at a couple of bases then the maintainers either where too lazy (more than likely) or ran out of money to keep it effective. Funny no Wild Weasels at Misawa have been seen with PAVE GLASS paint so go figure.
  11. Captured F-5E video

    Thanks for sharing, that was really awesome.
  12. Hiroo Onoda: Honor or Fanatism? RIP

    I fully understand what you are saying Jug. The psychology of Nazism lies in the "Stabbed in the back" mythos of post war Germany. The German people were easy prey for racist nationalism (sort of like some parts of the U.S.A. are now or in 1861). The term "Tea Party" seems to beat on my brain now for some reason. My Civil War ancestors are all CSA. My GGG Uncle fought with Wicher's Nighthawks during the cavalry battle of the Gettysburg Campaign. I do not look at him as a hero of "Southern Virtue," but as a victim of twisted classist, racist ideology. He could not read. Some rich guy told him and his brother he needed to fight for his home. His Brother died. He lived. So most Southerners, who actually have the ability to think critically, share the same shameful but yet prideful at the same time heritage as the children of WWII Germans. My girlfriend's Grandfather, while stationed in Germany as a 19 year old punk ass tank driver, in 1990 died at Stalingrad in the Heer. My Grandfather was in the USMC in the Pacific and came home to be an abusive alcoholic. Who really won? If it was me born in 21 in Wetzlar, FRG (where my son was born) instead of 71 in TN, then I would of been in the TC hatch of a Panther in 44, instead of an M1A1 in 03. If I had been born in Ramadi, Iraq in 71, I would of been in a T-72 in 91 or 03 ( if 91 would not have killed me 03 would have or Saddam would of killed me in between). We do not choose our creed. But we are slaves to our species. Thank God ( or Ahura Mazda or whatever), I am an American raised in the later half of the 20th century. Thank God ( or Allah maybe) that a young man named John Lewis, who got his skull cracked on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma , Alabama, who the last thing he saw before the Alabama State Policeman who fractured his skull was the Confederate Flag patch on his uniform was able to recover and represent his people as a Congressman from Georgia. Had the ability to survive and fight for social justice in America. As he walked up the capital steps to vote on the ACA he was spit on and called a N***** by "Tea Party" racists. I will never forget that. Thank God ( or Odin maybe....) I am educated and worldly and have the ability to understand the sins of my fathers and the sins of my peers. But thank more than anything the fact that I lived my life in a nation that gives people opportunity. That is the American dream. Maybe it really is unattainable. But America is the place I was spawned and the IDEA of America is what I love. I am prepared since the day I was born to give my live in the true defense of America. Not some rich racists twisted vision of reality.
  13. How stupid can people be?

    I did not FIGHT to give domestic terrorists and traitors the right to do anything. Being in the KKK is not a shining example of the expression of someone's 1st Amendment Rights. Those "dirty sheets" are a reminder to all Americans that there is always someone willing to take away another American's right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
  14. Lone Survivor

    Enjoy your film.
  15. A Big Thank You

    Well my friend, keep your nose in the KB. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Try making a simple mod yourself. For example change the guns or loadouts on your favorite aircraft or swap and move decals around. I like tinkering with stuff more than flying missions sometimes.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBTTd0gfkn0 May 1st I will be four rows from center stage on the floor.
  17. 825 miles. I think that is dubious myself, but I am afraid it may be reality.Ever heard of advanced data link? It is the Corsican Twins of jets.What one F-35 sees they ALL see.
  18. Lone Survivor

    Nobody calls an M-9 a "Berretta." Sheesh. Others may be inclined, but I am sitting this one out. Sorry if anyone disagrees. We need more rom coms with Paul Rudd than dubious Markey Mark shoot em ups.
  19. Another update.

    Hang in there dude! Beware Opiates are given out like candy anymore. Really easy to get hooked. But a little is OK..........
  20. Say hello to the Swedish Marines...

    The absolute gheyest thing I have ever seen in my life.
  21. How stupid can people be?

  22. Yes. I know right! All F-35 haters can suck it. Game Changer from the word go.
  23. Lone Survivor

    Would not waste my money on someone who profits from his war experience. Caveat Emptor. I am not going to witness this garbage. Lutrrell's version of his story has been debunked so many times that the only people who listen to it are the turds at NRA conventions ( Which he is a frequent speaker at). I know the real story without having to see this bullshit ass movie. So he says......... Goes to show you that a perfect example of "American" culture is that a man was shot to death for texting his three year olds babysitter on opening day in Florida. Makes you wonder what kind of people get off on this shit. Mostly people who don't have the guts to do it themselves.
  24. Hiroo Onoda: Honor or Fanatism? RIP

    Hiroo did not follow orders that where to him unlawful. There we go laying our American template over people of other cultures situation trying to discover their motives. Frivolous. He demands much respect. If Americans today had just 1/8th of his courage......................

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