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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    Yeah that is kind of lame. The real people in the world that do all the dirty work, don't buy stocks. Remember when Mitt Romney's advice to college graduates was to, "Borrow $20,000 from your parents and start a business," that was an awesome example of what Snailman was trying to say. It is the real people, the 99% in America and of that 99%, 1% of that, that have suffered the burdens of war for the last twenty some years. Another funny fact is, to all the stock buyers the stock market in America has never been better. Pretty good for a "Socialist" President huh? Back to the topic at hand, the NASDP started WW2 because they where pissed because the Imperial Army got stabbed in the back by civilian politicians in WW1. Japan was a side show. We could of let the Japanese sit on those islands for twenty years dying of malaria. They had not capacity to seriously threaten the U. S. mainland whatsoever.
  2. This has always happened. I just deal with it.
  3. American football rivalry weekend

  4. Never get drunk in India....)))

  5. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daddy likes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Gunny, I am in! not a 3dmax guy but I love to fiddle with data ini's. Please PM me and I will see what I can do. Maybe I can recruit a max guy...... Also on a related note...... JATO does not work in SF2 because the bottles are set up as gun pods which don't work when the gear is down. They fire really good after you sucked the gear up, but that defeats the purpose. Also gun pods are non jettisonable in SF2. Wonder if there is a "FIRE GUN WITH GEAR DOWN" command you can add to the A-4? Any body with any SF2 specific info on circumventing this let me know.
  7. AC-130U Live fire

    I never got to see an AC-130 fire during the day until 08. We got our "mounted live fire convoy assault" ( or whatever we called it that week) range shut down because they where flying over doing live fire in the impact area at Camp Shelby, MS. Before that I had only seen them operate at night. During OP Vigilant Resolve ( The First Battle of Fallujah) I watched them 105 the shit out of stuff all night. No lights. just muzzle flash, explosion, and boom. Later, the super friends we where working with thought it would be a great idea to destroy a BMW that they did not want to use any more so they had it 105ed. Problem was, it was only 700m from my position. Here I am doing outer cordon for a super friends raid and the car they where using blows up after they just got extracted by a Ranger platoon in Pandurs.. Talk about poop pants. I immediately reported observing indirect fire and executed a platoon survivability move. None the less the super friends had a big chuckle over that during the mission debrief. Being a 105 gun crewman on an AC-130 is the closest you can get in the USAF to being a tanker.
  8. I miss being a Platoon Sergeant. That is such an accurate representation of a real weekend safety brief, it is almost surreal. God bless the USA.
  9. That mod is for the AIM-9O..... Ha!
  10. Happy Thanksgiving

    Best wishes on this Thanksgiving. I am mentally preparing to host a houseful of thankful revelers myself.
  11. American football rivalry weekend

    War Eagle! Go Auburn! I hope my MSU Bulldogs beat Ole Miss in the Egg Bowl.
  12. Refer to Stary's Forger pit file announcement thread. YAK-38_DATA.7z
  13. I hate to do this to you guys...

    Awesome! I got a Springfield made M-1 with a six digit serial number that dates to May 42. I can knock the nutz off a gnat with this thing at 500. My fave weapon of all time and my home defense tool. I also have a WW2 bayonet, grenade launcher, and dummy rifle grenade dated JUN 44 for it. Congratulations on your ownership of what Gen. Patton called, "the world's greatest battle implement."
  14. This is what I do....... For every stock aircraft I have made flyable I make a folder called "Patch Backup." In that folder I put the main ini file for that aircraft with the proper cockpit, avionics, etc. entries to make it flyable in it. Plus whatever other file like loadout data or whatever. If for some reason it becomes unflyable, I check the main ini file. If it has been overwritten I replace it with the one from the folder. If I patch or get a DLC, I take the whole aircraft folder out and save it somewhere else. Run the game then swap out the new un modded aircraft folder for my modded one. The patch readme tells you what is changed and usually it does mess with much stuff from the aircraft folder. if it does I just cross ref update the data and then I am good to go.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoLoyg3JKRQ
  16. VF-161 USS Midway 1972. Five MiGs killed. The whole bottom row belongs to them.
  17. Need a load out guru

    Delete your A-6 tank in your weaps folder and replace it with this one. Check your wet station data and make sure it matches this. A-6 tank stuff.rar
  18. The Russian Police Choir - 'Get Lucky'

    Obviously you are not a Daft Punk fan like me! That was creepy and chilling. Why could they not just sing the song? Why the weird glances and creepy camera shots? I think the Ministry of Interior Police have some explaining to do.
  19. Female RAF recruits paid compensation for marching injuries

    What where they doing marching? Especially in the RAF. Nobody does that crap anymore. Geez I had to get crushed and almost blown up three times before I got anything. Army getting soft. My opinion, male or female, if you want to bitch about something as trivial as "marching sores" then I think you owe the military money for wasting their time.
  20. Honesty At Its Finest....NOT!

    Good for kentcol. Good job Dave.

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