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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. This will never see the light of day.
  2. “The Russians are good aircraft designers, and they know how to build an agile aircraft, and [the new plane they are working on] is a step forward the path of more agility and flexibility, but the problem is -- it's not all about the frame, it's about what your put in it. The F35 can see around itself, 360 degrees, can see a missile take off 820 miles away, it has a radar that's extraordinary, and the systems are integrated. The Russians I think are nowhere near that at this point.” “They’re very good at building airplanes,” Cordesman said. “The problem that Russia, since the collapse of the former Soviet Union, has been putting out the military equivalent of show cars. They look good, but it isn’t always clear how practical they are and how many of the specifications they can actually meet.”
  3. How stupid can people be?

    Those events are nothing compared with what is really going on.
  4. Bullwinkle's Weekend Safety Brief for 18-20 Jan 14

    Wonder why someone would need to know what rank someone is while they are running the loop on Custer Hill?
  5. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    17 days into the year and this is the first FE2 screenshot of 2014!
  6. Bullwinkle's Weekend Safety Brief for 18-20 Jan 14

    Thank God I retired at the beginning of the "PT Belt Craze!" I have done more PT wearing body armor than I have wearing a PT belt.
  7. Bullwinkle's Weekend Safety Brief for 18-20 Jan 14

    Oh and BTW, TUCK YOUR PT SHIRT IN! Never a more disgusting vision in the world than 100 or more Airmen spilling out of the "multi million dollar base gym," at 0725 on a beautiful Spring morning with their PT shirts un-tucked. The way I was raised, they should be still puking from the thousands of pushups, situps, pullups, rope climbs and brisk 5 mile run instead. My two years living on an AFB scarred my mind. My neighbor who was a 22 year USAF E-7 told me he supervised PT by checking the sign in roster at the base gym. Now that's leadership. Pathetic.
  8. Shimmering Buildings

    What causes this? Using FE2 and the new Italian Terrain.
  9. Shimmering Buildings

    That was it thanks!!!!!!!!
  10. Very cool news

    Good news and Good luck!
  11. Damn its Cold!

    Colder than a well diggers ass.
  12. That's funny! we will not be in Afghanistan in November 2016. This whole concept is a big waste of money. Good job USAF!
  13. Copy the LOD and rename the copy "insert original name_COL_.LOD" See below: [GroundObjectData] DestroyedEffect=ShipDestroyedEffect DamageEffect=ShipFireEffect SystemDamageEffect=ShipSystemFireEffect CollisionMesh=CVA-41L_COL.LOD SinkTime=187.0 EmptyMass=60891951.0 Component[001]=Hull Component[002]=Superstructure
  14. Oh and Roger about Florian's Seaking! Yes try the ARM method! Please. If anyone really wants to get serious about this and start an ASW SF mod I will help! I have been messing with this for awhile. It just takes and understanding of the games' limitations and some imagination! First thing we need to do is come up with a standard, shooting but physically invisible but yet destroyable target. That target needs to have a good oilslick destroyed ship destroyed effect. I kinda have that using Fake pilot as the LOD in the main data ini. Please advise................... All you have to do is pretend that your radar is sonar when you go sub hunting.
  15. Aircraft and women equations

    I do not get it. Is it some lame sophomoric way to say that the USN ( And the Spanish Air Force for that matter) is comprised mainly of homosexuals? If so, it is of extremely bad taste.
  16. All I know is this...... Bill Overstreet was a bad MOFO! RESPECT.
  17. Try......... sas1946.com. The one I use is I think is called Histomod......
  18. China's First Carrier Completes its Test

    You mean J-15 "Flying Shark."
  19. Repaint the Garibaldi for a real Harrier carrying Sea Control Ship.
  20. You can already mod invisible ie. submerged subs that can fire torps and ASMs. Just remember to make the SHOWMISSILES=FALSE. I have been pretending that the radar is sonar on ASW helos for awhile. Keeping the torps as ASMs seems to work just fine.
  21. Are Pit Bulls Misunderstood?

    Dogs suck. An eight year old girl in the area that I live had half of her face ripped off by a pitbull who was described as, "the loving family pet," just the other day. The American Pitbull Terrier is a damaged breed. It should be eradicated. Dogs have done nothing for human civilization compared to the sheep.
  22. Amazon Sales Tax to be Implemented Tennesse and other states

    The State of Tennessee is ran by backwards, greedy, corrupt idiots.
  23. Let's just Nuke 'em

    I think we should feed Ed Snowden to 120 starved dogs.
  24. China's First Carrier Completes its Test


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