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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Rodolfo "Rudy" Hernandez Dead at 82

    Toast of the Army!
  2. TSA Union wants guns for agents

    Alcohol is not a tool whose sole purpose is to kill. Rant debunked. Next slide. Ha! It is the ability of the average citizen to acquire weapons suitable for the battlefield that is the problem. That goes back to the whole "all Americans must be armed to fight tyrannical government thesis," which is both illogical and infantile. Because overweight fan-boys who spend thousands of dollars on knock off "Bushwhacker Tactical Carbines" have no hope of becoming "Patriots." But they do have the ability to become "Domestic Terrorists." With that they will become dead. Groups of fat fucking rednecks with assault rifles do not scare me. Because I know they are pussies. The first time a dude from 3rd ID blows up their buddies 4wd with a Javelin they will literally shit their pants. The Army will fight those who rise up. That is their job. The Army did a pretty good job preserving the Union last time. No doubt they will do it again.Sure some will refuse. But guess what, just like every conflict I have been in, those who do not honor their oath will be jailed. It is the lone wolf retard that spends his day at his shitty job listening to Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh wishing he was this "great warrior" that wants to "take his country back" that scares me. He is the one that has the potential to do harm. He is the spawn of the "fear the government" post 911 backlash. People who have actually had to fight these "terror wars" do not support this kind of bullshit. If you claim to be a veteran and you support this kind of bullshit, then I would bet the closest you ever came to combat was handing out shitpaper at Balad. Say something, I dare you.... It is the wannabes on the fringe who do. No one that actually knows what combat is like would ever wish that it happened on the streets of their town. A true WARRIOR and PATRIOT seeks civil and non-violent resolution to problems and never even considers the act of taking up arms to settle minor social or idealogical differences. If they rise they will be destroyed in detail. So with that said, why don't people just live their fucking lives and take care of their families and CONTRIBUTE to our society as a whole instead of wasting their energy on this Walter Middy, John Wayne bullshit. How is that for a rant.................................................? Getting back on topic. The TSA serves an important role in the security of our nation. If I owned a hotdog stand I would afford them a discount due to the simple fact that they have volunteered to serve. They are not the 1st Ranger Battalion, but they do play a role in the overall scheme of things and their service should be recognized and admired. But, they do not need guns. In closing, I really do not care if anyone agrees with me or not. You might consider this my opinion, but this opinion was earned in blood, and if they passed a nationwide law banning military weapons designed after 1945 for civilian use, I would come back in just to help load the truck.
  3. TSA Union wants guns for agents

    I beg to differ Lexx. It really is that simple.
  4. BRO

    From the album stuff

  5. stuff

  6. Another tragic loss for the BRO. No mission too difficult, no sacrifice too great, duty first.
  7. TSA Union wants guns for agents

    TSA agents are only one phase of airport security. Their job is the passive detection phase. Airports in the USA have more than adequate armed police. The notion that we should arm TSA employees is absurd. Why don't we just arm everyone at birth and say to hell with it. That is what gun freaks want anyway is it not? A society that produces an individual that enters an airport and shoots people with a knock off M-4 is the problem. The "militarization" of our nation's common citizen is the problem. My take is, if you want to shoot guns and roll around in the dirt become a police officer or join the military. Skeet shoot, duck hunt, deer hunt, plink cans with a .22 all you want but leave the real weapons to the trained professionals. (Like me.......)
  8. Hope they Rot!

    Two hopeless, nationless men whose lives were destroyed by the twisted interpretation of religion. One brave young man who had hope, who was embraced by his nation and lived his life upholding the virtues of courage, honor, and selfless service. Tragedy at all corners. Punishment should be a public ass whoopin till death by the entire Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. On the center of the pitch at Wembley. Beat them until there is nothing left but two greasy stains. I would fly over to attend.
  9. Happy Christmas from Chuck Norris

    I want a MOD of that for SF2.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXE_n2q08Yw This is what I was sayin. Now let's get funky!
  11. Sea Knight. That is a typo in the ini file. One of many mistakes......
  12. Money, money, money, mawney......Mawney! LoL! (I thought it was funny.)
  13. China Lands on Moon

    Way to go guys. We did that 50 years ago. YAWN.............
  14. No one called you out. Read my posts. I will admit the term stupid was a poor choice of words. I guess lacking any form of common sense would have been better. Like I said, I did not call you out. I even said in post #20 that I had no intention to piss you off. Now if you did get pissed off, then that is an issue you must deal with. My views on this matter are based purely on the facts I have studied pertaining to the issue. Also I have a HUGE bullshit filter. Skeptic by nature. If you have any proof to the contrary please share. I would love to hear it. If you are pissed I am sorry. Greg Boyington said, "show me a hero and I'll show you a bum." BTW that was a pretty good game yesterday. Too bad the Army has standards. THE END
  15. Pesky Chinese push US around

    I know you know! I was answering it for others!
  16. GO ARMY!

    Army 7. Navy 34. Oh well, we will beat em next year!
  17. Pesky Chinese push US around

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuben_James What is a Reuben James? There is your answer. It would be fitting if the USS Cowpens would make a port visit to "Goat Island."
  18. GO ARMY!

  19. Cockpit.ini has the gunsights. All the rest is in the Avionics.ini.
  20. Pesky Chinese push US around

    Like a said.... not one drop shed for their freedom. Changing dukes does not count. We Americans do not have to know history. We make history. Ha! Ha! Ha! No sweat Jonathan I know you where joking, but USN ship names are something you don't joke about around Americans. Cowpens might sound silly to you. Just as Visby sounds like a butler's name to me. But both names have significance to both nations. Now the Royal Navy has some pretty silly ship names....... Aggressive adjectives seem to be the norm. I would not be surprised if the RN names a ship HMS Face Ripping Monkey.
  21. The VSF squadrons regularly carried Sidewinders as standard. Their mission was as fighters for the smaller CVS carriers. A-4s in the attack role in VAs did not carry Sidewinders because their primary mission was bombing. VAs had VFs with F-8s and F-4s to do the fighter work. Rule of thumb, if your jet says VSF and you are flying a CAP mission then you have Sidewinders. If it says VA then you don't. A big reason there has been the legend of the Atoll armed MiG-17 is because that is what we would have done if we had them. This legend is never spread in USAF circles, but in the late sixties with the advent of more advanced air to air combat training by the USN, the USN experts determined that an agile MiG-17 with Atolls would be the ideal worst case scenario. They trained for that scenario and briefed their pilots to be expected to see that. Not because of hard evidence that the VPAF was arming 17's with Atolls, but because it was feasible to do so and the USN would have done so if they where so equipped. That explains the appearance of Atoll armed MiG-17s in some USN reports. Earlier in the war the VPAF did arm MiG-17s and MiG-21 with rocket pods. The use of unguided rockets in the air to air realm was a standard VPAF tactic. A Skyraider pilot seeing a rocket wiz by could assume that he was just engaged by an Atoll.
  22. What ever dude. They did not know Randy Cunningham from Richie Cunningham. The whole "bounty on my head" thesis is an age old way to make war stories sound better. The VPAF were way too busy on 10 MAY 72 to voice analyse the hundreds of jets and callsigns in the air that day. Besides he had only shot down two jets months before that. There where a lot of guys in theater hotter than that that day. (Bob Lodge comes to mind, and there is no evidence that he was hunted. In fact the dumbass that shot him down crashed his jet on landing and died.) I explicitly made it clear that I was not discrediting you, but discrediting your source. Uncalled for my ass. Show me proof, other than Department of the Navy propaganda books. Show me the interview with the VPAF voice expert who can tell a Missouri accent from an Idaho accent. KOOL AID! He was lucky enough to be the right person at the right time when the Navy needed a hero. The engagement on 10 MAY 72 was enough for him to go down in history without the bullshit Col. Tomb story and the "phantom SAM" hit. The moral of the story is.... The first casualty of war is the truth. You are an adult. You should know better.
  23. Pesky Chinese push US around

    Yes but one drop of blood was never shed for that town's freedom. Think before you speak.
  24. The notion that they where being "hunted by the VPAF" is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard. The authors must be drinking the "Duke Kool-aid." The VPAF had no idea who these guys where. They where not on some reign of terror against the VPAF. Why did Steve Ritchie not have bounty? That is really silly. You don't single out one jet, that you cannot even ID the occupants of anyway, on a flak suppression mission and send your entire airforce after it. OMG. That is just plain stupid. Let me clarify that the source is making a stupid statement not you Turkeydriver. So don't get POed at me. Snail, reason is an AAM kill equals air to air victory for the enemy. Which means bad press.

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